invenxion-chatbot / tests /server /ingest /
Ibraaheem's picture
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import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from tests.fixtures.ingest_helper import IngestHelper
def test_ingest_accepts_txt_files(ingest_helper: IngestHelper) -> None:
path = Path(__file__).parents[0] / "test.txt"
ingest_result = ingest_helper.ingest_file(path)
assert len( == 1
def test_ingest_accepts_pdf_files(ingest_helper: IngestHelper) -> None:
path = Path(__file__).parents[0] / "test.pdf"
ingest_result = ingest_helper.ingest_file(path)
assert len( == 1
def test_ingest_list_returns_something_after_ingestion(
test_client: TestClient, ingest_helper: IngestHelper
) -> None:
response_before = test_client.get("/v1/ingest/list")
count_ingest_before = len(response_before.json()["data"])
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", suffix=".txt") as test_file:
test_file.write("Foo bar; hello there!")
ingest_result = ingest_helper.ingest_file(Path(
assert len( == 1, "The temp doc should have been ingested"
response_after = test_client.get("/v1/ingest/list")
count_ingest_after = len(response_after.json()["data"])
assert (
count_ingest_after == count_ingest_before + 1
), "The temp doc should be returned"