ui-refexp-click / app.py
fix: gradio update
history blame
10.8 kB
import re
import gradio as gr
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import math
import torch
import html
from transformers import DonutProcessor, VisionEncoderDecoderModel
global model, loaded_revision, processor, device
model = None
previous_revision = None
processor = None
device = None
loaded_revision = None
def load_model(pretrained_revision: str = 'main'):
global model, loaded_revision, processor, device
pretrained_repo_name = 'ivelin/donut-refexp-click'
# revision can be git commit hash, branch or tag
# use 'main' for latest revision
f"Loading model checkpoint from repo: {pretrained_repo_name}, revision: {pretrained_revision}")
if processor is None or loaded_revision is None or loaded_revision != pretrained_revision:
loaded_revision = pretrained_revision
processor = DonutProcessor.from_pretrained(
pretrained_repo_name, revision=pretrained_revision) # , use_auth_token="...")
processor.image_processor.do_align_long_axis = False
# do not manipulate image size and position
processor.image_processor.do_resize = False
processor.image_processor.do_thumbnail = False
processor.image_processor.do_pad = False
# processor.image_processor.do_rescale = False
processor.image_processor.do_normalize = True
print(f'processor image size: {processor.image_processor.size}')
model = VisionEncoderDecoderModel.from_pretrained(
pretrained_repo_name, revision=pretrained_revision) # use_auth_token="...",
print(f'model checkpoint loaded')
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
def prepare_image_for_encoder(image=None, output_image_size=None):
First, resizes the input image to fill as much as possible of the output image size
while preserving aspect ratio. Positions the resized image at (0,0) and fills
the rest of the gap space in the output image with black(0).
image: PIL image
output_image_size: (width, height) tuple
assert image is not None
assert output_image_size is not None
img2 = image.copy()
oimg = Image.new(mode=img2.mode, size=output_image_size, color=0)
oimg.paste(img2, box=(0, 0))
return oimg
def translate_point_coords_from_out_to_in(point=None, input_image_size=None, output_image_size=None):
Convert relative prediction coordinates from resized encoder tensor image
to original input image size.
original_point: x, y coordinates of the point coordinates in [0..1] range in the original image
input_image_size: (width, height) tuple
output_image_size: (width, height) tuple
assert point is not None
assert input_image_size is not None
assert output_image_size is not None
f"point={point}, input_image_size={input_image_size}, output_image_size={output_image_size}")
input_width, input_height = input_image_size
output_width, output_height = output_image_size
ratio = min(output_width/input_width, output_height/input_height)
resized_height = int(input_height*ratio)
resized_width = int(input_width*ratio)
print(f'>>> resized_width={resized_width}')
print(f'>>> resized_height={resized_height}')
if resized_height == input_height and resized_width == input_width:
# translation of the relative positioning is only needed for dimentions that have padding
if resized_width < output_width:
# adjust for padding pixels
point['x'] *= (output_width / resized_width)
if resized_height < output_height:
# adjust for padding pixels
point['y'] *= (output_height / resized_height)
f"translated point={point}, resized_image_size: {resized_width, resized_height}")
def process_refexp(image, prompt: str, model_revision: str = 'main', return_annotated_image: bool = True):
print(f"(image, prompt): {image}, {prompt}")
if not model_revision:
model_revision = 'main'
print(f"model checkpoint revision: {model_revision}")
# trim prompt to 80 characters and normalize to lowercase
prompt = prompt[:80].lower()
# prepare encoder inputs
out_size = (
processor.image_processor.size['width'], processor.image_processor.size['height'])
in_size = image.size
prepped_image = prepare_image_for_encoder(
image, output_image_size=out_size)
pixel_values = processor(prepped_image, return_tensors="pt").pixel_values
# prepare decoder inputs
task_prompt = "<s_refexp><s_prompt>{user_input}</s_prompt><s_target_center>"
prompt = task_prompt.replace("{user_input}", prompt)
decoder_input_ids = processor.tokenizer(
prompt, add_special_tokens=False, return_tensors="pt").input_ids
# generate answer
outputs = model.generate(
# postprocess
sequence = processor.batch_decode(outputs.sequences)[0]
print(fr"predicted decoder sequence: {html.escape(sequence)}")
sequence = sequence.replace(processor.tokenizer.eos_token, "").replace(
processor.tokenizer.pad_token, "")
# remove first task start token
sequence = re.sub(r"<.*?>", "", sequence, count=1).strip()
fr"predicted decoder sequence before token2json: {html.escape(sequence)}")
seqjson = processor.token2json(sequence)
# safeguard in case predicted sequence does not include a target_center token
center_point = seqjson.get('target_center')
if center_point is None:
f"predicted sequence has no target_center, seq:{sequence}")
center_point = {"x": 0, "y": 0}
return center_point
print(f"predicted center_point with text coordinates: {center_point}")
# safeguard in case text prediction is missing some center point coordinates
# or coordinates are not valid numeric values
x = float(center_point.get("x", 0))
except ValueError:
x = 0
y = float(center_point.get("y", 0))
except ValueError:
y = 0
# replace str with float coords
center_point = {"x": x, "y": y,
"decoder output sequence (before x,y adjustment)": sequence}
print(f"predicted center_point with float coordinates: {center_point}")
print(f"input image size: {in_size}")
print(f"processed prompt: {prompt}")
# convert coordinates from tensor image size to input image size
out_size = (
processor.image_processor.size['width'], processor.image_processor.size['height'])
point=center_point, input_image_size=in_size, output_image_size=out_size)
width, height = in_size
x = math.floor(width*center_point["x"])
y = math.floor(height*center_point["y"])
f"to image pixel values: x, y: {x, y}")
if return_annotated_image:
# draw center point circle
img1 = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
r = 30
shape = [(x-r, y-r), (x+r, y+r)]
img1.ellipse(shape, outline="green", width=20)
img1.ellipse(shape, outline="white", width=10)
# do not return image if its an API call to save bandwidth
image = None
return image, center_point
title = "Demo: GuardianUI RefExp Click"
description = "Gradio Demo for Donut RefExp task, an instance of `VisionEncoderDecoderModel` fine-tuned on [UIBert RefExp](https://huggingface.co/datasets/ivelin/ui_refexp_saved) Dataset (UI Referring Expression). To use it, simply upload your image and type a prompt and click 'submit', or click one of the examples to load them. Optionally enter value for model git revision; latest checkpoint will be used by default."
article = "<p style='text-align: center'><a href='https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.15664' target='_blank'>Donut: OCR-free Document Understanding Transformer</a> | <a href='https://github.com/clovaai/donut' target='_blank'>Github Repo</a></p>"
examples = [["example_1.jpg", "select the setting icon from top right corner", "", True],
["example_1.jpg", "click on down arrow beside the entertainment", "", True],
["example_1.jpg", "select the down arrow button beside lifestyle", "", True],
["example_1.jpg", "click on the image beside the option traffic", "", True],
["example_3.jpg", "select the third row first image", "", True],
["example_3.jpg", "click the tick mark on the first image", "", True],
["example_3.jpg", "select the ninth image", "", True],
["example_3.jpg", "select the add icon", "", True],
["example_3.jpg", "click the first image", "", True],
["val-image-4.jpg", 'select 4153365454', "", True],
['val-image-4.jpg', 'go to cell', "", True],
['val-image-4.jpg', 'select number above cell', "", True],
["val-image-1.jpg", "select calendar option", "", True],
["val-image-1.jpg", "select photos&videos option", "", True],
["val-image-2.jpg", "click on change store", "", True],
["val-image-2.jpg", "click on shop menu at the bottom", "", True],
["val-image-3.jpg", "click on image above short meow", "", True],
["val-image-3.jpg", "go to cat sounds", "", True],
["example_2.jpg", "click on green color button", "", True],
["example_2.jpg", "click on text which is beside call now", "", True],
["example_2.jpg", "click on more button", "", True],
["example_2.jpg", "enter the text field next to the name", "", True],
demo = gr.Interface(fn=process_refexp,
inputs=[gr.Image(type="pil"), "text", "text", gr.Checkbox(
value=True, label="Return Annotated Image", visible=False)],
outputs=[gr.Image(type="pil"), "json"],
# caching examples inference takes too long to start space after app change commit
# share=True when running in a Jupyter Notebook