import base64 import io import json import logging import boto3 from PIL import Image from botocore.config import Config from botocore.exceptions import ClientError import gradio as gr import os # Set up logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Custom exception for image errors class ImageError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message model_id = 'amazon.nova-canvas-v1:0' aws_id = os.getenv('AWS_ID') aws_secret = os.getenv('AWS_SECRET') def process_and_encode_image(image, min_size=320, max_size=4096, max_pixels=4194304): if image is None: raise ValueError("Input image is required.") if not isinstance(image, Image.Image): image = # Convert to RGB mode if necessary if image.mode not in ('RGB', 'RGBA'): image = image.convert('RGB') elif image.mode == 'RGBA': # Convert RGBA to RGB by compositing on white background background ='RGB', image.size, (255, 255, 255)) background.paste(image, mask=image.split()[3]) # Use alpha channel as mask image = background # Ensure 8-bit color depth if image.mode == 'RGB' and isinstance(image.getpixel((0,0)), tuple) and len(image.getpixel((0,0))) == 3: if not all(0 <= x <= 255 for x in image.getpixel((0,0))): image = image.convert('RGB') current_pixels = image.width * image.height # If image exceeds max pixels, scale it down while maintaining aspect ratio if current_pixels > max_pixels: aspect_ratio = image.width / image.height if aspect_ratio > 1: # Width > Height new_width = int((max_pixels * aspect_ratio) ** 0.5) new_height = int(new_width / aspect_ratio) else: # Height >= Width new_height = int((max_pixels / aspect_ratio) ** 0.5) new_width = int(new_height * aspect_ratio) image = image.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.LANCZOS) # Ensure dimensions are within valid range if image.width < min_size or image.width > max_size or image.height < min_size or image.height > max_size: new_width = min(max(image.width, min_size), max_size) new_height = min(max(image.height, min_size), max_size) image = image.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.LANCZOS) # Convert to bytes and encode to base64 image_bytes = io.BytesIO() # Save as PNG with maximum compatibility, format='PNG', optimize=True) encoded_image = base64.b64encode(image_bytes.getvalue()).decode('utf8') return encoded_image # Function to generate an image using Amazon Nova Canvas model def generate_image(body):"Generating image with Amazon Nova Canvas model %s", model_id) # Configure the client with a longer timeout bedrock = boto3.client( service_name='bedrock-runtime', aws_access_key_id=aws_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret, region_name='us-east-1', config=Config(read_timeout=300) # Add 5-minute timeout ) print(body) try: response = bedrock.invoke_model( body=body, modelId=model_id, accept="application/json", contentType="application/json" ) response_body = json.loads(response.get("body").read()) # Check for error before processing the image if "error" in response_body: raise ImageError(f"Image generation error. Error is {response_body['error']}") base64_image = response_body.get("images")[0] base64_bytes = base64_image.encode('ascii') image_bytes = base64.b64decode(base64_bytes)"Successfully generated image with Amazon Nova Canvas model %s", model_id) return image_bytes except ClientError as err: message = err.response["Error"]["Message"] logger.error("A client error occurred: %s", message) raise ImageError(f"Client error during image generation: {message}") # Function to display image from bytes def display_image(image_bytes): image = return image # Gradio functions for each task def text_to_image(prompt, negative_text=None, height=1024, width=1024, quality="standard", cfg_scale=8.0, seed=0): # Prepare the textToImageParams dictionary text_to_image_params = { "text": prompt } # Conditionally add negativeText if it is not None and not empty if negative_text: text_to_image_params["negativeText"] = negative_text body = json.dumps({ "taskType": "TEXT_IMAGE", "textToImageParams": text_to_image_params, "imageGenerationConfig": { "numberOfImages": 1, "height": height, "width": width, "quality": quality, "cfgScale": cfg_scale, "seed": seed } }) image_bytes = generate_image(body) return display_image(image_bytes) def inpainting(image, mask_prompt=None, mask_image=None, text=None, negative_text=None, height=1024, width=1024, quality="standard", cfg_scale=8.0, seed=0): if image is not None: input_image = process_and_encode_image(image) else: raise ValueError("Input image is required.") if mask_image is not None: mask_image_encoded = process_and_encode_image(image) else: mask_image_encoded = None if not mask_prompt and not mask_image: raise ValueError("You must specify either maskPrompt or maskImage.") # Prepare the inPaintingParams dictionary if mask_prompt and mask_image_encoded: raise ValueError("You must specify either maskPrompt or maskImage, but not both.") if not mask_prompt and not mask_image_encoded: raise ValueError("You must specify either maskPrompt or maskImage.") # Prepare the inPaintingParams dictionary with the appropriate mask parameter in_painting_params = { "image": input_image } if mask_prompt: in_painting_params["maskPrompt"] = mask_prompt elif mask_image_encoded: in_painting_params["maskImage"] = mask_image_encoded if text: in_painting_params["text"] = text if negative_text: in_painting_params["negativeText"] = negative_text body = json.dumps({ "taskType": "INPAINTING", "inPaintingParams": in_painting_params, "imageGenerationConfig": { "numberOfImages": 1, "height": height, "width": width, "quality": quality, "cfgScale": cfg_scale, "seed": seed } }) image_bytes = generate_image(body) return display_image(image_bytes) def outpainting(image, mask_prompt=None, mask_image=None, text=None, negative_text=None, outpainting_mode="DEFAULT", height=1024, width=1024, quality="standard", cfg_scale=8.0, seed=0): if image is not None: input_image = process_and_encode_image(image) else: raise ValueError("Input image is required.") if mask_image is not None: mask_bytes = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') mask_image_encoded = base64.b64encode(mask_bytes.getvalue()).decode('utf8') else: mask_image_encoded = None if not mask_prompt and not mask_image: raise ValueError("You must specify either maskPrompt or maskImage.") # Prepare the outPaintingParams dictionary out_painting_params = { "image": input_image, "outPaintingMode": outpainting_mode, "maskPrompt": mask_prompt or "" # Ensure maskPrompt is always included } # Conditionally add parameters if they are not None if mask_image_encoded: out_painting_params["maskImage"] = mask_image_encoded if text: out_painting_params["text"] = text if negative_text: out_painting_params["negativeText"] = negative_text body = json.dumps({ "taskType": "OUTPAINTING", "outPaintingParams": out_painting_params, "imageGenerationConfig": { "numberOfImages": 1, "height": height, "width": width, "quality": quality, "cfgScale": cfg_scale, "seed": seed } }) image_bytes = generate_image(body) return display_image(image_bytes) def image_variation(images, text=None, negative_text=None, similarity_strength=0.5, height=1024, width=1024, quality="standard", cfg_scale=8.0, seed=0): encoded_images = [] for image_path in images: with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file: encoded_images.append(process_and_encode_image(image_file)) # Prepare the imageVariationParams dictionary image_variation_params = { "images": encoded_images, "similarityStrength": similarity_strength } # Conditionally add parameters if they are not None if text: image_variation_params["text"] = text if negative_text: image_variation_params["negativeText"] = negative_text body = json.dumps({ "taskType": "IMAGE_VARIATION", "imageVariationParams": image_variation_params, "imageGenerationConfig": { "numberOfImages": 1, "height": height, "width": width, "quality": quality, "cfgScale": cfg_scale, "seed": seed } }) image_bytes = generate_image(body) return display_image(image_bytes) def image_conditioning(condition_image, text, negative_text=None, control_mode="CANNY_EDGE", control_strength=0.7, height=1024, width=1024, quality="standard", cfg_scale=8.0, seed=0): if condition_image is not None: condition_image_encoded = process_and_encode_image(condition_image) else: raise ValueError("Input image is required.") # Prepare the textToImageParams dictionary text_to_image_params = { "text": text, "conditionImage": condition_image_encoded, "controlMode": control_mode, "controlStrength": control_strength } # Conditionally add negativeText if it is not None if negative_text: text_to_image_params["negativeText"] = negative_text body = json.dumps({ "taskType": "TEXT_IMAGE", "textToImageParams": text_to_image_params, "imageGenerationConfig": { "numberOfImages": 1, "height": height, "width": width, "quality": quality, "cfgScale": cfg_scale, "seed": seed } }) image_bytes = generate_image(body) return display_image(image_bytes) def color_guided_content(text=None, reference_image=None, negative_text=None, colors=None, height=1024, width=1024, quality="standard", cfg_scale=8.0, seed=0): # Encode the reference image if provided if reference_image is not None: reference_image_encoded = process_and_encode_image(reference_image) else: reference_image_encoded = None if not colors: colors = "#FF5733,#33FF57,#3357FF,#FF33A1,#33FFF5,#FF8C33,#8C33FF,#33FF8C,#FF3333,#33A1FF" # Prepare the colorGuidedGenerationParams dictionary color_guided_generation_params = { "text": text, "colors": colors.split(',') } # Conditionally add parameters if they are not None if negative_text: color_guided_generation_params["negativeText"] = negative_text if reference_image_encoded: color_guided_generation_params["referenceImage"] = reference_image_encoded body = json.dumps({ "taskType": "COLOR_GUIDED_GENERATION", "colorGuidedGenerationParams": color_guided_generation_params, "imageGenerationConfig": { "numberOfImages": 1, "height": height, "width": width, "quality": quality, "cfgScale": cfg_scale, "seed": seed } }) image_bytes = generate_image(body) return display_image(image_bytes) def background_removal(image): input_image = process_and_encode_image(image) body = json.dumps({ "taskType": "BACKGROUND_REMOVAL", "backgroundRemovalParams": {"image": input_image} }) image_bytes = generate_image(body) return display_image(image_bytes) # Gradio Interface with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.HTML(""" """) gr.Markdown("# Amazon Nova Canvas Image Generation") with gr.Tab("Text to Image"): with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("Generate an image from a text prompt using the Amazon Nova Canvas model.") prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt", placeholder="Enter a text prompt (1-1024 characters)", max_lines=1) output = gr.Image() with gr.Accordion("Advanced Options", open=False): negative_text = gr.Textbox(label="Negative Prompt", placeholder="Enter text to exclude (1-1024 characters)", max_lines=1) height = gr.Slider(minimum=256, maximum=2048, step=64, value=1024, label="Height") width = gr.Slider(minimum=256, maximum=2048, step=64, value=1024, label="Width") quality = gr.Radio(choices=["standard", "premium"], value="standard", label="Quality") cfg_scale = gr.Slider(minimum=1.0, maximum=20.0, step=0.1, value=8.0, label="CFG Scale") seed = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=2000, step=1, value=8, label="Seed") gr.Button("Generate").click(text_to_image, inputs=[prompt, negative_text, height, width, quality, cfg_scale, seed], outputs=output) with gr.Tab("Inpainting"): with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("""