Huanzhi (Hans) Mao
import random
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
"random_seed": 141053,
"credit_card_list": {},
"booking_record": {},
"access_token": None,
"token_type": None,
"token_expires_in": None,
"token_scope": None,
"user_first_name": None,
"user_last_name": None,
"budget_limit": None,
class TravelAPI:
# Adapted from source :
def __init__(self):
self.credit_card_list: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]]]
self.booking_record: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, float]]]
self.access_token: Optional[str]
self.token_type: Optional[str]
self.token_expires_in: Optional[int]
self.token_scope: Optional[str]
self.user_first_name: Optional[str]
self.user_last_name: Optional[str]
self.budget_limit: Optional[float]
self._api_description = "This tool belongs to the travel system, which allows users to book flights, manage credit cards, and view budget information."
def _load_scenario(
scenario: Dict[str, Union[Dict, str, int, float]],
long_context: bool = False,
) -> None:
Load a scenario from the scenarios folder
scenario (Dict[str, str]): The scenario to load
self._random = random.Random(
(scenario.get("random_seed", DEFAULT_STATE_COPY["random_seed"]))
self.credit_card_list = scenario.get(
"credit_card_list", DEFAULT_STATE_COPY["credit_card_list"]
self.booking_record = scenario.get(
"booking_record", DEFAULT_STATE_COPY["booking_record"]
self.access_token = scenario.get("access_token", DEFAULT_STATE_COPY["access_token"])
self.token_type = scenario.get("token_type", DEFAULT_STATE_COPY["token_type"])
self.token_expires_in = scenario.get(
"token_expires_in", DEFAULT_STATE_COPY["token_expires_in"]
self.token_scope = scenario.get("token_scope", DEFAULT_STATE_COPY["token_scope"])
self.user_first_name = scenario.get(
"user_first_name", DEFAULT_STATE_COPY["user_first_name"]
self.user_last_name = scenario.get(
"user_last_name", DEFAULT_STATE_COPY["user_last_name"]
self.budget_limit = scenario.get("budget_limit", DEFAULT_STATE_COPY["budget_limit"])
self.long_context = long_context
if self.long_context:
self._add_credit_cards() # Add credit card extension for long context
self._add_booking_records() # Add booking record extension
def __eq__(self, value: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(value, TravelAPI):
return False
for attr_name in vars(self):
if attr_name.startswith("_"):
model_attr = getattr(self, attr_name)
ground_truth_attr = getattr(value, attr_name)
if model_attr != ground_truth_attr:
return False
return True
def _add_credit_cards(self) -> None:
Merge the credit card list with predefined credit cards from
Existing cards in the scenario won't be overwritten.
for card_id, card_info in CREDIT_CARD_EXTENSION.items():
if card_id not in self.credit_card_list:
self.credit_card_list[card_id] = card_info
def _add_booking_records(self) -> None:
Merge the booking record list with predefined booking records from
Existing bookings in the scenario won't be overwritten.
for booking_id, booking_info in BOOKING_RECORD_EXTENSION.items():
if booking_id not in self.booking_record:
self.booking_record[booking_id] = booking_info
def authenticate_travel(
client_id: str,
client_secret: str,
refresh_token: str,
grant_type: str,
user_first_name: str,
user_last_name: str,
) -> Dict[str, Union[int, str]]:
Authenticate the user with the travel API
client_id (str): The client applications client_id supplied by App Management
client_secret (str): The client applications client_secret supplied by App Management
refresh_token (str): The refresh token obtained from the initial authentication
grant_type (str): The grant type of the authentication request. Here are the options: read_write, read, write
user_first_name (str): The first name of the user
user_last_name (str): The last name of the user
expires_in (int): The number of time it can use until the access token expires
access_token (str): The access token to be used in the Authorization header of future requests
token_type (str): The type of token
scope (str): The scope of the token
self.token_expires_in = 2
self.access_token = str(self._random.randint(100000, 999999)) # 6 digits
self.token_type = "Bearer"
self.token_scope = grant_type
self.user_first_name = user_first_name
self.user_last_name = user_last_name
return {
"expires_in": 2,
"access_token": self.access_token,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"scope": grant_type,
def travel_get_login_status(self) -> Dict[str, bool]:
Get the status of the login
status (bool): The status of the login
is_not_loggedin = self.token_expires_in is None or self.token_expires_in == 0
return {"status": not is_not_loggedin}
def get_budget_fiscal_year(
lastModifiedAfter: Optional[str] = None,
includeRemoved: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Dict[str, str]:
Get the budget fiscal year
lastModifiedAfter (str): [Optional] Use this field if you only want Fiscal Years that were changed after the supplied date. The supplied date will be interpreted in the UTC time zone. If lastModifiedAfter is not supplied, the service will return all Fiscal Years, regardless of modified date. Example: 2016-03-29T16:12:20. Return in the format of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.
includeRemoved (str): [Optional] If true, the service will return all Fiscal Years, including those that were previously removed. If not supplied, this field defaults to false.
budget_fiscal_year (str): The budget fiscal year
return {"budget_fiscal_year": "2018"}
def register_credit_card(
access_token: str,
card_number: str,
expiration_date: str,
cardholder_name: str,
card_verification_number: int,
) -> Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]:
Register a credit card
access_token (str): The access token obtained from the authenticate method
card_number (str): The credit card number
expiration_date (str): The expiration date of the credit card in the format MM/YYYY
cardholder_name (str): The name of the cardholder
card_verification_number (int): The card verification number
card_id (str): The ID of the registered credit card
if self.token_expires_in is None:
return {"error": "Token not initialized"}
if self.token_expires_in == 0:
return {"error": "Token expired"}
if access_token != self.access_token:
if self.token_expires_in is not None:
self.token_expires_in -= 1
return {"error": "Invalid access token"}
if card_number in self.credit_card_list:
return {"error": "Card already registered"}
card_id = str(self._random.randint(100000000000, 999999999999)) # 12 digits
self.credit_card_list[card_id] = {
"card_number": card_number,
"expiration_date": expiration_date,
"cardholder_name": cardholder_name,
"card_verification_number": card_verification_number,
"balance": self._random.randint(10000, 99999), # 5 digits
return {"card_id": card_id}
def _set_card_balance(self, card_id: str, balance: float) -> None:
Set the balance of a credit card
card_id (str): The ID of the credit card
balance (float): The balance of the credit card
self.credit_card_list[card_id]["balance"] = balance
def get_flight_cost(
self, travel_from: str, travel_to: str, travel_date: str, travel_class: str
) -> Dict[str, List[float]]:
Get the list of cost of a flight in USD based on location, date, and class
travel_from (str): The 3 letter code of the departing airport
travel_to (str): The 3 letter code of the arriving airport
travel_date (str): The date of the travel in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
travel_class (str): The class of the travel. Options are: economy, business, first.
travel_cost_list (List[float]): The list of cost of the travel
base_costs: Dict[Tuple[str, str], int] = {
("SFO", "LAX"): 200,
("SFO", "JFK"): 500,
("SFO", "ORD"): 400,
("SFO", "BOS"): 450,
("SFO", "RMS"): 300,
("SFO", "SBK"): 350,
("SFO", "MPC"): 370,
("SFO", "SVP"): 320,
("SFO", "SHD"): 330,
("SFO", "SSV"): 340,
("SFO", "OKD"): 360,
("SFO", "WLB"): 310,
("SFO", "CRH"): 380,
("SFO", "ATV"): 390,
("SFO", "PHV"): 420,
("SFO", "GFD"): 430,
("SFO", "CIA"): 700,
("LAX", "SFO"): 100,
("LAX", "JFK"): 600,
("LAX", "ORD"): 500,
("LAX", "BOS"): 550,
("LAX", "RMS"): 310,
("LAX", "SBK"): 320,
("LAX", "MPC"): 330,
("LAX", "SVP"): 340,
("LAX", "SHD"): 350,
("LAX", "SSV"): 360,
("LAX", "OKD"): 370,
("LAX", "WLB"): 380,
("LAX", "CRH"): 390,
("LAX", "ATV"): 400,
("LAX", "PHV"): 410,
("LAX", "GFD"): 420,
("JFK", "ORD"): 300,
("JFK", "BOS"): 250,
("JFK", "RMS"): 450,
("JFK", "SBK"): 460,
("JFK", "MPC"): 470,
("JFK", "SVP"): 480,
("JFK", "SHD"): 490,
("JFK", "SSV"): 500,
("JFK", "OKD"): 510,
("JFK", "WLB"): 520,
("JFK", "CRH"): 530,
("JFK", "ATV"): 540,
("JFK", "PHV"): 550,
("JFK", "GFD"): 560,
("JFK", "LAX"): 570,
("JFK", "HND"): 800,
("JFK", "PVG"): 950,
("JFK", "PEK"): 1000,
("ORD", "LAX"): 180,
("ORD", "BOS"): 200,
("ORD", "RMS"): 350,
("ORD", "SBK"): 360,
("ORD", "MPC"): 370,
("ORD", "SVP"): 380,
("ORD", "SHD"): 390,
("ORD", "SSV"): 400,
("ORD", "OKD"): 410,
("ORD", "WLB"): 420,
("ORD", "CRH"): 430,
("ORD", "ATV"): 440,
("ORD", "PHV"): 450,
("ORD", "GFD"): 460,
("BOS", "RMS"): 400,
("BOS", "SBK"): 410,
("BOS", "MPC"): 420,
("BOS", "SVP"): 430,
("BOS", "SHD"): 440,
("BOS", "SSV"): 450,
("BOS", "OKD"): 460,
("BOS", "WLB"): 470,
("BOS", "CRH"): 480,
("BOS", "ATV"): 490,
("BOS", "PHV"): 500,
("BOS", "GFD"): 510,
("RMS", "BOS"): 200,
("RMS", "JFK"): 210,
("RMS", "SBK"): 220,
("RMS", "MPC"): 230,
("RMS", "SVP"): 240,
("RMS", "SHD"): 250,
("RMS", "SSV"): 260,
("RMS", "OKD"): 270,
("RMS", "WLB"): 280,
("RMS", "CRH"): 290,
("RMS", "ATV"): 300,
("RMS", "PHV"): 310,
("RMS", "GFD"): 320,
("RMS", "LAX"): 330,
("SBK", "MPC"): 200,
("SBK", "SVP"): 210,
("SBK", "SHD"): 220,
("SBK", "SSV"): 230,
("SBK", "OKD"): 240,
("SBK", "WLB"): 250,
("SBK", "CRH"): 260,
("SBK", "ATV"): 270,
("SBK", "PHV"): 280,
("SBK", "GFD"): 290,
("MPC", "SVP"): 210,
("MPC", "SHD"): 220,
("MPC", "SSV"): 230,
("MPC", "OKD"): 240,
("MPC", "WLB"): 250,
("MPC", "CRH"): 260,
("MPC", "ATV"): 270,
("MPC", "PHV"): 280,
("MPC", "GFD"): 290,
("SVP", "SHD"): 230,
("SVP", "SSV"): 240,
("SVP", "OKD"): 250,
("SVP", "WLB"): 260,
("SVP", "CRH"): 270,
("SVP", "ATV"): 280,
("SVP", "PHV"): 290,
("SVP", "GFD"): 300,
("SHD", "SSV"): 220,
("SHD", "OKD"): 230,
("SHD", "WLB"): 240,
("SHD", "CRH"): 250,
("SHD", "ATV"): 260,
("SHD", "PHV"): 270,
("SHD", "GFD"): 280,
("SSV", "OKD"): 240,
("SSV", "WLB"): 250,
("SSV", "CRH"): 260,
("SSV", "ATV"): 270,
("SSV", "PHV"): 280,
("SSV", "GFD"): 290,
("OKD", "WLB"): 230,
("OKD", "CRH"): 240,
("OKD", "ATV"): 250,
("OKD", "PHV"): 260,
("OKD", "GFD"): 270,
("WLB", "CRH"): 250,
("WLB", "ATV"): 260,
("WLB", "PHV"): 270,
("WLB", "GFD"): 280,
("CRH", "ATV"): 240,
("CRH", "PHV"): 250,
("CRH", "GFD"): 260,
("CRH", "SFO"): 270,
("CRH", "RMS"): 280,
("ATV", "PHV"): 230,
("ATV", "GFD"): 240,
("PHV", "GFD"): 220,
("LHR", "CDG"): 100,
("OKD", "LAX"): 220
# Ensure the travel_from and travel_to is a tuple in the correct order (from, to)
travel_pair = (travel_from, travel_to)
# Get the base cost, raise an error if the route is not available
if travel_pair in base_costs:
base_cost = base_costs[travel_pair]
raise ValueError("No available route for the given airports.")
# Determine the multiplier based on the travel class
if travel_class == "economy":
factor = 1
elif travel_class == "business":
factor = 2
elif travel_class == "first":
factor = 5
raise ValueError("Invalid travel class. Options are: economy, business, first.")
# Determine the multiplier based on the travel date
digit_sum = sum(int(char) for char in travel_date if char.isdigit())
travel_date_multiplier = 2 if digit_sum % 2 == 0 else 1
# Calculate the total cost
travel_cost = float(base_cost * factor * travel_date_multiplier)
travel_cost_list = []
if self.long_context:
for k, v in base_costs.items():
travel_cost = float(v * factor * travel_date_multiplier)
"From: "
+ k[0]
+ " To: "
+ k[1]
+ " Cost: "
+ str(travel_cost)
+ " USD. This is a domestica flight with a travel class of "
+ travel_class
+ " and a travel date of "
+ travel_date
+ "."
return {"travel_cost_list": travel_cost_list}
return {"travel_cost_list": [travel_cost]}
def get_credit_card_balance(
self, access_token: str, card_id: str
) -> Dict[str, Union[float, str]]:
Get the balance of a credit card
access_token (str): The access token obtained from the authenticate
card_id (str): The ID of the credit card
card_balance (float): The balance of the credit card
if self.token_expires_in == 0:
return {"error": "Token expired"}
if access_token != self.access_token:
self.token_expires_in -= 1
return {"error": "Invalid access token"}
if card_id not in self.credit_card_list:
return {
"error": "Card not registered. Here are a list of card_id's: "
+ str(list(self.credit_card_list.keys()))
return {"card_balance": self.credit_card_list[card_id]["balance"]}
def book_flight(
access_token: str,
card_id: str,
travel_date: str,
travel_from: str,
travel_to: str,
travel_class: str,
travel_cost: float,
) -> Dict[str, Union[str, bool]]:
Book a flight given the travel information. From and To should be the airport codes in the IATA format.
access_token (str): The access token obtained from the authenticate
card_id (str): The ID of the credit card to use for the booking
travel_date (str): The date of the travel in the format YYYY-MM-DD
travel_from (str): The location the travel is from
travel_to (str): The location the travel is to
travel_class (str): The class of the travel
travel_cost (float): The cost of the travel
booking_id (str): The ID of the booking
transaction_id (str): The ID of the transaction
booking_status (bool): The status of the booking, True if successful, False if failed
booking_history (Dict): The booking history if long context is enabled
- booking_id (str): The ID of the booking
- transaction_id (str): The ID of the transaction
- travel_date (str): The date of the travel
- travel_from (str): The location the travel is from
- travel_to (str): The location the travel is to
- travel_class (str): The class of the travel
- travel_cost (float): The cost of the travel
if self.token_expires_in == 0:
return {"booking_status": False, "error": "Token expired"}
if access_token != self.access_token:
self.token_expires_in -= 1
return {"booking_status": False, "error": "Invalid access token"}
if card_id not in self.credit_card_list:
return {"booking_status": False, "error": "Card not registered"}
if "balance" not in self.credit_card_list[card_id]:
return {"booking_status": False, "error": "Balance not found"}
if self.credit_card_list[card_id]["balance"] < travel_cost:
return {"booking_status": False, "error": "Insufficient funds"}
if (
self.budget_limit is not None
and self.credit_card_list[card_id]["balance"] < self.budget_limit
return {
"booking_status": False,
"error": "Balance is less than budget limit",
travel_cost = float(travel_cost)
self.credit_card_list[card_id]["balance"] -= travel_cost
booking_id = str(self._random.randint(1000000, 9999999)) # 7 digits
transaction_id = str(self._random.randint(10000000, 99999999)) # 8 digits
self.booking_record[booking_id] = {
"card_id": card_id,
"travel_date": travel_date,
"travel_from": travel_from,
"travel_to": travel_to,
"travel_class": travel_class,
"travel_cost": travel_cost,
"transaction_id": transaction_id,
if self.long_context:
return {
"booking_id": booking_id,
"transaction_id": transaction_id,
"booking_status": True,
"booking_history": self.booking_record,
return {
"booking_id": booking_id,
"transaction_id": transaction_id,
"booking_status": True,
"booking_history": {},
def retrieve_invoice(
access_token: str,
booking_id: Optional[str] = None,
insurance_id: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Union[Dict[str, Union[str, float]], str]]:
Retrieve the invoice for a booking
access_token (str): The access token obtained from the authenticate
booking_id (str): [Optional] The ID of the booking
insurance_id (str): [Optional] The ID of the insurance
invoice (Dict): The invoice for the booking
- booking_id (str): The ID of the booking
- travel_date (str): The date of the travel
- travel_from (str): The location the travel is from
- travel_to (str): The location the travel is to
- travel_class (str): The class of the travel
- travel_cost (float): The cost of the travel
- transaction_id (str): The ID of the transaction
if self.token_expires_in == 0:
return {"error": "Token expired"}
if access_token != self.access_token:
self.token_expires_in -= 1
return {"error": "Invalid access token"}
if booking_id not in self.booking_record:
return {"error": "Booking not found"}
invoice = {
"booking_id": booking_id,
"travel_date": self.booking_record[booking_id]["travel_date"],
"travel_from": self.booking_record[booking_id]["travel_from"],
"travel_to": self.booking_record[booking_id]["travel_to"],
"travel_class": self.booking_record[booking_id]["travel_class"],
"travel_cost": self.booking_record[booking_id]["travel_cost"],
"transaction_id": self.booking_record[booking_id]["transaction_id"],
return {"invoice": invoice}
def list_all_airports(self) -> List[str]:
List all available airports
airports (List[str]): A list of all available airports
return [
def cancel_booking(
self, access_token: str, booking_id: str
) -> Dict[str, Union[bool, str]]:
Cancel a booking
access_token (str): The access token obtained from the authenticate
booking_id (str): The ID of the booking
cancel_status (bool): The status of the cancellation, True if successful, False if failed
if self.token_expires_in == 0:
return {"cancel_status": False, "error": "Token expired"}
if access_token != self.access_token:
self.token_expires_in -= 1
return {"cancel_status": False, "error": "Invalid access token"}
if booking_id not in self.booking_record:
return {"cancel_status": False, "error": "Booking not found"}
card_id = self.booking_record[booking_id]["card_id"]
travel_cost = self.booking_record[booking_id]["travel_cost"]
self.credit_card_list[card_id]["balance"] += travel_cost
del self.booking_record[booking_id]
return {"cancel_status": True}
def compute_exchange_rate(
self, base_currency: str, target_currency: str, value: float
) -> float:
Compute the exchange rate between two currencies
base_currency (str): The base currency. [Enum]: USD, RMB, EUR, JPY, GBP, CAD, AUD, INR, RUB, BRL, MXN
target_currency (str): The target currency. [Enum]: USD, RMB, EUR, JPY, GBP, CAD, AUD, INR, RUB, BRL, MXN
value (float): The value to convert
exchanged_value (float): The value after the exchange
exchange_rates = {
("USD", "RMB"): 7,
("USD", "EUR"): 0.8,
("USD", "JPY"): 110,
("USD", "GBP"): 0.7,
("USD", "CAD"): 1.3,
("USD", "AUD"): 1.4,
("USD", "INR"): 70,
("USD", "RUB"): 60,
("USD", "BRL"): 3.8,
("USD", "MXN"): 20
for key, val in exchange_rates.items():
if base_currency == key[0] and target_currency == key[1]:
return {"exchanged_value": value * val}
elif base_currency == key[1] and target_currency == key[0]:
return {"exchanged_value": round(value / val, 2)}
raise ValueError("No available exchange rate for the given currencies.")
def verify_traveler_information(
self, first_name: str, last_name: str, date_of_birth: str, passport_number: str
) -> Dict[str, Union[bool, str]]:
Verify the traveler information
first_name (str): The first name of the traveler
last_name (str): The last name of the traveler
date_of_birth (str): The date of birth of the traveler in the format YYYY-MM-DD
passport_number (str): The passport number of the traveler
verification_status (bool): The status of the verification, True if successful, False if failed
verification_failure (str): The reason for the verification failure
if self.user_first_name != first_name or self.user_last_name != last_name:
return {
"verification_status": False,
"verification_failure": "Cannot book flight information for another user."
+ f"Expected {self.user_first_name} {self.user_last_name}, got {first_name} {last_name}",
# Calculate age
birth_date = datetime.strptime(date_of_birth, "%Y-%m-%d")
today =
age = (
- birth_date.year
- ((today.month, < (birth_date.month,
except ValueError:
return {
"verification_status": False,
"verification_failure": "Invalid date of birth format. Please use YYYY-MM-DD.",
# Check if the traveler is at least 18 years old
if age < 18:
return {
"verification_status": False,
"verification_failure": "Traveler must be at least 18 years old.",
# Check if the passport number starts with 'US' (assuming this indicates a US passport)
if not passport_number.startswith("US"):
return {
"verification_status": False,
"verification_failure": "Passport must be issued by the United States.",
# If all checks pass
return {"verification_status": True}
def set_budget_limit(
self, access_token: str, budget_limit: float
) -> Dict[str, Union[float, str]]:
Set the budget limit for the user
access_token (str): The access token obtained from the authentication process or initial configuration.
budget_limit (float): The budget limit to set in USD
budget_limit (float): The budget limit set in USD
if self.token_expires_in == 0:
return {"error": "Token expired"}
if access_token != self.access_token:
self.token_expires_in -= 1
return {"error": "Invalid access token"}
budget_limit = float(budget_limit)
self.budget_limit = budget_limit
return {"budget_limit": budget_limit}
def get_nearest_airport_by_city(self, location: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
Get the nearest airport to the given location
location (str): The name of the location. [Enum]: Rivermist, Stonebrook, Maplecrest, Silverpine, Shadowridge, London, Paris, Sunset Valley, Oakendale, Willowbend, Crescent Hollow, Autumnville, Pinehaven, Greenfield, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Boston, Beijing, Hong Kong, Rome, Tokyo
nearest_airport (str): The nearest airport to the given location
airport_map = {
"Rivermist": "RMS",
"Stonebrook": "SBK",
"Maplecrest": "MPC",
"Silverpine": "SVP",
"Shadowridge": "SHD",
"London": "LHR",
"Paris": "CDG",
"Sunset Valley": "SSV",
"Oakendale": "OKD",
"Willowbend": "WLB",
"Crescent Hollow": "CRH",
"Autumnville": "ATV",
"Pinehaven": "PHV",
"Greenfield": "GFD",
"San Francisco": "SFO",
"Los Angeles": "LAX",
"New York": "JFK",
"Chicago": "ORD",
"Boston": "BOS",
"Beijing": "PEK",
"Hong Kong": "HKG",
"Rome": "CIA",
"Tokyo": "HND",
return {"nearest_airport": airport_map.get(location, "Unknown")}
def purchase_insurance(
access_token: str,
insurance_type: str,
booking_id: str,
insurance_cost: float,
card_id: str,
) -> Dict[str, Union[str, bool]]:
Purchase insurance
access_token (str): The access token obtained from the authenticate
insurance_type (str): The type of insurance to purchase
insurance_cost (float): The cost of the insurance
booking_id (str): The ID of the booking
card_id (str): The ID of the credit card to use for the
insurance_id (str): The ID of the insurance
insurance_status (bool): The status of the insurance purchase, True if successful, False if failed
if self.token_expires_in == 0:
return {"insurance_status": False, "error": "Token expired"}
if access_token != self.access_token:
self.token_expires_in -= 1
return {"insurance_status": False, "error": "Invalid access token"}
if self.budget_limit is not None and self.budget_limit < insurance_cost:
return {"insurance_status": False, "error": "Exceeded budget limit"}
if booking_id not in self.booking_record:
return {"insurance_status": False, "error": "Booking not found"}
if card_id not in self.credit_card_list:
return {"insurance_status": False, "error": "Credit card not registered"}
self.credit_card_list[card_id]["balance"] -= insurance_cost
return {
"insurance_id": str(self._random.randint(100000000, 999999999)), # 9 digits
"insurance_status": True,
def contact_customer_support(self, booking_id: str, message: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
Contact travel booking customer support, get immediate support on an issue with an online call.
booking_id (str): The ID of the booking
message (str): The message to send to customer support
customer_support_message (str): The message from customer support
if booking_id not in self.booking_record:
return {"error": "Booking not found"}
return {
"customer_support_message": "Thank you for contacting customer support. We will get back to you shortly. "
+ message
def get_all_credit_cards(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]]]:
Get all registered credit cards
credit_card_list (Dict): A dictionary containing all registered credit cards
- card_number (str): The number of the credit card
- expiration_date (str): The expiration date of the credit card in the format YYYY-MM-DD
- cardholder_name (str): The name of the cardholder
- card_verification_value (int): The verification value of the credit card
- balance (float): The balance of the credit card
return {"credit_card_list": self.credit_card_list}