Huanzhi (Hans) Mao
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
"ticket_queue": [],
"ticket_counter": 1,
"current_user": None,
class TicketAPI:
A class representing the Ticket API for managing support tickets.
This class provides methods for creating, retrieving, and managing
support tickets within a ticketing system. It maintains a queue of
tickets and handles ticket-related operations such as creation,
status updates, and retrieval.
ticket_queue (List[Dict[str, Union[int, str]]]): A list of ticket dictionaries.
ticket_counter (int): A counter for generating unique ticket IDs.
current_user (Optional[str]): The currently authenticated user.
def __init__(self):
Initialize the TicketAPI instance.
self.ticket_queue: List[Dict[str, Union[int, str]]]
self.ticket_counter: int
self.current_user: Optional[str]
self._api_description = "This tool belongs to the ticketing system that is part of a company, which allows users to create, view, and manage support business tickets."
def _load_scenario(self, scenario: dict, long_context=False) -> None:
Load a scenario into the ticket queue.
scenario (Dict): A dictionary containing ticket data.
self.ticket_queue = scenario.get("ticket_queue", DEFAULT_STATE_COPY["ticket_queue"])
self.ticket_counter = scenario.get(
"ticket_counter", DEFAULT_STATE_COPY["ticket_counter"]
self.current_user = scenario.get("current_user", DEFAULT_STATE_COPY["current_user"])
def create_ticket(
self, title: str, description: str = "", priority: int = 1
) -> Dict[str, Union[int, str]]:
Create a ticket in the system and queue it.
title (str): Title of the ticket.
description (str): Description of the ticket. Defaults to an empty string.
priority (int): Priority of the ticket, from 1 to 5. Defaults to 1. 5 is the highest priority.
id (int): Unique identifier of the ticket.
title (str): Title of the ticket.
description (str): Description of the ticket.
status (str): Current status of the ticket.
priority (int): Priority level of the ticket.
if not self.current_user:
return {"error": "User not authenticated. Please log in to create a ticket."}
if priority < 1 or priority > 5:
return {"error": "Invalid priority. Priority must be between 1 and 5."}
ticket = {
"id": self.ticket_counter,
"title": title,
"description": description,
"status": "Open",
"priority": priority,
"created_by": self.current_user,
self.ticket_counter += 1
return ticket
def get_ticket(self, ticket_id: int) -> Dict[str, Union[int, str]]:
Get a specific ticket by its ID.
ticket_id (int): ID of the ticket to retrieve.
id (int): Unique identifier of the ticket.
title (str): Title of the ticket.
description (str): Description of the ticket.
status (str): Current status of the ticket.
priority (int): Priority level of the ticket.
created_by (str): Username of the ticket creator.
ticket = self._find_ticket(ticket_id)
if not ticket:
return {"error": f"Ticket with ID {ticket_id} not found."}
return ticket
def close_ticket(self, ticket_id: int) -> Dict[str, str]:
Close a ticket.
ticket_id (int): ID of the ticket to be closed.
status (str): Status of the close operation.
ticket = self._find_ticket(ticket_id)
if not ticket:
return {"error": f"Ticket with ID {ticket_id} not found."}
if ticket["status"] == "Closed":
return {"error": f"Ticket with ID {ticket_id} is already closed."}
ticket["status"] = "Closed"
return {"status": f"Ticket {ticket_id} has been closed successfully."}
def resolve_ticket(self, ticket_id: int, resolution: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
Resolve a ticket with a resolution.
ticket_id (int): ID of the ticket to be resolved.
resolution (str): Resolution details for the ticket.
status (str): Status of the resolve operation.
ticket = self._find_ticket(ticket_id)
if not ticket:
return {"error": f"Ticket with ID {ticket_id} not found."}
if ticket["status"] == "Resolved":
return {"error": f"Ticket with ID {ticket_id} is already resolved."}
ticket["status"] = "Resolved"
ticket["resolution"] = resolution
return {"status": f"Ticket {ticket_id} has been resolved successfully."}
def edit_ticket(
self, ticket_id: int, updates: Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, int]]]
) -> Dict[str, str]:
Modify the details of an existing ticket.
ticket_id (int): ID of the ticket to be changed.
updates (Dict): Dictionary containing the fields to be updated.
- title (str) : [Optional] New title for the ticket.
- description (str): [Optional] New description for the ticket.
- status (str): [Optional] New status for the ticket.
- priority (int): [Optional] New priority for the ticket.
status (str): Status of the update operation.
ticket = self._find_ticket(ticket_id)
if not ticket:
return {"error": f"Ticket with ID {ticket_id} not found."}
valid_fields = {"title", "description", "status", "priority"}
invalid_fields = set(updates.keys()) - valid_fields
if invalid_fields:
return {"error": f"Invalid fields for update: {', '.join(invalid_fields)}"}
for key, value in updates.items():
if value is not None:
ticket[key] = value
return {"status": f"Ticket {ticket_id} has been updated successfully."}
def _find_ticket(self, ticket_id: int) -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, str]]]:
Find a ticket by its ID.
ticket_id (int): ID of the ticket to find.
id (int): Unique identifier of the ticket.
title (str): Title of the ticket.
description (str): Description of the ticket.
status (str): Current status of the ticket.
priority (int): Priority level of the ticket.
created_by (str): Username of the ticket creator.
for ticket in self.ticket_queue:
if ticket["id"] == ticket_id:
return ticket
return None
def ticket_login(self, username: str, password: str) -> Dict[str, bool]:
Authenticate a user for ticket system.
username (str): Username of the user.
password (str): Password of the user.
success (bool): True if login was successful, False otherwise.
# In a real system, you would validate the credentials against a database
if username and password: # Simplified authentication
self.current_user = username
return {"success": True}
return {"success": False}
def ticket_get_login_status(self) -> Dict[str, bool]:
Get the username of the currently authenticated user.
username (bool): True if a user is logged in, False otherwise.
return {"username": bool(self.current_user)}
def logout(self) -> Dict[str, bool]:
Log out the current user.
success (bool): True if logout was successful, False otherwise.
if self.current_user:
self.current_user = None
return {"success": True}
return {"success": False}
def get_user_tickets(
self, status: Optional[str] = None
) -> List[Dict[str, Union[int, str]]]:
Get all tickets created by the current user, optionally filtered by status.
status (str): [Optional] Status to filter tickets by. If None, return all tickets.
id (int): Unique identifier of the ticket.
title (str): Title of the ticket.
description (str): Description of the ticket.
status (str): Current status of the ticket.
priority (int): Priority level of the ticket.
created_by (str): Username of the ticket
if not self.current_user:
return [{"error": "User not authenticated. Please log in to view tickets."}]
user_tickets = [
for ticket in self.ticket_queue
if ticket["created_by"] == self.current_user
if status:
user_tickets = [
for ticket in user_tickets
if ticket["status"].lower() == status.lower()
return user_tickets