File size: 4,870 Bytes
d1cc84a 471f224 33f164a 6f8fd55 ae3451c 79daedf d4dc4f4 6f8fd55 eb3d6bf d1cc84a eb3d6bf d1cc84a eb3d6bf d1cc84a 6f8fd55 79daedf 8297f16 ae3451c d1cc84a 79daedf d7aa6c5 d1cc84a 79daedf 6a8227a 79daedf d1cc84a 79daedf 471f224 79daedf 6f8fd55 79daedf ae3451c 79daedf ae3451c 79daedf 6f8fd55 79daedf d1cc84a |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 |
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import as px
from datasets import load_dataset
import os
from src.basic_plot import basic_chart
from src.map_viz import calling_map_viz
from src.data_ingestion import daily_average
from src.heatmap import HeatMap
from src.data_ingestion import remove_previous_view, merge_volumes
from src.pred_plot import prep_data_pred_plot, data_split, train_model, predicted_figure, get_today, convert_date, gen_fig
from datetime import date
def fetch_data():
# comment out for local testing, but be sure to include after testing
dataset = load_dataset("tappyness1/causion", use_auth_token=os.environ['TOKEN'])
# print (dataset)
# print (pd.DataFrame(dataset['train']))
counts_df = pd.DataFrame(dataset['train'])
# only use this part before for local testing
# once local testing is completed, comment out and use the dataset above
# counts_df = pd.read_csv("data/counts_dataset.csv")
return counts_df
def main():
counts_df = fetch_data()
pred_df = counts_df.copy()
counts_df1 = counts_df.copy()
counts_df = remove_previous_view(counts_df)
counts_df = merge_volumes(counts_df)
# st.set_page_config(layout="wide")
height = 650
st.markdown(""" <style>
#MainMenu {visibility: hidden;}
footer {visibility: hidden;}
</style> """,
hours = [
"00:00", "01:00", "02:00", "03:00", "04:00", "05:00",
"06:00", "07:00", "08:00", "09:00", "10:00", "11:00",
"12:00", "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00", "17:00",
"18:00", "19:00", "20:00", "21:00", "22:00", "23:00",
st.write("<- Click on the sidebar to select your plot preferences")
# Select Plot Option
plot_type = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose Plot Type", options = ['Historical', 'Predictive'])
if plot_type == 'Historical':
st.sidebar.markdown("Select Plots to show")
checkbox_one = st.sidebar.checkbox('Overall Traffic', value = True) # rename as necessary
checkbox_two = st.sidebar.checkbox('Traffic Map', value = True)
checkbox_three = st.sidebar.checkbox('Heat Map', value = True)
view_options = list(counts_df["view"].unique())
view = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose View", options=view_options, index = view_options.index("Woodlands - to Johor"))
if view != 'All':
st.header(f"Showing Traffic for {view}")
counts_df = counts_df[counts_df['view'] == view]
if checkbox_one:
st.subheader("Overall Traffic")
plot = st.selectbox("Choose Plot", options=["Day", "Hour", "Raw"], index = 0)
st.plotly_chart(basic_chart(counts_df, plot = plot),use_container_width=True)
if checkbox_two:
st.subheader("Traffic Map")
if checkbox_three:
heatmap = HeatMap(counts_df)
# st.header("Mean Vehicle Count by Day of Week")
# st.plotly_chart(heatmap.vehicle_count_bar())
hour_choice = st.selectbox(
"Choose Hour",
options= hours,
key = "hour", index = hours.index("08:00")
st.subheader(f"Traffic Volume of Each Day at {hour_choice}")
days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
"Thursday", "Friday","Saturday", "Sunday"]
day_choice = st.selectbox("Choose Day of the Week", options = days, key = "day", index = days.index("Saturday"))
st.subheader(f"Traffic Volume of Each Hour on {day_choice}")
figs = gen_fig()
today = get_today()
final_table = prep_data_pred_plot(pred_df)
x_train, _, y_train, _ = data_split(final_table)
clf = train_model(x_train, y_train)
pred_hour_choice = st.selectbox(
"Choose Your Planned Hour",
options= hours,
key = "pred_hour", index = hours.index("08:00")
pred_view_choice = st.selectbox(
"Choose View",
options= ['Johor-Tuas','Johor-Woodlands', 'Tuas-Johor', 'Woodlands-Johor'],
key = "pred_view"
d = st.date_input(
"Choose Your Planned Date",
date(today[0],today[1], today[2]))
starter_variables = [x_train, str(d), pred_hour_choice, pred_view_choice]
st.plotly_chart(predicted_figure(clf, starter_variables, figs))
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() |