import { pipeline } from ""; // Initialize Ace Editor const editor = ace.edit("editor"); editor.setTheme("ace/theme/monokai"); editor.session.setMode("ace/mode/xml"); //editor.setValue('\n\n \n'); //editor.setValue('\n'); editor.container.addEventListener('contextmenu', showContextMenu); // Initialize Whisper pipeline let whisperPipeline; let mediaRecorder; let audioChunks = []; async function initWhisper() { // Show the loading spinner $('#loadingSpinner').show(); try { whisperPipeline = await pipeline('automatic-speech-recognition', 'Xenova/whisper-small', { device: "webgpu", dtype: 'fp32' },); // Hide the loading spinner after the model is loaded $('#loadingSpinner').hide(); $('#status').text('Ready to record'); } catch (e) { $('#status').text('Error initializing Whisper: ' + e.message); $('#loadingSpinner').hide(); } } // Initialize recording functionality async function startRecording() { try { const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }); mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream); audioChunks = []; mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = (event) => { audioChunks.push(; }; mediaRecorder.onstop = async () => { const audioBlob = new Blob(audioChunks, { type: 'audio/wav' }); await processAudio(audioBlob); }; mediaRecorder.start(); $('#startRecording').prop('disabled', true); $('#stopRecording').prop('disabled', false); $('#status').text('Recording...'); } catch (e) { $('#status').text('Error starting recording: ' + e.message); } } async function stopRecording() { if (mediaRecorder && mediaRecorder.state === 'recording') { mediaRecorder.stop(); $('#startRecording').prop('disabled', false); $('#stopRecording').prop('disabled', true); $('#status').text('Processing audio...'); } } async function processAudio(audioBlob) { $('#loadingSpinner').show(); try { // Create a URL for the audio blob const audioUrl = URL.createObjectURL(audioBlob); // Pass the Float32Array to the whisperPipeline const transcription = await whisperPipeline(audioUrl); $('#loadingSpinner').hide(); $('#transcription').val(transcription.text); // Clean up the URL object URL.revokeObjectURL(audioUrl); } catch (e) { $('#loadingSpinner').hide(); $('#status').text('Error processing audio: ' + e.message); } } // Function to send the final user prompt to the Ollama model async function sendPrompt() { $('#loadingSpinner').show(); const transcription = $('#transcription').val(); // Get transcription const context = $('#context').text(); // Get context const userPrompt = `${transcription}\n#Context:${context}`; // Combine both // Send transcription to Ollama server for EAD/XML generation const response = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ model: '', prompt: `Generate EAD/XML for the following archival description: ${userPrompt}`, stream: false }) }); const data = await response.json(); / Check if context is empty if (context.trim() === '') { // If context is empty, set the entire editor value editor.setValue(data.response); } else { // Get the current selection range in the editor const selectionRange = editor.getSelectionRange(); // Get the selection range // Replace only the highlighted text with the model's response editor.session.replace(selectionRange, data.response); } $('#status').text('Ready'); $('#loadingSpinner').hide(); } // Add this function to handle right-click context menu function showContextMenu(event) { event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default context menu const selectedText = editor.getSelectedText(); if (selectedText) { // Create a context menu if it doesn't exist let $contextMenu = $('#contextMenu'); if ($contextMenu.length === 0) { $contextMenu = $('
', { id: 'contextMenu', css: { position: 'absolute', backgroundColor: 'white', border: '1px solid #ccc', zIndex: 1000, display: 'none' // Initially hidden } }).append('').appendTo('body'); } // Position the context menu $contextMenu.css({ left: `${event.pageX}px`, top: `${event.pageY}px`, display: 'block' // Show the context menu }); // Add event listener for the "Add to Context" button $('#addToContext').off('click').on('click', () => { addToContext(selectedText); $contextMenu.hide(); // Hide the context menu }); } } // Function to add selected text to the context div function addToContext(selectedText) { $('#context').text(selectedText); // Populate the context div with the selected text } function formatXmlInEditor() { const xmlContent = editor.getValue(); const formattedXml = formatXml(xmlContent); editor.setValue(formattedXml, 1); } function formatXml(xml, tab) { let formatted = ''; let indentLevel = 0; tab = tab || ' '; // Use two spaces for indentation // Remove unnecessary spaces between tags and normalize newlines xml = xml.replace(/>\s*<').trim(); // Split by tags xml.split(/(<[^>]+>)/g).forEach(node => { if (node.trim()) { if (node.startsWith('')) { // Opening tag - add the tag and then increase indentation formatted += `${tab.repeat(indentLevel)}${node.trim()}\n`; indentLevel++; } else if (node.startsWith('<') && node.endsWith('/>')) { // Self-closing tag - add it at the current level formatted += `${tab.repeat(indentLevel)}${node.trim()}\n`; } else { // Text content - keep it at the current indentation level formatted += `${tab.repeat(indentLevel)}${node.trim()}\n`; } } }); return formatted.trim(); } // Event listeners $('#startRecording').on('click', startRecording); $('#stopRecording').on('click', stopRecording); // Hide context menu on click elsewhere $(document).on('click', () => { $('#contextMenu').hide(); }); // Add event listener for the send prompt button $('#sendPrompt').on('click', sendPrompt); // Add event listener for the prettify button $('#prettifyXML').on('click', formatXmlInEditor); // Initialize Whisper on page load initWhisper();