@echo off |
chcp 65001 |
set USE_MIRROR=true |
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion |
cd /D "%~dp0" |
set PATH="%PATH%";%SystemRoot%\system32 |
echo %PATH% |
echo "%CD%"| findstr /R /C:"[!#\$%&()\*+,;<=>?@\[\]\^`{|}~\u4E00-\u9FFF ] " >nul && ( |
echo. |
echo There are special characters in the current path, please make the path of fish-speech free of special characters before running. && ( |
goto end |
) |
) |
set TMP=%CD%\fishenv |
set TEMP=%CD%\fishenv |
(call conda deactivate && call conda deactivate && call conda deactivate) 2>nul |
set INSTALL_DIR=%cd%\fishenv |
set CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX=%cd%\fishenv\conda |
set INSTALL_ENV_DIR=%cd%\fishenv\env |
set PIP_CMD=%cd%\fishenv\env\python -m pip |
set PYTHON_CMD=%cd%\fishenv\env\python |
set API_FLAG_PATH=%~dp0API_FLAGS.txt |
set MINICONDA_DOWNLOAD_URL=https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-py310_23.3.1-0-Windows-x86_64.exe |
if "!USE_MIRROR!" == "true" ( |
set MINICONDA_DOWNLOAD_URL=https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/miniconda/Miniconda3-py310_23.3.1-0-Windows-x86_64.exe |
) |
set MINICONDA_CHECKSUM=307194e1f12bbeb52b083634e89cc67db4f7980bd542254b43d3309eaf7cb358 |
set conda_exists=F |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\_conda.exe" --version >nul 2>&1 |
if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" set conda_exists=T |
if "%conda_exists%" == "F" ( |
echo. |
echo Downloading Miniconda... |
mkdir "%INSTALL_DIR%" 2>nul |
call curl -Lk "%MINICONDA_DOWNLOAD_URL%" > "%INSTALL_DIR%\miniconda_installer.exe" |
if errorlevel 1 ( |
echo. |
echo Failed to download miniconda. |
goto end |
) |
for /f %%a in (' |
certutil -hashfile "%INSTALL_DIR%\miniconda_installer.exe" sha256 |
^| find /i /v " " |
^| find /i "%MINICONDA_CHECKSUM%" |
') do ( |
set "hash=%%a" |
) |
if not defined hash ( |
echo. |
echo Miniconda hash mismatched! |
del "%INSTALL_DIR%\miniconda_installer.exe" |
goto end |
) else ( |
echo. |
echo Miniconda hash matched successfully. |
) |
echo Downloaded "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%" |
start /wait "" "%INSTALL_DIR%\miniconda_installer.exe" /InstallationType=JustMe /NoShortcuts=1 /AddToPath=0 /RegisterPython=0 /NoRegistry=1 /S /D=%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX% |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\_conda.exe" --version |
if errorlevel 1 ( |
echo. |
echo Cannot install Miniconda. |
goto end |
) else ( |
echo. |
echo Miniconda Install success. |
) |
del "%INSTALL_DIR%\miniconda_installer.exe" |
) |
if not exist "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" ( |
echo. |
echo Creating Conda Environment... |
if "!USE_MIRROR!" == "true" ( |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\_conda.exe" create --no-shortcuts -y -k --prefix "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" -c https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/main/ python=3.10 |
) else ( |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\_conda.exe" create --no-shortcuts -y -k --prefix "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" python=3.10 |
) |
if errorlevel 1 ( |
echo. |
echo Failed to Create Environment. |
goto end |
) |
) |
if not exist "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%\python.exe" ( |
echo. |
echo Conda Env does not exist. |
goto end |
) |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\condabin\conda.bat" activate "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" |
if errorlevel 1 ( |
echo. |
echo Failed to activate Env. |
goto end |
) else ( |
echo. |
echo successfully create env. |
) |
set "HF_ENDPOINT=https://huggingface.co" |
set "no_proxy=" |
if "%USE_MIRROR%"=="true" ( |
set "HF_ENDPOINT=https://hf-mirror.com" |
set "no_proxy=localhost,," |
) |
echo "NO_PROXY: !no_proxy!" |
%PIP_CMD% install torch==2.4.1 torchvision==0.19.1 torchaudio==2.4.1 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121 |
%PIP_CMD% install -e . --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed |
call :download_and_install "triton_windows-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl" ^ |
"%HF_ENDPOINT%/datasets/SpicyqSama007/windows_compile/resolve/main/triton_windows-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl?download=true" ^ |
"2cc998638180f37cf5025ab65e48c7f629aa5a369176cfa32177d2bd9aa26a0a" |
endlocal |
echo "Environment Check: Success." |
:end |
pause |
goto :EOF |
:download_and_install |
setlocal |
set "WHEEL_FILE=%1" |
set "URL=%2" |
set "CHKSUM=%3" |
if not exist "%WHEEL_FILE%" ( |
call curl -Lk "%URL%" --output "%WHEEL_FILE%" |
) |
for /f "delims=" %%I in ("certutil -hashfile %WHEEL_FILE% SHA256 ^| find /i %CHKSUM%") do ( |
set "FILE_VALID=true" |
) |
if not defined FILE_VALID ( |
echo File checksum does not match, re-downloading... |
del "%WHEEL_FILE%" |
) |
echo "OK for %WHEEL_FILE%" |
%PIP_CMD% install "%WHEEL_FILE%" --no-warn-script-location |
del "%WHEEL_FILE%" |
endlocal |
goto :EOF |