import os
import json
import gradio as gr
import tempfile
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import cv2
from typing import Tuple, Optional
import torch
import spaces
from pathlib import Path
import time

# Import your highlight detection code
from video_highlight_detector import (

def load_examples(json_path: str) -> dict:
    """Load pre-computed examples from JSON file"""
    with open(json_path, 'r') as f:
        return json.load(f)

def format_duration(seconds: int) -> str:
    """Convert seconds to MM:SS or HH:MM:SS format"""
    hours = seconds // 3600
    minutes = (seconds % 3600) // 60
    secs = seconds % 60
    if hours > 0:
        return f"{hours}:{minutes:02d}:{secs:02d}"
    return f"{minutes}:{secs:02d}"

def add_watermark(video_path: str, output_path: str):
    """Add watermark to video using ffmpeg"""
    watermark_text = "🤗 SmolVLM2 Highlight"
    command = f"""ffmpeg -i {video_path} -vf \
        boxborderw=5:x=w-tw-10:y=h-th-10" \
        -codec:a copy {output_path}"""

def process_video(
    video_path: str,
    progress = gr.Progress()
) -> Tuple[str, str, str, str]:
    Process video and return paths to:
    - Processed video with watermark
    - Video description
    - Highlight types
    - Error message (if any)
        # Check video duration
        duration = get_video_duration_seconds(video_path)
        if duration > 1200:  # 20 minutes
            return None, None, None, "Video must be shorter than 20 minutes"

        # Load model (could be cached)
        progress(0.1, desc="Loading model...")
        model, processor = load_model()
        detector = BatchedVideoHighlightDetector(model, processor)

        # Analyze video content
        progress(0.2, desc="Analyzing video content...")
        video_description = detector.analyze_video_content(video_path)
        # Determine highlights
        progress(0.3, desc="Determining highlight types...")
        highlight_types = detector.determine_highlights(video_description)

        # Create highlight video
        progress(0.4, desc="Detecting and extracting highlights...")
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mp4', delete=False) as tmp_file:
            temp_output =
        detector.create_highlight_video(video_path, temp_output)
        # Add watermark
        progress(0.9, desc="Adding watermark...")
        output_path = temp_output.replace('.mp4', '_watermark.mp4')
        add_watermark(temp_output, output_path)
        # Cleanup
        # Truncate description and highlights if too long
        video_description = video_description[:500] + "..." if len(video_description) > 500 else video_description
        highlight_types = highlight_types[:500] + "..." if len(highlight_types) > 500 else highlight_types
        return output_path, video_description, highlight_types, None

    except Exception as e:
        return None, None, None, f"Error processing video: {str(e)}"

def create_ui(examples_path: str):
    """Create the Gradio interface with optional thumbnails"""
    examples_data = load_examples(examples_path)

    with gr.Blocks() as app:
        gr.Markdown("# Video Highlight Generator")
        gr.Markdown("Upload a video (max 20 minutes) and get an automated highlight reel!")
        # Pre-computed examples section
        with gr.Row():
            gr.Markdown("## Example Results")
        for example in examples_data["examples"]:
            with gr.Row():
                with gr.Column():
                    # Use thumbnail if available, otherwise default to video
                    video_component = gr.Video(
                        label=f"Original ({format_duration(example['original']['duration_seconds'])})",
                        thumbnail=example["original"].get("thumbnail_url", None)
                with gr.Column():
                        label=f"Highlights ({format_duration(example['highlights']['duration_seconds'])})",
                        thumbnail=example["highlights"].get("thumbnail_url", None)
                    with gr.Accordion("Analysis", open=False):

        # Upload section
        gr.Markdown("## Try It Yourself!")
        with gr.Row():
            input_video = gr.Video(
                label="Upload your video (max 20 minutes)",

        # Results section (initially hidden)
        with gr.Row(visible=False) as results_row:
            with gr.Column():
                video_description = gr.Markdown(label="Video Analysis")
            with gr.Column():
                highlight_types = gr.Markdown(label="Detected Highlights")
        with gr.Row(visible=False) as output_row:
            output_video = gr.Video(label="Highlight Video")
            download_btn = gr.Button("Download Highlights")

        # Error message
        error_msg = gr.Markdown(visible=False)

        # Process video when uploaded
        def on_upload(video):
            results_row.visible = False
            output_row.visible = False
            error_msg.visible = False
            if not video:
                error_msg.visible = True
                error_msg.value = "Please upload a video"
                return None, None, None, error_msg
            output_path, desc, highlights, err = process_video(video)
            if err:
                error_msg.visible = True
                error_msg.value = err
                return None, None, None, error_msg
            results_row.visible = True
            output_row.visible = True
            return output_path, desc, highlights, ""

            outputs=[output_video, video_description, highlight_types, error_msg]

        # Download button
            lambda x: x,

    return app

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = create_ui("video_spec.json")