from datasets import load_dataset
import streamlit as st
import urllib
from inseq import FeatureAttributionOutput
dataset = load_dataset("GroNLP/divemt")
attribution_path = "{idx}_{lang}_gradl2_{setting}_{sentence_type}.json.gz"
df = dataset["train"].to_pandas()
unique_src = df[["item_id", "src_text"]].drop_duplicates(subset="item_id")
langs = list(df["lang_id"].unique())
st.title("DivEMT Explorer 🔍 🌍")
##### The DivEMT Explorer is a tool to explore translations and edits in the DivEMT corpus.
##### Use the expandable section "Explore examples" below to visualize some of the original source sentences. When you find an interesting sentence, insert its numeric id (between 0 and 429) in the box below, and select all the available languages you want to use for visualizing the results.
##### Inside every generated language section, you will find the translations for all the available settings, alongside aligned edits and a collection of collected metadata. You can filter the shown settings to see the aligned edits annotations.
with st.expander("Explore examples"):
col1, col2, _ = st.columns([3,2,5])
with col1:
offset = st.slider(
"Select an offset",
max_value=len(unique_src) - 5,
with col2:
count = st.number_input(
'Select the number of examples to display',
col1_main, col2_main, _ = st.columns([1,1,3])
with col1_main:
item_id = st.number_input(
'Select an item (0-429) to inspect',
max_value=len(unique_src) - 1,
with col2_main:
langs = st.multiselect(
'Select languages',
st.markdown("##### Source text")
st.markdown("##### " + unique_src.iloc[int(item_id)]["src_text"] + "", unsafe_allow_html=True)
task_names = ["From Scratch (HT)", "Google PE (PE1)", "mBART PE (PE2)"]
for lang in langs:
with st.expander(f"View {lang.upper()} data"):
c1, _ = st.columns([1, 2])
with c1:
tasks = st.multiselect(
'Select settings',
#columns = st.columns(len(tasks))
lang_data = df[(df["item_id"] == unique_src.iloc[int(item_id)]["item_id"]) & (df["lang_id"] == lang)]
lang_dicts = lang_data.to_dict("records")
ht = [x for x in lang_dicts if x["task_type"] == "ht"][0]
pe1 = [x for x in lang_dicts if x["task_type"] == "pe1"][0]
pe2 = [x for x in lang_dicts if x["task_type"] == "pe2"][0]
task_dict = {k:v for k,v in zip(task_names, [ht, pe1, pe2])}
max_mt_length = max([len(x["mt_text"]) for x in lang_dicts if x["mt_text"] is not None])
for task_name, dic in zip(tasks, [task_dict[name] for name in tasks]):
st.markdown(f"Translator: {dic['subject_id']}", unsafe_allow_html=True)
mt_text = dic["mt_text"]
if mt_text is None:
mt_text = "" + "".join(["O " for i in range(max_mt_length // 2)]) + ""
st.markdown(f"MT: {'' if lang == 'ara' else ''}{mt_text}{'' if lang == 'ara' else ''}", unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.markdown(f"PE: {'' if lang == 'ara' else ''}{dic['tgt_text']}{'' if lang == 'ara' else ''}", unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.markdown(f"Aligned edits:", unsafe_allow_html=True)
if dic["aligned_edit"] is not None:
aligned_edit = dic["aligned_edit"]
#if lang == 'ara' and len(dic["aligned_edit"].split("EVAL: ")) == 2:
# edits_reverse = aligned_edit.split("EVAL: ")[1][::-1]
# aligned_edit = aligned_edit.split("EVAL: ")[0] + "EVAL: " + edits_reverse
aligned_edit = aligned_edit.replace("\\n", "\n").replace("REF:", "MT :").replace("HYP:", "PE :")
st.text("MT : N/A\nPE : N/A\nEVAL: N/A\n")
st.markdown(f"Metadata:", unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.json({k:v for k,v in dic.items() if k not in ["src_text", "mt_text", "tgt_text", "aligned_edit"]}, expanded=False)
if task_name != "From Scratch (HT)":
setting = "pe1" if task_name == "Google PE (PE1)" else "pe2"
st.markdown(f"Attributions:", unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.text("Click on checkboxes to show/hide the respective attributions computed with mBART 1-to-50.")
for sentence_type in ["mt", "pe", "diff"]:
url = attribution_path.format(idx=item_id, setting=setting, sentence_type=sentence_type, lang=lang)
g = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
fpath = f"attr_{lang}_{sentence_type}.json.gz"
with open(fpath, 'b+w') as f:
attr = FeatureAttributionOutput.load(fpath, decompress=True)
if st.checkbox(sentence_type.upper(), key=f"{lang}_{task_name}_{sentence_type}"):
st.markdown(f"{, display=False, do_aggregation=False)}", unsafe_allow_html=True)
except (urllib.error.HTTPError, urllib.error.URLError) as e:
st.checkbox(sentence_type.upper() + " (NOT AVAILABLE)", key=f"{lang}_{task_name}_{sentence_type}", disabled=True)