from musc.dtw.mrmsdtw import sync_via_mrmsdtw_with_anchors from musc.dtw.utils import make_path_strictly_monotonic import numpy as np from musc.transcriber import Transcriber from typing import Dict class Synchronizer(Transcriber): def __init__(self, labeling, instrument='Violin', sr=16000, window_size=1024, hop_length=160): super().__init__(labeling, instrument=instrument, sr=sr, window_size=window_size, hop_length=hop_length) def synchronize(self, audio, midi, batch_size=128, include_pitch_bends=True, to_midi=True, debug=False, include_velocity=False, alignment_padding=50, timing_refinement_range_with_f0s=0): """ Synchronize an audio file or mono waveform in numpy or torch with a MIDI file. :param audio: str, pathlib.Path, np.ndarray, or torch.Tensor :param midi: str, pathlib.Path, or pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI :param batch_size: frames to process at once :param include_pitch_bends: whether to include pitch bends in the MIDI file :param to_midi: whether to return a MIDI file or a list of note events (as tuple) :param debug: whether to plot the alignment path and compare the alignment with the predicted notes :param include_velocity: whether to embed the note confidence in place of the velocity in the MIDI file :param alignment_padding: how many frames to pad the audio and MIDI representations with :param timing_refinement_range_with_f0s: how many frames to refine the alignment with the f0 confidence :return: aligned MIDI file as a pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI object Args: debug: to_midi: include_pitch_bends: """ audio = self.predict(audio, batch_size) notes_and_midi = self.out2sync(audio, midi, include_velocity=include_velocity, alignment_padding=alignment_padding) if notes_and_midi: # it might be none notes, midi = notes_and_midi if debug: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd estimated_notes = self.out2note(audio, postprocessing='spotify', include_pitch_bends=True) est_df = pd.DataFrame(estimated_notes).sort_values(by=0) note_df = pd.DataFrame(notes).sort_values(by=0) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10)) for row in notes: t_start = row[0] # sec t_end = row[1] # sec freq = row[2] # Hz ax.hlines(freq, t_start, t_end, color='k', linewidth=3, zorder=2, alpha=0.5) for row in estimated_notes: t_start = row[0] # sec t_end = row[1] # sec freq = row[2] # Hz ax.hlines(freq, t_start, t_end, color='r', linewidth=3, zorder=2, alpha=0.5) fig.suptitle('alignment (black) vs. estimated (red)') if not include_pitch_bends: if to_midi: return midi['midi'] else: return notes else: notes = [(np.argmin(np.abs(audio['time']-note[0])), np.argmin(np.abs(audio['time']-note[1])), note[2], note[3]) for note in notes] notes = self.get_pitch_bends(audio["f0"], notes, timing_refinement_range_with_f0s) notes = [ (audio['time'][note[0]], audio['time'][note[1]], note[2], note[3], note[4]) for note in notes ] if to_midi: return self.note2midi(notes, 120) #int(midi['midi'].estimate_tempo())) else: return notes def out2sync_old(self, out: Dict[str, np.array], midi, include_velocity=False, alignment_padding=50, debug=False): """ Synchronizes the output of the model with the MIDI file. Args: out: Model output dictionary midi: Path to the MIDI file or PrettyMIDI object include_velocity: Whether to encode the note confidence in place of velocity alignment_padding: Number of frames to pad the MIDI features with zeros debug: Visualize the alignment Returns: note events and the aligned PrettyMIDI object """ midi = self.labeling.represent_midi(midi, audio_midi_anchors = self.prepare_for_synchronization(out, midi,, pad_length=alignment_padding) if isinstance(audio_midi_anchors, str): print(audio_midi_anchors) return None # the file is corrupted! no possible alignment at all else: audio, midi, anchor_pairs = audio_midi_anchors ALPHA = 0.6 # This is the coefficient of onsets, 1 - ALPHA for offsets wp = sync_via_mrmsdtw_with_anchors(f_chroma1=audio['note'].T, f_onset1=np.hstack([ALPHA * audio['onset'], (1 - ALPHA) * audio['offset']]).T, f_chroma2=midi['note'].T, f_onset2=np.hstack([ALPHA * midi['onset'], (1 - ALPHA) * midi['offset']]).T,, step_weights=np.array([1.5, 1.5, 2.0]), threshold_rec=10 ** 6, verbose=debug, normalize_chroma=False, anchor_pairs=anchor_pairs) wp = make_path_strictly_monotonic(wp).astype(int) audio_time = np.take(audio['time'], wp[0]) midi_time = np.take(midi['time'], wp[1]) notes = [] for instrument in midi['midi'].instruments: for note in instrument.notes: note.start = np.interp(note.start, midi_time, audio_time) note.end = np.interp(note.end, midi_time, audio_time) if note.end - note.start <= 0.012: # notes should be at least 12 ms (i.e. 2 frames) note.start = note.start - 0.003 note.end = note.start + 0.012 if include_velocity: # encode the note confidence in place of velocity velocity = np.median(audio['note'][np.argmin(np.abs(audio['time']-note.start)): np.argmin(np.abs(audio['time']-note.end)), note.pitch-self.labeling.midi_centers[0]]) note.velocity = max(1, velocity*127) # velocity should be at least 1 otherwise midi removes the note else: velocity = note.velocity/127 notes.append((note.start, note.end, note.pitch, velocity)) return notes, midi def out2sync(self, out: Dict[str, np.array], midi, include_velocity=False, alignment_padding=50, debug=False): """ Synchronizes the output of the model with the MIDI file. Args: out: Model output dictionary midi: Path to the MIDI file or PrettyMIDI object include_velocity: Whether to encode the note confidence in place of velocity alignment_padding: Number of frames to pad the MIDI features with zeros debug: Visualize the alignment Returns: note events and the aligned PrettyMIDI object """ midi = self.labeling.represent_midi(midi, audio_midi_anchors = self.prepare_for_synchronization(out, midi,, pad_length=alignment_padding) if isinstance(audio_midi_anchors, str): print(audio_midi_anchors) return None # the file is corrupted! no possible alignment at all else: audio, midi, anchor_pairs = audio_midi_anchors ALPHA = 0.6 # This is the coefficient of onsets, 1 - ALPHA for offsets starts = (np.array(anchor_pairs[0])* ends = (np.array(anchor_pairs[1])* wp = sync_via_mrmsdtw_with_anchors(f_chroma1=audio['note'].T[:, starts[0]:ends[0]], f_onset1=np.hstack([ALPHA * audio['onset'], (1 - ALPHA) * audio['offset']]).T[:, starts[0]:ends[0]], f_chroma2=midi['note'].T[:, starts[1]:ends[1]], f_onset2=np.hstack([ALPHA * midi['onset'], (1 - ALPHA) * midi['offset']]).T[:, starts[1]:ends[1]],, step_weights=np.array([1.5, 1.5, 2.0]), threshold_rec=10 ** 6, verbose=debug, normalize_chroma=False, anchor_pairs=None) wp = make_path_strictly_monotonic(wp).astype(int) wp[0] += starts[0] wp[1] += starts[1] wp = np.hstack((wp, ends[:,np.newaxis])) audio_time = np.take(audio['time'], wp[0]) midi_time = np.take(midi['time'], wp[1]) notes = [] for instrument in midi['midi'].instruments: for note in instrument.notes: note.start = np.interp(note.start, midi_time, audio_time) note.end = np.interp(note.end, midi_time, audio_time) if note.end - note.start <= 0.012: # notes should be at least 12 ms (i.e. 2 frames) note.start = note.start - 0.003 note.end = note.start + 0.012 if include_velocity: # encode the note confidence in place of velocity velocity = np.median(audio['note'][np.argmin(np.abs(audio['time']-note.start)): np.argmin(np.abs(audio['time']-note.end)), note.pitch-self.labeling.midi_centers[0]]) note.velocity = max(1, velocity*127) # velocity should be at least 1 otherwise midi removes the note else: velocity = note.velocity/127 notes.append((note.start, note.end, note.pitch, velocity)) return notes, midi @staticmethod def pad_representations(dict_of_representations, pad_length=10): """ Pad the representations so that the DTW does not enforce them to encompass the entire duration. Args: dict_of_representations: audio or midi representations pad_length: how many frames to pad Returns: padded representations """ for key, value in dict_of_representations.items(): if key == 'time': padded_time = dict_of_representations[key] padded_time = np.concatenate([padded_time[:2*pad_length], padded_time+padded_time[2*pad_length]]) dict_of_representations[key] = padded_time - padded_time[pad_length] # this is to ensure that the # first frame times are negative until the real zero time elif key in ['onset', 'offset', 'note']: dict_of_representations[key] = np.pad(value, ((pad_length, pad_length), (0, 0))) elif key in ['start_anchor', 'end_anchor']: anchor_time = dict_of_representations[key][0][0] anchor_time = np.argmin(np.abs(dict_of_representations['time'] - anchor_time)) dict_of_representations[key][:,0] = anchor_time dict_of_representations[key] = dict_of_representations[key].astype( return dict_of_representations def prepare_for_synchronization(self, audio, midi, feature_rate=44100/256, pad_length=100): """ MrMsDTW works better with start and end anchors. This function finds the start and end anchors for audio based on the midi notes. It also pads the MIDI representations since MIDI files most often start with an active note and end with an active note. Thus, the DTW will try to align the active notes to the entire duration of the audio. This is not desirable. Therefore, we pad the MIDI representations with a few frames of silence at the beginning and end of the audio. This way, the DTW will not try to align the active notes to the entire duration. Args: audio: midi: feature_rate: pad_length: Returns: """ # first pad the MIDI midi = self.pad_representations(midi, pad_length) # sometimes f0s are more reliable than the notes. So, we use both the f0s and the notes together to find the # start and end anchors. f0 lookup bins is the number of bins to look around the f0 to assign a note to it. f0_lookup_bins = int(100//(2*self.labeling.f0_granularity_c)) # find the start anchor for the audio # first decide on which notes to use for the start anchor (take the entire chord where the MIDI file starts) anchor_notes = midi['start_anchor'][:, 1] - self.labeling.midi_centers[0] # now find which f0 bins to look at for the start anchor anchor_f0s = [self.midi_pitch_to_contour_bin(an+self.labeling.midi_centers[0]) for an in anchor_notes] anchor_f0s = np.array([list(range(f0-f0_lookup_bins, f0+f0_lookup_bins+1)) for f0 in anchor_f0s]).reshape(-1) # first start anchor proposals come from the notes anchor_vals = np.any(audio['note'][:, anchor_notes]>0.5, axis=1) # now the f0s anchor_vals_f0 = np.any(audio['f0'][:, anchor_f0s]>0.5, axis=1) # combine the two anchor_vals = np.logical_or(anchor_vals, anchor_vals_f0) if not any(anchor_vals): return 'corrupted' # do not consider the file if we cannot find the start anchor audio_start = np.argmax(anchor_vals) # now the end anchor (most string instruments use chords in cadences: in general the end anchor is polyphonic) anchor_notes = midi['end_anchor'][:, 1] - self.labeling.midi_centers[0] anchor_f0s = [self.midi_pitch_to_contour_bin(an+self.labeling.midi_centers[0]) for an in anchor_notes] anchor_f0s = np.array([list(range(f0-f0_lookup_bins, f0+f0_lookup_bins+1)) for f0 in anchor_f0s]).reshape(-1) # the same procedure as above anchor_vals = np.any(audio['note'][::-1, anchor_notes]>0.5, axis=1) anchor_vals_f0 = np.any(audio['f0'][::-1, anchor_f0s]>0.5, axis=1) anchor_vals = np.logical_or(anchor_vals, anchor_vals_f0) if not any(anchor_vals): return 'corrupted' # do not consider the file if we cannot find the end anchor audio_end = audio['note'].shape[0] - np.argmax(anchor_vals) if audio_end - audio_start < (midi['end_anchor'][0][0] - midi['start_anchor'][0][0])/10: # no one plays x10 faster return 'corrupted' # do not consider the interval between anchors is too short anchor_pairs = [(audio_start - 5, midi['start_anchor'][0][0] - 5), (audio_end + 5, midi['end_anchor'][0][0] + 5)] if anchor_pairs[0][0] < 1: anchor_pairs[0] = (1, midi['start_anchor'][0][0]) if anchor_pairs[1][0] > audio['note'].shape[0] - 1: anchor_pairs[1] = (audio['note'].shape[0] - 1, midi['end_anchor'][0][0]) return audio, midi, [(anchor_pairs[0][0]/feature_rate, anchor_pairs[0][1]/feature_rate), (anchor_pairs[1][0]/feature_rate, anchor_pairs[1][1]/feature_rate)]