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import numpy as np
import torch
from sparsification.glmBasedSparsification import compute_feature_selection_and_assignment
def compute_sldd_feature_selection_and_assignment(model, train_loader, test_loader, log_folder, num_classes, seed,
per_class=5, select_features=50):
feature_sel, sparse_matrices, biases, mean, std = compute_feature_selection_and_assignment(model, train_loader,
log_folder, num_classes,
seed, select_features=select_features)
weight_sparse, bias_sparse = get_sparsified_weights_for_factor(sparse_matrices,biases,
per_class) # Last one in regularisation path has none
return feature_sel, weight_sparse, bias_sparse, mean, std
def get_sparsified_weights_for_factor(sparse_layer,biases,keep_per_class, drop_rate=0.5):
nonzero_entries = [torch.sum(torch.count_nonzero(sparse_layer[i])) for i in range(len(sparse_layer))]
mean_sparsity = np.array([nonzero_entries[i] / sparse_layer[i].shape[0] for i in range(len(sparse_layer))])
factor =keep_per_class / drop_rate
# Get layer with desired sparsity
sparse_enough = mean_sparsity <= factor
sel_idx = np.argmax(sparse_enough * mean_sparsity)
if sel_idx == 0 and np.sum(mean_sparsity) > 1: # sometimes first one is odd
sparse_enough[0] = False
sel_idx = np.argmax(sparse_enough * mean_sparsity)
selected_weight = sparse_layer[sel_idx]
selected_bias = biases[sel_idx]
# only keep 5 per class on average
weight_5_per_matrix = set_lowest_percent_to_zero(selected_weight,5)
return weight_5_per_matrix,selected_bias
def set_lowest_percent_to_zero(matrix, keep_per):
nonzero_indices = torch.nonzero(matrix)
values = torch.tensor([matrix[x[0], x[1]] for x in nonzero_indices])
sorted_indices = torch.argsort(torch.abs(values))
total_allowed = int(matrix.shape[0] * keep_per)
sorted_indices = sorted_indices[:-total_allowed]
nonzero_indices_to_zero = [nonzero_indices[x] for x in sorted_indices]
for to_zero in nonzero_indices_to_zero:
matrix[to_zero[0], to_zero[1]] = 0
return matrix |