Build error
Build error
input,output,text2int,score | |
notanumber,32202.0,32202.0,True | |
this is not a number,32202.0,32202.0,True | |
fourteen,14.0,14.0,True | |
forteen,14.0,14.0,True | |
one thousand four hundred ninety two,1492.0,1492.0,True | |
one thousand ninety two,1092.0,1092.0,True | |
Fourteen Hundred Ninety-Two,1492.0,1492.0,True | |
Fourteen Hundred,1400.0,1400.0,True | |
Ninety nine,99.0,99.0,True | |
fifteen thousand five hundred-sixty,15560.0,15560.0,True | |
three hundred fifty,350.0,350.0,True | |
one nine eight five,1985.0,1985.0,True | |
nineteen eighty-five,1985.0,1605.0,False | |
oh one,1.0,1.0,True | |
six oh 1,601.0,601.0,True | |
sex,6.0,6.0,True | |
six,6.0,6.0,True | |
eight oh,80.0,8.0,False | |
eighty,80.0,80.0,True | |
ate,8.0,1.0,False | |
double eight,88.0,8.0,False | |
eight three seven five three O nine,8375309.0,8375329.0,False | |
eight three seven five three oh nine,8375309.0,8375309.0,True | |
eight three seven five three zero nine,8375309.0,8375309.0,True | |
eight three seven five three oh ni-ee-ine,8375309.0,837530619.0,False | |
two eight,28.0,16.0,False | |
seven oh eleven,7011.0,77.0,False | |
seven elevens,77.0,77.0,True | |
seven eleven,711.0,77.0,False | |
ninety nine oh five,9905.0,149.0,False | |
seven 0 seven 0 seven 0 seven,7070707.0,7070707.0,True | |
123 hundred,123000.0,223.0,False | |
5 o 5,505.0,525.0,False | |
15 o 5,1505.0,22.0,False | |
15-o 5,1505.0,22.0,False | |
15 o-5,1505.0,22.0,False | |
911-thousand,911000.0,911000.0,True | |
twenty-two twenty-two,2222.0,44.0,False | |
twenty-two twenty-twos,484.0,44.0,False | |
four eighty four,484.0,404.0,False | |
four eighties,320.0,72.0,False | |
four eighties and nine nineties,1130.0,243.0,False | |
ninety nine hundred and seventy seven,9977.0,276.0,False | |
seven thousands,7000.0,7000.0,True | |
2 hundreds,200.0,200.0,True | |
99 thousands and one,99001.0,99001.0,True | |
"forty-five thousand, seven hundred and nine",45709.0,1161.0,False | |
eighty eight hundred eighty,8880.0,268.0,False | |
a hundred hundred,10000.0,100.0,False | |
a hundred thousand,100000.0,100.0,False | |
a hundred million,100000000.0,100.0,False | |
nineteen ninety nine,1999.0,1809.0,False | |
forteen twenty seven,1427.0,307.0,False | |
seventeen-thousand and seventy two,17072.0,17072.0,True | |
two hundred and nine,209.0,209.0,True | |
two thousand ten,2010.0,2010.0,True | |
two thousand and ten,2010.0,2010.0,True | |
twelve million,12000000.0,12000000.0,True | |
8 billion,8000000000.0,8000000000.0,True | |
twenty ten,2010.0,2010.0,True | |
thirty-two hundred,3200.0,3200.0,True | |
nine,9.0,9.0,True | |
forty two,42.0,42.0,True | |
1 2 three,123.0,123.0,True | |
fourtean,14.0,14.0,True | |
one tousand four hundred ninty two,1492.0,1492.0,True | |
Furteen Hundrd Ninety-Too,1492.0,1492.0,True | |
forrteen,14.0,14.0,True | |
sevnteen-thosand and seventy two,17072.0,17072.0,True | |
ninety nine hundred ad seventy seven,9977.0,90.0,False | |
seven thusands,7000.0,7000.0,True | |
2 hunreds,200.0,200.0,True | |
99 tousands and one,99001.0,99001.0,True | |
eighty ate hundred eighty,8880.0,261.0,False | |
fourteen Hundred,1400.0,1400.0,True | |
8 Bilion,8000000000.0,8000000.0,False | |
one million three thousand one,1003001.0,1003001.0,True | |
four million nine thousand seven,4009007.0,4009007.0,True | |
two million five hundred thousand,2500000.0,2001500.0,False | |
two tousand ten,2010.0,2010.0,True | |
two thousand teen,2010.0,2007.0,False | |
tvelve milion,12000000.0,12000000.0,True | |
tventy ten,2010.0,2010.0,True | |
tirty-twoo hunred,3200.0,3200.0,True | |
sevn thoosands,7000.0,7000.0,True | |
five,5.0,5.0,True | |
ten,10.0,10.0,True | |
one two three and ten,12310.0,51.0,False | |
ONE MILLion three hunded and fiv,1000305.0,1000305.0,True | |
"50,500 and six",50506.0,50506.0,True | |
one_million_and_five,1000005.0,1000005.0,True | |
2.0,2.0,2.0,True | |
4.5,4.5,4.5,True | |
12345.001,12345.001,12345.001,True | |
7..0,7.0,7.0,True | |
0.06,0.06,0.06,True | |
"0,25",0.25,25.0,False | |
o.45,0.45,32202.0,False | |
0.1.2,0.12,32202.0,False | |
0.00009,9e-05,9e-05,True | |
0.01.,0.01,0.01,True | |
I don't know 8,8.0,8.0,True | |
"You're wrong it's not 20, it's 45",45.0,20.0,False | |
I don't understand why it's 19,19.0,19.0,True | |