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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os, sys
import torch
import glob
import time, shutil
import math
import gc
from tqdm import tqdm
from collections import defaultdict
# torch module import
from torch.multiprocessing import Pool, Process, set_start_method
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
from import DataLoader
except RuntimeError:
# import files from local folder
root_path = os.path.abspath('.')
from loss.gan_loss import GANLoss, MultiScaleGANLoss
from loss.pixel_loss import PixelLoss, L1_Charbonnier_loss
from loss.perceptual_loss import PerceptualLoss
from loss.anime_perceptual_loss import Anime_PerceptualLoss
from architecture.dataset import ImageDataset
from scripts.generate_lr_esr import generate_low_res_esr
# Mixed precision training
scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler()
class train_master(object):
def __init__(self, options, args, model_name, has_discriminator=False) -> None:
# General specs setup
self.args = args
self.model_name = model_name
self.options = options
self.has_discriminator = has_discriminator
# Loss init
# Generator
self.call_model() # generator + discriminator...
# Optimizer
self.learning_rate = options['start_learning_rate']
self.optimizer_g = torch.optim.Adam(self.generator.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate, betas=(options["adam_beta1"], options["adam_beta2"]))
if self.has_discriminator:
self.optimizer_d = torch.optim.Adam(self.discriminator.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate, betas=(self.options["adam_beta1"], self.options["adam_beta2"]))
# Train specs
self.start_iteration = 0
self.lowest_generator_loss = float("inf")
# Other auxiliary function
self.writer = SummaryWriter()
self.weight_store = defaultdict(int)
# Options setting
self.n_iterations = options['train_iterations']
self.batch_size = options['train_batch_size']
self.n_cpu = options['train_dataloader_workers']
def adjust_learning_rate(self, iteration_idx):
self.learning_rate = self.options['start_learning_rate']
end_iteration = self.options['train_iterations']
# Calculate a learning rate we need in real-time based on the iteration_idx
for idx in range(min(end_iteration, iteration_idx)//self.options['decay_iteration']):
idx = idx+1
if idx * self.options['decay_iteration'] in self.options['double_milestones']:
# double the learning rate in milestones
self.learning_rate = self.learning_rate * 2
# else, try to multiply decay_gamma (when we decay, we won't upscale)
self.learning_rate = self.learning_rate * self.options['decay_gamma'] # should be divisible in all cases
# Change the learning rate to our target
for param_group in self.optimizer_g.param_groups:
param_group['lr'] = self.learning_rate
if self.has_discriminator:
# print("We didn't yet handle discriminator, but we think that it should be necessary")
for param_group in self.optimizer_d.param_groups:
param_group['lr'] = self.learning_rate
assert(self.learning_rate == self.optimizer_g.param_groups[0]['lr'])
def pixel_loss_load(self):
if self.options['pixel_loss'] == "L1":
self.cri_pix = PixelLoss().cuda()
elif self.options['pixel_loss'] == "L1_Charbonnier":
self.cri_pix = L1_Charbonnier_loss().cuda()
print("We are using {} loss".format(self.options['pixel_loss']))
def GAN_loss_load(self):
# parameter init
gan_loss_weight = self.options["gan_loss_weight"]
vgg_type = self.options['train_perceptual_vgg_type']
# Preceptual Loss
self.cri_pix = torch.nn.L1Loss().cuda()
self.cri_vgg_perceptual = PerceptualLoss(self.options['train_perceptual_layer_weights'], vgg_type, perceptual_weight=self.options["vgg_perceptual_loss_weight"]).cuda()
self.cri_danbooru_perceptual = Anime_PerceptualLoss(self.options["Danbooru_layer_weights"], perceptual_weight=self.options["danbooru_perceptual_loss_weight"]).cuda()
# GAN loss
if self.options['discriminator_type'] == "PatchDiscriminator":
self.cri_gan = MultiScaleGANLoss(gan_type="lsgan", loss_weight=gan_loss_weight).cuda() # already put in loss scaler for discriminator
elif self.options['discriminator_type'] == "UNetDiscriminator":
self.cri_gan = GANLoss(gan_type="vanilla", loss_weight=gan_loss_weight).cuda() # already put in loss scaler for discriminator
def tensorboard_epoch_draw(self, epoch_loss, epoch):
self.writer.add_scalar('Loss/train-Loss-Epoch', epoch_loss, epoch)
def master_run(self):
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
print("options are ", self.options)
# Generate a new LR dataset before doing anything (Must before Data Loading)
# Load data
train_lr_paths = glob.glob(self.options["lr_dataset_path"] + "/*.*")
degrade_hr_paths = glob.glob(self.options["degrade_hr_dataset_path"] + "/*.*")
train_hr_paths = glob.glob(self.options["train_hr_dataset_path"] + "/*.*")
train_dataloader = DataLoader(ImageDataset(train_lr_paths, degrade_hr_paths, train_hr_paths), batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=self.n_cpu) # ONLY LOAD HALF OF CPU AVAILABLE
dataset_length = len(os.listdir(self.options["train_hr_dataset_path"]))
# Check if we need to load weight
if self.args.auto_resume_best or self.args.auto_resume_closest:
elif self.args.pretrained_path != "": # If we give a pretrained path, we will use it (Should have in GAN training which uses pretrained L1 loss Network)
# Start iterating the epochs
start_epoch = self.start_iteration // math.ceil(dataset_length / self.options['train_batch_size'])
n_epochs = self.n_iterations // math.ceil(dataset_length / self.options['train_batch_size'])
iteration_idx = self.start_iteration # init the iteration index
self.batch_idx = iteration_idx
self.adjust_learning_rate(iteration_idx) # adjust the learning rate to the desired one at the beginning
for epoch in range(start_epoch, n_epochs):
print("This is epoch {} and the start iteration is {} with learning rate {}".format(epoch, iteration_idx, self.optimizer_g.param_groups[0]['lr']))
# Generate new lr degradation image
if epoch != start_epoch and epoch % self.options['degradate_generation_freq'] == 0:
# Batch training
loss_per_epoch = 0.0
tqdm_bar = tqdm(train_dataloader, total=len(train_dataloader))
for batch_idx, imgs in enumerate(tqdm_bar):
imgs_lr = imgs["lr"].cuda()
imgs_degrade_hr = imgs["degrade_hr"].cuda()
imgs_hr = imgs["hr"].cuda()
# Used for each iteration
self.generator_loss = 0
self.single_iteration(imgs_lr, imgs_degrade_hr, imgs_hr)
# tensorboard and updates
loss_per_epoch += self.generator_loss.item()
################################# Save model weights and update hyperparameter ########################################
if self.lowest_generator_loss >= self.generator_loss.item():
self.lowest_generator_loss = self.generator_loss.item()
print("\nSave model with the lowest generator_loss among all iteartions ", self.lowest_generator_loss)
# Store the best
self.save_weight(iteration_idx, self.model_name+"_best", self.options)
# Update iteration and learning rate
iteration_idx += 1
self.batch_idx = iteration_idx
if iteration_idx % self.options['decay_iteration'] == 0:
self.adjust_learning_rate(iteration_idx) # adjust the learning rate to the desired one
print("Update the learning rate to {} at iteration {} ".format(self.optimizer_g.param_groups[0]['lr'], iteration_idx))
# Don't clean any memory here, it will dramatically slow down the code
# Per epoch report
self.tensorboard_epoch_draw( loss_per_epoch/batch_idx, epoch)
# Per epoch store weight
self.save_weight(iteration_idx, self.model_name+"_closest", self.options)
# Backup Checkpoint (Per 50 epoch)
if epoch % self.options['checkpoints_freq'] == 0 or epoch == n_epochs-1:
self.save_weight(iteration_idx, "checkpoints/" + self.model_name + "_epoch_" + str(epoch), self.options)
# Clean unneeded GPU cache (since we use subprocess for generate_lr(), so we need to kill them all)
time.sleep(5) # For enough time to clean the cache
def single_iteration(self, imgs_lr, imgs_degrade_hr, imgs_hr):
############################################# Generator section ##################################################
if self.has_discriminator:
for p in self.discriminator.parameters():
p.requires_grad = False
with torch.cuda.amp.autocast():
# generate high res image
gen_hr = self.generator(imgs_lr)
# all distinct loss will be stored in self.weight_store (per iteration)
self.calculate_loss(gen_hr, imgs_hr)
# backward needed loss
# self.loss_generator_total.backward()
# self.optimizer_g.step()
scaler.scale(self.generator_loss).backward() # loss backward
if self.has_discriminator:
##################################### Discriminator section #####################################################
for p in self.discriminator.parameters():
p.requires_grad = True
# discriminator real input
with torch.cuda.amp.autocast():
# We only need imgs_degrade_hr instead of imgs_hr in discriminator (Thus, we don't want to introduce usm in the discriminator)
real_d_preds = self.discriminator(imgs_degrade_hr)
l_d_real = self.cri_gan(real_d_preds, True, is_disc=True)
# discriminator fake input
with torch.cuda.amp.autocast():
fake_d_preds = self.discriminator(gen_hr.detach().clone())
l_d_fake = self.cri_gan(fake_d_preds, False, is_disc=True)
# update
def load_pretrained(self, name):
# This part will load generator weight here, and it doesn't need to
weight_dir = self.args.pretrained_path
if not os.path.exists(weight_dir):
print("No such pretrained "+weight_dir+" file exists! We end the program! Please check the dir!")
checkpoint_g = torch.load(weight_dir)
if 'model_state_dict' in checkpoint_g:
elif 'params_ema' in checkpoint_g:
raise NotImplementedError("We didn't cannot locate the weight of thie pretrained weight")
print(f"We will use pretrained "+name+" weight!")
def load_weight(self, head_prefix):
# Resume best or the closest weight available
head = head_prefix+"_best" if self.args.auto_resume_best else head_prefix+"_closest"
if os.path.exists("saved_models/"+head+"_generator.pth"):
print("We need to resume previous " + head + " weight")
# Generator
checkpoint_g = torch.load("saved_models/"+head+"_generator.pth")
# Discriminator
if self.has_discriminator:
checkpoint_d = torch.load("saved_models/"+head+"_discriminator.pth")
assert(checkpoint_g['iteration'] == checkpoint_d['iteration']) # must be the same for iteration in generator and discriminator
self.start_iteration = checkpoint_g['iteration'] + 1
# Prepare lowest generator
if os.path.exists("saved_models/" + head_prefix + "_best_generator.pth"):
checkpoint_g = torch.load("saved_models/" + head_prefix + "_best_generator.pth") # load generator weight
print("There is no best weight exists!")
self.lowest_generator_loss = min(self.lowest_generator_loss, checkpoint_g["lowest_generator_weight"] )
print("The lowest generator loss at the beginning is ", self.lowest_generator_loss)
print(f"No saved_models/"+head+"_generator.pth " or " saved_models/"+head+"_discriminator.pth exists")
print(f"We will start from the iteration {self.start_iteration}")
def save_weight(self, iteration, name, opt):
# Generator{
'iteration': iteration,
'model_state_dict': self.generator.state_dict(),
'optimizer_state_dict': self.optimizer_g.state_dict(),
'lowest_generator_weight': self.lowest_generator_loss,
'opt': opt,
}, "saved_models/" + name + "_generator.pth")
# 'pixel_loss': self.weight_store["pixel_loss"],
# 'perceptual_loss': self.weight_store['perceptual_loss'],
# 'gan_loss': self.weight_store["gan_loss"],
if self.has_discriminator:
# Discriminator{
'iteration': iteration,
'model_state_dict': self.discriminator.state_dict(),
'optimizer_state_dict': self.optimizer_d.state_dict(),
}, "saved_models/" + name + "_discriminator.pth")
def lowest_tensorboard_report(self, iteration):
self.writer.add_scalar('Loss/lowest-weight', self.generator_loss, iteration)
def generate_lr(self):
# If we directly use API, pytorch2.0 may raise an unknown bugs which is extremely slow on degradation pipeline
os.system("python scripts/")
# Assert check
lr_paths = os.listdir(self.options["lr_dataset_path"])
degrade_hr_paths = os.listdir(self.options["degrade_hr_dataset_path"])
hr_paths = os.listdir(self.options["train_hr_dataset_path"])
assert(len(lr_paths) == len(degrade_hr_paths))
assert(len(lr_paths) == len(hr_paths))