#bit messy to say the least will put cleaner version in separate space def imgOCR_img2text(imgFilename): import easyocr reader = easyocr.Reader(['en'], gpu=True) #GPU inference - faster and more accurate but need GPU. Enable and try/excpet CPU users down to CPU #reader = easyocr.Reader(['en'], gpu=False) #CPU inference - slower and less accurate ''' try: reader = easyocr.Reader(['en'], gpu=True) #GPU inference - faster and more accurate but need GPU. Enable and try/except CPU users down to CPU except: reader = easyocr.Reader(['en'], gpu=False) #CPU inference - slower and less accurate ''' # Create a reader to do OCR. # If you change to GPU instance, it will be faster. But CPU is enough. # (by MENU > Runtime > Change runtime type > GPU, then redo from beginning ) #import easyocr #reader = easyocr.Reader(['en'], gpu=True) # Doing OCR. Get bounding boxes. bounds2 = reader.readtext(imgFilename) #'writing_demo1.png' #bounds2 = reader.readtext('writing_demo1.png', detail = 0) # detail = 0 turns off details, ie coordinates of bounding boxes and just returns the text OCRbox = [] for kk in range(len(bounds2)): #don't want to alter original with the operations below OCRbox.append( bounds2[kk] ) def getX1ofBoundingBox(inputArray1): # inputArray1 = bounds2[kk] boundingX1 = (inputArray1[0])[0][0] return boundingX1 def getY1ofBoundingBox(inputArray2): # inputArray2 = bounds2[kk] boundingY1 = (inputArray2[0])[0][1] return boundingY1 def getX3ofBoundingBox(inputArray3): # inputArray3 = bounds2[kk] boundingX3 = (inputArray3[0])[2][0] return boundingX3 def getY3ofBoundingBox(inputArray4): # inputArray4 = bounds2[kk] boundingY3 = (inputArray4[0])[2][1] return boundingY3 def get_XcentroidCoordinate_ofBoundingBox(inputArray5): # inputArray5 = bounds2[kk] x1_0 = getX1ofBoundingBox(inputArray5) x3_0 = getX3ofBoundingBox(inputArray5) x_centroid0 = ( (x3_0 - x1_0) / 2 ) + x1_0 return x_centroid0 def get_YcentroidCoordinate_ofBoundingBox(inputArray6): # inputArray6 = bounds2[kk] y1_0 = getY1ofBoundingBox(inputArray6) y3_0 = getY3ofBoundingBox(inputArray6) y_centroid0 = ( (y3_0 - y1_0) / 2 ) + y1_0 return y_centroid0 for kk in range(len(OCRbox)): #bounds2[] #OCRbox.sort(key=getY1ofBoundingBox) #Sorts it by Y1 location, see here for use of function key in sort https://www.w3schools.com/python/ref_list_sort.asp OCRbox.sort(key=get_YcentroidCoordinate_ofBoundingBox) #Sorts it by Y centroid location # [ associatedText, boundingCoordinates ] = [ bounds2[kk][1] , [X1, X3, Y1, Y3] ] print( bounds2 ) print( "Row sorted aka all Y_centroid (or Y1, Y3, whichever we chose to sort by) should be increasing in each new item : ", OCRbox ) listOfRows = [] minilist = [] for kk in range(len(OCRbox) - 1): minilist.append( OCRbox[kk] ) if get_YcentroidCoordinate_ofBoundingBox( OCRbox[kk] ) < getY1ofBoundingBox( OCRbox[kk + 1] ): listOfRows.append( minilist ) #print( "this minilist aka row = " , minilist ) minilist = [] #minilist.append( OCRbox[kk] ) print( "listOfRows = ", listOfRows) print( "len( listOfRows) = " , len( listOfRows) ) print( "the final minilist aka row = " , minilist ) print( "OCRbox[-1] = ", OCRbox[-1] ) #boundary case for last row. If its a single box we append it as its own row. If not we append it to the last list. if get_YcentroidCoordinate_ofBoundingBox( OCRbox[-2] ) < getY1ofBoundingBox( OCRbox[-1] ): #boundary case in case the last row also happens to be a single box listOfRows.append( [OCRbox[-1]] ) #tack on last one that for loop didnt AS ITS OWN LIST elif len(listOfRows) < 1: #basically no text or single row detected listOfRows.append( [OCRbox[-1]] ) else: listOfRows[-1].append( OCRbox[-1] ) #tack it onto the last row #def readLeft2RightSort(): #aka English, for Japanese just do Right2Left; Really just an X-centroid sort on each element of list of rows SEPARATELY like we did Y-centroid sort above listOfRows.append( [([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], '', 1)] ) #preserve structure in empty case for kk in range(len(listOfRows)): listOfRows[kk].sort(key=get_XcentroidCoordinate_ofBoundingBox) print(listOfRows) print(listOfRows[0]) print(listOfRows[1]) print(listOfRows[0][0][1]) rowOfTextList = [] for kk in range(len(listOfRows)): for ii in range(len(listOfRows[kk])): rowOfTextString = ''.join(listOfRows[kk][ii][1]) rowOfTextList.append(rowOfTextString) print(rowOfTextList) coordinateSortedText = ' '.join(rowOfTextList) print(coordinateSortedText) def cleanOCRtext(inputString2clean): inputString2clean = inputString2clean.replace("_", " ") #replace _ with space inputString2clean = inputString2clean.replace(" ", " ") #replace double space with single space inputString2clean = inputString2clean.lower() #import re #turn 0's that appear in the text into o's, this seems to be the major letter to number error inputString2clean = re.sub("([a-z])[0]", "\\1o", inputString2clean) #capture [a-z] with parentheses then reference the first capture as \\1 inputString2clean = re.sub("[0]([a-z])", "\\1o", inputString2clean) return inputString2clean cleanedText = cleanOCRtext(coordinateSortedText) print("============================== FINAL ==============================") print(cleanedText) return cleanedText