# ************************************************************************* # Copyright (2023) Bytedance Inc. # # Copyright (2023) DragDiffusion Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ************************************************************************* import copy import torch import torch.nn.functional as F def point_tracking(F0, F1, handle_points, handle_points_init, args): with torch.no_grad(): _, _, max_r, max_c = F0.shape for i in range(len(handle_points)): pi0, pi = handle_points_init[i], handle_points[i] f0 = F0[:, :, int(pi0[0]), int(pi0[1])] r1, r2 = max(0,int(pi[0])-args.r_p), min(max_r,int(pi[0])+args.r_p+1) c1, c2 = max(0,int(pi[1])-args.r_p), min(max_c,int(pi[1])+args.r_p+1) F1_neighbor = F1[:, :, r1:r2, c1:c2] all_dist = (f0.unsqueeze(dim=-1).unsqueeze(dim=-1) - F1_neighbor).abs().sum(dim=1) all_dist = all_dist.squeeze(dim=0) row, col = divmod(all_dist.argmin().item(), all_dist.shape[-1]) # handle_points[i][0] = pi[0] - args.r_p + row # handle_points[i][1] = pi[1] - args.r_p + col handle_points[i][0] = r1 + row handle_points[i][1] = c1 + col return handle_points def check_handle_reach_target(handle_points, target_points): # dist = (torch.cat(handle_points,dim=0) - torch.cat(target_points,dim=0)).norm(dim=-1) all_dist = list(map(lambda p,q: (p-q).norm(), handle_points, target_points)) return (torch.tensor(all_dist) < 2.0).all() # obtain the bilinear interpolated feature patch centered around (x, y) with radius r def interpolate_feature_patch(feat, y1, y2, x1, x2): x1_floor = torch.floor(x1).long() x1_cell = x1_floor + 1 dx = torch.floor(x2).long() - torch.floor(x1).long() y1_floor = torch.floor(y1).long() y1_cell = y1_floor + 1 dy = torch.floor(y2).long() - torch.floor(y1).long() wa = (x1_cell.float() - x1) * (y1_cell.float() - y1) wb = (x1_cell.float() - x1) * (y1 - y1_floor.float()) wc = (x1 - x1_floor.float()) * (y1_cell.float() - y1) wd = (x1 - x1_floor.float()) * (y1 - y1_floor.float()) Ia = feat[:, :, y1_floor : y1_floor+dy, x1_floor : x1_floor+dx] Ib = feat[:, :, y1_cell : y1_cell+dy, x1_floor : x1_floor+dx] Ic = feat[:, :, y1_floor : y1_floor+dy, x1_cell : x1_cell+dx] Id = feat[:, :, y1_cell : y1_cell+dy, x1_cell : x1_cell+dx] return Ia * wa + Ib * wb + Ic * wc + Id * wd def drag_diffusion_update(model, init_code, text_embeddings, t, handle_points, target_points, mask, args): assert len(handle_points) == len(target_points), \ "number of handle point must equals target points" if text_embeddings is None: text_embeddings = model.get_text_embeddings(args.prompt) # the init output feature of unet with torch.no_grad(): unet_output, F0 = model.forward_unet_features(init_code, t, encoder_hidden_states=text_embeddings, layer_idx=args.unet_feature_idx, interp_res_h=args.sup_res_h, interp_res_w=args.sup_res_w) x_prev_0,_ = model.step(unet_output, t, init_code) # init_code_orig = copy.deepcopy(init_code) # prepare optimizable init_code and optimizer init_code.requires_grad_(True) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([init_code], lr=args.lr) # prepare for point tracking and background regularization handle_points_init = copy.deepcopy(handle_points) interp_mask = F.interpolate(mask, (init_code.shape[2],init_code.shape[3]), mode='nearest') using_mask = interp_mask.sum() != 0.0 # prepare amp scaler for mixed-precision training scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler() for step_idx in range(args.n_pix_step): with torch.autocast(device_type='cuda', dtype=torch.float16): unet_output, F1 = model.forward_unet_features(init_code, t, encoder_hidden_states=text_embeddings, layer_idx=args.unet_feature_idx, interp_res_h=args.sup_res_h, interp_res_w=args.sup_res_w) x_prev_updated,_ = model.step(unet_output, t, init_code) # do point tracking to update handle points before computing motion supervision loss if step_idx != 0: handle_points = point_tracking(F0, F1, handle_points, handle_points_init, args) print('new handle points', handle_points) # break if all handle points have reached the targets if check_handle_reach_target(handle_points, target_points): break loss = 0.0 _, _, max_r, max_c = F0.shape for i in range(len(handle_points)): pi, ti = handle_points[i], target_points[i] # skip if the distance between target and source is less than 1 if (ti - pi).norm() < 2.: continue di = (ti - pi) / (ti - pi).norm() # motion supervision # with boundary protection r1, r2 = max(0,int(pi[0])-args.r_m), min(max_r,int(pi[0])+args.r_m+1) c1, c2 = max(0,int(pi[1])-args.r_m), min(max_c,int(pi[1])+args.r_m+1) f0_patch = F1[:,:,r1:r2, c1:c2].detach() f1_patch = interpolate_feature_patch(F1,r1+di[0],r2+di[0],c1+di[1],c2+di[1]) # original code, without boundary protection # f0_patch = F1[:,:,int(pi[0])-args.r_m:int(pi[0])+args.r_m+1, int(pi[1])-args.r_m:int(pi[1])+args.r_m+1].detach() # f1_patch = interpolate_feature_patch(F1, pi[0] + di[0], pi[1] + di[1], args.r_m) loss += ((2*args.r_m+1)**2)*F.l1_loss(f0_patch, f1_patch) # masked region must stay unchanged if using_mask: loss += args.lam * ((x_prev_updated-x_prev_0)*(1.0-interp_mask)).abs().sum() # loss += args.lam * ((init_code_orig-init_code)*(1.0-interp_mask)).abs().sum() print('loss total=%f'%(loss.item())) scaler.scale(loss).backward() scaler.step(optimizer) scaler.update() optimizer.zero_grad() return init_code def drag_diffusion_update_gen(model, init_code, text_embeddings, t, handle_points, target_points, mask, args): assert len(handle_points) == len(target_points), \ "number of handle point must equals target points" if text_embeddings is None: text_embeddings = model.get_text_embeddings(args.prompt) # positive prompt embedding if args.guidance_scale > 1.0: unconditional_input = model.tokenizer( [args.neg_prompt], padding="max_length", max_length=77, return_tensors="pt" ) unconditional_emb = model.text_encoder(unconditional_input.input_ids.to(text_embeddings.device))[0].detach() text_embeddings = torch.cat([unconditional_emb, text_embeddings], dim=0) # the init output feature of unet with torch.no_grad(): if args.guidance_scale > 1.: model_inputs_0 = copy.deepcopy(torch.cat([init_code] * 2)) else: model_inputs_0 = copy.deepcopy(init_code) unet_output, F0 = model.forward_unet_features(model_inputs_0, t, encoder_hidden_states=text_embeddings, layer_idx=args.unet_feature_idx, interp_res_h=args.sup_res_h, interp_res_w=args.sup_res_w) if args.guidance_scale > 1.: # strategy 1: discard the unconditional branch feature maps # F0 = F0[1].unsqueeze(dim=0) # strategy 2: concat pos and neg branch feature maps for motion-sup and point tracking # F0 = torch.cat([F0[0], F0[1]], dim=0).unsqueeze(dim=0) # strategy 3: concat pos and neg branch feature maps with guidance_scale consideration coef = args.guidance_scale / (2*args.guidance_scale - 1.0) F0 = torch.cat([(1-coef)*F0[0], coef*F0[1]], dim=0).unsqueeze(dim=0) unet_output_uncon, unet_output_con = unet_output.chunk(2, dim=0) unet_output = unet_output_uncon + args.guidance_scale * (unet_output_con - unet_output_uncon) x_prev_0,_ = model.step(unet_output, t, init_code) # init_code_orig = copy.deepcopy(init_code) # prepare optimizable init_code and optimizer init_code.requires_grad_(True) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([init_code], lr=args.lr) # prepare for point tracking and background regularization handle_points_init = copy.deepcopy(handle_points) interp_mask = F.interpolate(mask, (init_code.shape[2],init_code.shape[3]), mode='nearest') using_mask = interp_mask.sum() != 0.0 # prepare amp scaler for mixed-precision training scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler() for step_idx in range(args.n_pix_step): with torch.autocast(device_type='cuda', dtype=torch.float16): if args.guidance_scale > 1.: model_inputs = init_code.repeat(2,1,1,1) else: model_inputs = init_code unet_output, F1 = model.forward_unet_features(model_inputs, t, encoder_hidden_states=text_embeddings, layer_idx=args.unet_feature_idx, interp_res_h=args.sup_res_h, interp_res_w=args.sup_res_w) if args.guidance_scale > 1.: # strategy 1: discard the unconditional branch feature maps # F1 = F1[1].unsqueeze(dim=0) # strategy 2: concat positive and negative branch feature maps for motion-sup and point tracking # F1 = torch.cat([F1[0], F1[1]], dim=0).unsqueeze(dim=0) # strategy 3: concat pos and neg branch feature maps with guidance_scale consideration coef = args.guidance_scale / (2*args.guidance_scale - 1.0) F1 = torch.cat([(1-coef)*F1[0], coef*F1[1]], dim=0).unsqueeze(dim=0) unet_output_uncon, unet_output_con = unet_output.chunk(2, dim=0) unet_output = unet_output_uncon + args.guidance_scale * (unet_output_con - unet_output_uncon) x_prev_updated,_ = model.step(unet_output, t, init_code) # do point tracking to update handle points before computing motion supervision loss if step_idx != 0: handle_points = point_tracking(F0, F1, handle_points, handle_points_init, args) print('new handle points', handle_points) # break if all handle points have reached the targets if check_handle_reach_target(handle_points, target_points): break loss = 0.0 _, _, max_r, max_c = F0.shape for i in range(len(handle_points)): pi, ti = handle_points[i], target_points[i] # skip if the distance between target and source is less than 1 if (ti - pi).norm() < 2.: continue di = (ti - pi) / (ti - pi).norm() # motion supervision # with boundary protection r1, r2 = max(0,int(pi[0])-args.r_m), min(max_r,int(pi[0])+args.r_m+1) c1, c2 = max(0,int(pi[1])-args.r_m), min(max_c,int(pi[1])+args.r_m+1) f0_patch = F1[:,:,r1:r2, c1:c2].detach() f1_patch = interpolate_feature_patch(F1,r1+di[0],r2+di[0],c1+di[1],c2+di[1]) # original code, without boundary protection # f0_patch = F1[:,:,int(pi[0])-args.r_m:int(pi[0])+args.r_m+1, int(pi[1])-args.r_m:int(pi[1])+args.r_m+1].detach() # f1_patch = interpolate_feature_patch(F1, pi[0] + di[0], pi[1] + di[1], args.r_m) loss += ((2*args.r_m+1)**2)*F.l1_loss(f0_patch, f1_patch) # masked region must stay unchanged if using_mask: loss += args.lam * ((x_prev_updated-x_prev_0)*(1.0-interp_mask)).abs().sum() # loss += args.lam * ((init_code_orig - init_code)*(1.0-interp_mask)).abs().sum() print('loss total=%f'%(loss.item())) scaler.scale(loss).backward() scaler.step(optimizer) scaler.update() optimizer.zero_grad() return init_code