from libs import * from utils_func import create_dir, main_processing create_dir("tempDir") def load_image(image_file): img = return img def streamlit_app(): detection_model_path = "weight_files/" background_model_path = "weight_files/model.h5" save_path = "" image_file = None st.title("""WELCOME TO MY APP""") st.subheader("""FOR BACKGROUND REMOVAL AND CHANGE!""") col1 = None col2 = None final_img = None with st.spinner("[UPLOAD] Image uploading"): try: image_file = st.file_uploader('[UPLOAD] Please upload your image:', type=["png", "jpg", "jpeg"]) time.sleep(1) except: print("[ERROR] Sorry, something went wrong!") pass # print(type(image_file)) if image_file is not None: st.success("Load image successfully!...") image = load_image(image_file) # print(type(image)) col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.image(image, caption="Image before processing") save_path = "tempDir/"+ image_path, details = save_path, image_file if details is not None: with col2: with st.spinner("[PROCESSING] Image processing"): final_img_path = main_processing(col1, col2, col3, sport_bg_path=stadium_sport_bg_path, swim_bg_path=beach_swim_bg_path, office_bg_path=office_bg_path, img_path=image_path,, detection_model_path=detection_model_path, background_model_path=background_model_path) time.sleep(1) with col1: if final_img_path is not None: final_img = load_image(final_img_path) st.image(final_img, caption="Image after processing") st.balloons() with col2: with open(final_img_path, "rb") as file: st.write('\n') st.write('\n') st.write('\n') st.write('\n') st.write('\n') file_name = save_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[-2] +"_from_abc" + ".png" if st.download_button( label="Download postprocessing image", data=file, file_name= file_name, mime="image/png" ): st.success('[DOWNLOAD] Download sucessfully!') if __name__ == '__main__': np.random.seed(42) tf.random.set_seed(42) bg_path = "" background_model_path = "weight_files/model.h5" detection_model_path = "weight_files/" stadium_sport_bg_path = "backgrounds/camnou_stadium.jpg" beach_swim_bg_path = "backgrounds/beach.jpg" office_bg_path = "backgrounds/office-bg.jpg" image_path = None streamlit_app()