import base64 import ctypes import io import json import os import struct from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum from typing import AsyncGenerator, Union import httpx import numpy as np import ormsgpack import soundfile as sf from fish_speech.utils.schema import ( ServeChatRequest, ServeMessage, ServeTextPart, ServeVQGANDecodeRequest, ServeVQGANEncodeRequest, ServeVQPart, ) class CustomAudioFrame: def __init__(self, data, sample_rate, num_channels, samples_per_channel): if len(data) < num_channels * samples_per_channel * ctypes.sizeof( ctypes.c_int16 ): raise ValueError( "data length must be >= num_channels * samples_per_channel * sizeof(int16)" ) self._data = bytearray(data) self._sample_rate = sample_rate self._num_channels = num_channels self._samples_per_channel = samples_per_channel @property def data(self): return memoryview(self._data).cast("h") @property def sample_rate(self): return self._sample_rate @property def num_channels(self): return self._num_channels @property def samples_per_channel(self): return self._samples_per_channel @property def duration(self): return self.samples_per_channel / self.sample_rate def __repr__(self): return ( f"CustomAudioFrame(sample_rate={self.sample_rate}, " f"num_channels={self.num_channels}, " f"samples_per_channel={self.samples_per_channel}, " f"duration={self.duration:.3f})" ) class FishE2EEventType(Enum): SPEECH_SEGMENT = 1 TEXT_SEGMENT = 2 END_OF_TEXT = 3 END_OF_SPEECH = 4 ASR_RESULT = 5 USER_CODES = 6 @dataclass class FishE2EEvent: type: FishE2EEventType frame: np.ndarray = None text: str = None vq_codes: list[list[int]] = None client = httpx.AsyncClient( timeout=None, limits=httpx.Limits( max_connections=None, max_keepalive_connections=None, keepalive_expiry=None, ), ) class FishE2EAgent: def __init__(self): self.llm_url = "http://localhost:8080/v1/chat" self.vqgan_url = "http://localhost:8080" self.client = httpx.AsyncClient(timeout=None) async def get_codes(self, audio_data, sample_rate): audio_buffer = io.BytesIO() sf.write(audio_buffer, audio_data, sample_rate, format="WAV") # Step 1: Encode audio using VQGAN encode_request = ServeVQGANEncodeRequest(audios=[]) encode_request_bytes = ormsgpack.packb( encode_request, option=ormsgpack.OPT_SERIALIZE_PYDANTIC ) encode_response = await f"{self.vqgan_url}/v1/vqgan/encode", data=encode_request_bytes, headers={"Content-Type": "application/msgpack"}, ) encode_response_data = ormsgpack.unpackb(encode_response.content) codes = encode_response_data["tokens"][0] return codes async def stream( self, system_audio_data: np.ndarray | None, user_audio_data: np.ndarray | None, sample_rate: int, num_channels: int, chat_ctx: dict | None = None, ) -> AsyncGenerator[bytes, None]: if system_audio_data is not None: sys_codes = await self.get_codes(system_audio_data, sample_rate) else: sys_codes = None if user_audio_data is not None: user_codes = await self.get_codes(user_audio_data, sample_rate) # Step 2: Prepare LLM request if chat_ctx is None: sys_parts = [ ServeTextPart( text='您是由 Fish Audio 设计的语音助手,提供端到端的语音交互,实现无缝用户体验。首先转录用户的语音,然后使用以下格式回答:"Question: [用户语音]\n\nAnswer: [你的回答]\n"。' ), ] if system_audio_data is not None: sys_parts.append(ServeVQPart(codes=sys_codes)) chat_ctx = { "messages": [ ServeMessage( role="system", parts=sys_parts, ), ], } else: if chat_ctx["added_sysaudio"] is False and sys_codes: chat_ctx["added_sysaudio"] = True chat_ctx["messages"][0].parts.append(ServeVQPart(codes=sys_codes)) prev_messages = chat_ctx["messages"].copy() if user_audio_data is not None: yield FishE2EEvent( type=FishE2EEventType.USER_CODES, vq_codes=user_codes, ) else: user_codes = None request = ServeChatRequest( messages=prev_messages + ( [ ServeMessage( role="user", parts=[ServeVQPart(codes=user_codes)], ) ] if user_codes else [] ), streaming=True, num_samples=1, ) # Step 3: Stream LLM response and decode audio buffer = b"" vq_codes = [] current_vq = False async def decode_send(): nonlocal current_vq nonlocal vq_codes data = np.concatenate(vq_codes, axis=1).tolist() # Decode VQ codes to audio decode_request = ServeVQGANDecodeRequest(tokens=[data]) decode_response = await f"{self.vqgan_url}/v1/vqgan/decode", data=ormsgpack.packb( decode_request, option=ormsgpack.OPT_SERIALIZE_PYDANTIC, ), headers={"Content-Type": "application/msgpack"}, ) decode_data = ormsgpack.unpackb(decode_response.content) # Convert float16 audio data to int16 audio_data = np.frombuffer(decode_data["audios"][0], dtype=np.float16) audio_data = (audio_data * 32768).astype(np.int16).tobytes() audio_frame = CustomAudioFrame( data=audio_data, samples_per_channel=len(audio_data) // 2, sample_rate=44100, num_channels=1, ) yield FishE2EEvent( type=FishE2EEventType.SPEECH_SEGMENT, frame=audio_frame, vq_codes=data, ) current_vq = False vq_codes = [] async with "POST", self.llm_url, data=ormsgpack.packb(request, option=ormsgpack.OPT_SERIALIZE_PYDANTIC), headers={"Content-Type": "application/msgpack"}, ) as response: async for chunk in response.aiter_bytes(): buffer += chunk while len(buffer) >= 4: read_length = struct.unpack("I", buffer[:4])[0] if len(buffer) < 4 + read_length: break body = buffer[4 : 4 + read_length] buffer = buffer[4 + read_length :] data = ormsgpack.unpackb(body) if data["delta"] and data["delta"]["part"]: if current_vq and data["delta"]["part"]["type"] == "text": async for event in decode_send(): yield event if data["delta"]["part"]["type"] == "text": yield FishE2EEvent( type=FishE2EEventType.TEXT_SEGMENT, text=data["delta"]["part"]["text"], ) elif data["delta"]["part"]["type"] == "vq": vq_codes.append(np.array(data["delta"]["part"]["codes"])) current_vq = True if current_vq and vq_codes: async for event in decode_send(): yield event yield FishE2EEvent(type=FishE2EEventType.END_OF_TEXT) yield FishE2EEvent(type=FishE2EEventType.END_OF_SPEECH) # Example usage: async def main(): import torchaudio agent = FishE2EAgent() # Replace this with actual audio data loading with open("uz_story_en.m4a", "rb") as f: audio_data = audio_data, sample_rate = torchaudio.load("uz_story_en.m4a") audio_data = (audio_data.numpy() * 32768).astype(np.int16) stream =, sample_rate, 1) if os.path.exists("audio_segment.wav"): os.remove("audio_segment.wav") async for event in stream: if event.type == FishE2EEventType.SPEECH_SEGMENT: # Handle speech segment (e.g., play audio or save to file) with open("audio_segment.wav", "ab+") as f: f.write( elif event.type == FishE2EEventType.ASR_RESULT: print(event.text, flush=True) elif event.type == FishE2EEventType.TEXT_SEGMENT: print(event.text, flush=True, end="") elif event.type == FishE2EEventType.END_OF_TEXT: print("\nEnd of text reached.") elif event.type == FishE2EEventType.END_OF_SPEECH: print("End of speech reached.") if __name__ == "__main__": import asyncio