import gc |
import os |
import re |
from audio_separator.separator import Separator |
os.environ["MODELSCOPE_CACHE"] = "./.cache/funasr" |
os.environ["UVR5_CACHE"] = "./.cache/uvr5-models" |
import json |
import subprocess |
from pathlib import Path |
import click |
import torch |
from loguru import logger |
from pydub import AudioSegment |
from silero_vad import get_speech_timestamps, load_silero_vad, read_audio |
from tqdm import tqdm |
from fish_speech.utils.file import AUDIO_EXTENSIONS, VIDEO_EXTENSIONS, list_files |
from tools.sensevoice.auto_model import AutoModel |
def uvr5_cli( |
audio_dir: Path, |
output_folder: Path, |
audio_files: list[Path] | None = None, |
output_format: str = "flac", |
model: str = "BS-Roformer-Viperx-1297.ckpt", |
): |
sepr = Separator( |
model_file_dir=os.environ["UVR5_CACHE"], |
output_dir=output_folder, |
output_format=output_format, |
) |
dictmodel = { |
"BS-Roformer-Viperx-1297.ckpt": "model_bs_roformer_ep_317_sdr_12.9755.ckpt", |
"BS-Roformer-Viperx-1296.ckpt": "model_bs_roformer_ep_368_sdr_12.9628.ckpt", |
"BS-Roformer-Viperx-1053.ckpt": "model_bs_roformer_ep_937_sdr_10.5309.ckpt", |
"Mel-Roformer-Viperx-1143.ckpt": "model_mel_band_roformer_ep_3005_sdr_11.4360.ckpt", |
} |
roformer_model = dictmodel[model] |
sepr.load_model(roformer_model) |
if audio_files is None: |
audio_files = list_files( |
path=audio_dir, extensions=AUDIO_EXTENSIONS, recursive=True |
) |
total_files = len(audio_files) |
print(f"{total_files} audio files found") |
res = [] |
for audio in tqdm(audio_files, desc="Denoising: "): |
file_path = str(audio_dir / audio) |
sep_out = sepr.separate(file_path) |
if isinstance(sep_out, str): |
res.append(sep_out) |
elif isinstance(sep_out, list): |
res.extend(sep_out) |
del sepr |
gc.collect() |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
return res, roformer_model |
def get_sample_rate(media_path: Path): |
result = subprocess.run( |
[ |
"ffprobe", |
"-v", |
"quiet", |
"-print_format", |
"json", |
"-show_streams", |
str(media_path), |
], |
capture_output=True, |
text=True, |
check=True, |
) |
media_info = json.loads(result.stdout) |
for stream in media_info.get("streams", []): |
if stream.get("codec_type") == "audio": |
return stream.get("sample_rate") |
return "44100" |
def convert_to_mono(src_path: Path, out_path: Path, out_fmt: str = "wav"): |
sr = get_sample_rate(src_path) |
out_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
if src_path.resolve() == out_path.resolve(): |
output = str(out_path.with_stem(out_path.stem + f"_{sr}")) |
else: |
output = str(out_path) |
subprocess.run( |
[ |
"ffmpeg", |
"-loglevel", |
"error", |
"-i", |
str(src_path), |
"-acodec", |
"pcm_s16le" if out_fmt == "wav" else "flac", |
"-ar", |
sr, |
"-ac", |
"1", |
"-y", |
output, |
], |
check=True, |
) |
return out_path |
def convert_video_to_audio(video_path: Path, audio_dir: Path): |
cur_dir = audio_dir / video_path.relative_to(audio_dir).parent |
vocals = [ |
p |
for p in cur_dir.glob(f"{video_path.stem}_(Vocals)*.*") |
if p.suffix in AUDIO_EXTENSIONS |
] |
if len(vocals) > 0: |
return vocals[0] |
audio_path = cur_dir / f"{video_path.stem}.wav" |
convert_to_mono(video_path, audio_path) |
return audio_path |
@click.command() |
@click.option("--audio-dir", required=True, help="Directory containing audio files") |
@click.option( |
"--save-dir", required=True, help="Directory to save processed audio files" |
) |
@click.option("--device", default="cuda", help="Device to use [cuda / cpu]") |
@click.option("--language", default="auto", help="Language of the transcription") |
@click.option( |
"--max_single_segment_time", |
default=20000, |
type=int, |
help="Maximum of Output single audio duration(ms)", |
) |
@click.option("--fsmn-vad/--silero-vad", default=False) |
@click.option("--punc/--no-punc", default=False) |
@click.option("--denoise/--no-denoise", default=False) |
@click.option("--save_emo/--no_save_emo", default=False) |
def main( |
audio_dir: str, |
save_dir: str, |
device: str, |
language: str, |
max_single_segment_time: int, |
fsmn_vad: bool, |
punc: bool, |
denoise: bool, |
save_emo: bool, |
): |
audios_path = Path(audio_dir) |
save_path = Path(save_dir) |
save_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
video_files = list_files( |
path=audio_dir, extensions=VIDEO_EXTENSIONS, recursive=True |
) |
v2a_files = [convert_video_to_audio(p, audio_dir) for p in video_files] |
if denoise: |
VOCAL = "_(Vocals)" |
original_files = [ |
p |
for p in audios_path.glob("**/*") |
if p.suffix in AUDIO_EXTENSIONS and VOCAL not in p.stem |
] |
_, cur_model = uvr5_cli( |
audio_dir=audio_dir, output_folder=audio_dir, audio_files=original_files |
) |
need_remove = [p for p in audios_path.glob("**/*(Instrumental)*")] |
need_remove.extend(original_files) |
for _ in need_remove: |
_.unlink() |
vocal_files = [ |
p |
for p in audios_path.glob("**/*") |
if p.suffix in AUDIO_EXTENSIONS and VOCAL in p.stem |
] |
for f in vocal_files: |
fn, ext = f.stem, f.suffix |
v_pos = fn.find(VOCAL + "_" + cur_model.split(".")[0]) |
if v_pos != -1: |
new_fn = fn[: v_pos + len(VOCAL)] |
new_f = f.with_name(new_fn + ext) |
f = f.rename(new_f) |
convert_to_mono(f, f, "flac") |
f.unlink() |
audio_files = list_files( |
path=audio_dir, extensions=AUDIO_EXTENSIONS, recursive=True |
) |
logger.info("Loading / Downloading Funasr model...") |
model_dir = "iic/SenseVoiceSmall" |
vad_model = "fsmn-vad" if fsmn_vad else None |
vad_kwargs = {"max_single_segment_time": max_single_segment_time} |
punc_model = "ct-punc" if punc else None |
manager = AutoModel( |
model=model_dir, |
trust_remote_code=False, |
vad_model=vad_model, |
vad_kwargs=vad_kwargs, |
punc_model=punc_model, |
device=device, |
) |
if not fsmn_vad and vad_model is None: |
vad_model = load_silero_vad() |
logger.info("Model loaded.") |
pattern = re.compile(r"_\d{3}\.") |
for file_path in tqdm(audio_files, desc="Processing audio file"): |
if pattern.search(file_path.name): |
continue |
file_stem = file_path.stem |
file_suffix = file_path.suffix |
rel_path = Path(file_path).relative_to(audio_dir) |
(save_path / rel_path.parent).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
audio = AudioSegment.from_file(file_path) |
cfg = dict( |
cache={}, |
language=language, |
use_itn=False, |
batch_size_s=60, |
) |
if fsmn_vad: |
elapsed, vad_res = manager.vad(input=str(file_path), **cfg) |
else: |
wav = read_audio( |
str(file_path) |
) |
audio_key = file_path.stem |
audio_val = [] |
speech_timestamps = get_speech_timestamps( |
wav, |
vad_model, |
max_speech_duration_s=max_single_segment_time // 1000, |
return_seconds=True, |
) |
audio_val = [ |
[int(timestamp["start"] * 1000), int(timestamp["end"] * 1000)] |
for timestamp in speech_timestamps |
] |
vad_res = [] |
vad_res.append(dict(key=audio_key, value=audio_val)) |
res = manager.inference_with_vadres( |
input=str(file_path), vad_res=vad_res, **cfg |
) |
for i, info in enumerate(res): |
[start_ms, end_ms] = info["interval"] |
text = info["text"] |
emo = info["emo"] |
sliced_audio = audio[start_ms:end_ms] |
audio_save_path = ( |
save_path / rel_path.parent / f"{file_stem}_{i:03d}{file_suffix}" |
) |
sliced_audio.export(audio_save_path, format=file_suffix[1:]) |
print(f"Exported {audio_save_path}: {text}") |
transcript_save_path = ( |
save_path / rel_path.parent / f"{file_stem}_{i:03d}.lab" |
) |
with open( |
transcript_save_path, |
"w", |
encoding="utf-8", |
) as f: |
f.write(text) |
if save_emo: |
emo_save_path = save_path / rel_path.parent / f"{file_stem}_{i:03d}.emo" |
with open( |
emo_save_path, |
"w", |
encoding="utf-8", |
) as f: |
f.write(emo) |
if audios_path.resolve() == save_path.resolve(): |
file_path.unlink() |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |
exit(0) |
from funasr.utils.postprocess_utils import rich_transcription_postprocess |
audio_path = Path(r"D:\PythonProject\ok\1_output_(Vocals).wav") |
model_dir = "iic/SenseVoiceSmall" |
m, kwargs = SenseVoiceSmall.from_pretrained(model=model_dir, device="cuda:0") |
m.eval() |
res = m.inference( |
data_in=f"{kwargs['model_path']}/example/zh.mp3", |
language="auto", |
use_itn=False, |
ban_emo_unk=False, |
**kwargs, |
) |
print(res) |
text = rich_transcription_postprocess(res[0][0]["text"]) |
print(text) |