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Speaker_1:- [00:00] Here we go. (beeping) Um, so what do you think about it? (laughs)
Speaker_2:- I don't know. It's sort of a weird topic.
Speaker_1:- Yeah.
Speaker_2:- Um, well, what was this? Something about trials being televised.
Speaker_1:- Televised. Yeah. Do you think they should be televised?
Speaker_2:- Uh, I don't know. I don't really think so. I don't--
Speaker_1:- Yeah. I--
Speaker_2:- --think it's, like, for a public like it's they're not made to be they're not the purpose is not for public, like, viewing. Um, but I think it's more media thing than, like, a people need to know thing.
Speaker_1:- Okay. So y- so you think that the rights should be for, um, the criminal law or whatever it to have, uh, privacy?
Speaker_2:- Yeah. I think so.
Speaker_1:- Okay.
Speaker_2:- I don't I mean, I don't know. I don't really see why other people should see it.
Speaker_1:- Yeah. I guess it's sort of kind of like, you know, whether or not the president is sleeping with somebody, you know, who really cares?
Speaker_2:- Yeah.
Speaker_1:- Um, and after the O J trial, especially, I think it it turns out to be a circus, and I wonder whether or not anybody can get a fair trial when it's televised because there's so much concentration on, you know, who's looking, like, what and his his expression is showing what, then he must be guilty or he may not be guilty.
Speaker_2:- Uh huh.
Speaker_1:- So it does turn out to be a media circus.
Speaker_2:- Yeah. Definitely. And that that sort of takes away from the whole point of having a fair trial, I'd think.
Speaker_1:- Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. Um, [01:31] hmm. Okay. Well, (laughs) I guess we don't have to stick to that particular subject.
Speaker_2:- No.
Speaker_1:- Is it raining where you are?
Speaker_2:- Yeah. It was pouring before.
Speaker_1:- Yeah. It it--
Speaker_2:- Raining harder than I have
Speaker_1:- --um, started raining about, um, I guess about half an hour ago when--
Speaker_2:- Uh huh.
Speaker_1:- --and it was pouring, and I worked on the pools all day long--
Speaker_2:- Oh, wow.
Speaker_1:- --and I'm exhausted, and I figured I'll try to get my one call in.
Speaker_2:- That's good.
Speaker_1:- Yeah. This is my second day, um, doing this and--
Speaker_2:- Yeah. I haven't actually made any calls yet.
Speaker_1:- Oh, okay.
Speaker_2:- But, so this is my first--
Speaker_1:- Yes. It's hard getting through to people.
Speaker_2:- Really?
Speaker_1:- Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker_2:- Yeah. I can imagine.
Speaker_1:- I don't know if they have enough people, um, signed up or, you know, whatever but--
Speaker_2:- Uh huh.
Speaker_1:- --it's been really hard.
Speaker_2:- How did you hear about this?
Speaker_1:- Um, through, um, the city paper--
Speaker_2:- Uh huh.
Speaker_1:- --in Philadelphia.
Speaker_2:- Uh huh.
Speaker_1:- And I do stuff like this all the time because I'm not working right now.
Speaker_2:- Uh huh.
Speaker_1:- Um, so this is like a good way for me to make some little extra money or whatever.
Speaker_2:- Yeah. Definitely.
Speaker_1:- Yeah. And and it's interesting. I I really I talked to this guy yesterday, and he seemed to be a pretty nice guy, and we were supposed to talk about recycling and ended up talking about our vacations to Jamaica.
Speaker_2:- Oh, wow.
Speaker_1:- Yeah. So that that was kind of neat, and he ended up being like a really nice guy.
Speaker_2:- That's good.
Speaker_1:- Yeah.
Speaker_2:- Yeah. That's really interesting.
Speaker_1:- So you're in in college?
Speaker_2:- Yeah. I got to Penn.
Speaker_1:- Oh, okay. Okay.
Speaker_2:- Um.
Speaker_1:- I think he did, too. [02:58] Yeah. Okay.
Speaker_2:- Um. Yeah. I just heard it like they I they put out a list on, like, some kind of lists over here--
Speaker_1:- Mm hmm.
Speaker_2:- --and I'm I'm in a group called the Artist Guild, and they put it out for groups that, like, the money that you can make could go to your group, like your organization--
Speaker_1:- Okay.
Speaker_2:- --or like, um, so, like, a bunch of people in the Artist Guild are doing it.
Speaker_1:- Oh, okay.
Speaker_2:- Um. Yeah. But it's I don't know. It just see- seemed like an interesting thing to do, so.
Speaker_1:- Yeah. Yeah. It does.
Speaker_2:- (mixed)
Speaker_1:- You know, I've participated in things like this before. I've done like mock jury type thing--
Speaker_2:- Uh huh.
Speaker_1:- --and that was real interesting.
Speaker_2:- Yeah.
Speaker_1:- Really, really interesting.
Speaker_2:- Mm hmm. [03:37] Where where are you (mixed)?
Speaker_1:- Right now, I'm at a friend's house because you can only call from, um, each number one time.
Speaker_2:- Right. Right.
Speaker_1:- So I had to come to a friend's house, and they have, like, all these people here and babies and everything. (laughs)
Speaker_2:- Yeah. I can hear them in the background.
Speaker_1:- Yeah.
Speaker_2:- But are you in Philadelphia?
Speaker_1:- Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm in Philly.
Speaker_2:- Okay.
Speaker_1:- [03:57] So this this gets kinda hard after a while I guess (laughs)--
Speaker_2:- Yeah, but
Speaker_1:- --you know, to trying to keep the
Speaker_2:- How long are we supposed to talk?
Speaker_1:- --conversation going for five minutes.
Speaker_2:- Five minutes?
Speaker_1:- Yeah.
Speaker_2:- Well, that's okay.
Speaker_1:- It's five minutes, and then, um, they kinda let you know when you're fi- five minutes is up, and they thank you and disconnect the call.
Speaker_2:- Uh huh.
Speaker_1:- Yeah.
Speaker_2:- Yeah. Yeah. I can ima- I can imagine. It's hard to find ten different numbers to call from. I can just go down the hall, I guess, and--
Speaker_1:- Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker_2:- --call from everybody's room, but
Speaker_1:- And--
Speaker_2:- It's probably harder for you.
Speaker_1:- It's it's kinda hard because if you go to a public phone, a lot of times they don't have, um, like numbers on them. So you--
Speaker_2:- Uh huh.
Speaker_1:- --have to, like, you know, do your friends and family or whatever--
Speaker_2:- Yeah.
Speaker_1:- --You know.
Speaker_2:- Yeah.
Speaker_1:- So I guess it's easy for you to walk down the dorm and get ten ten people--
Speaker_2:- Yeah. Definitely.
Speaker_1:- --um, to make a call from. Yeah.
Speaker_2:- [04:47] Do you know how long this goes on for, like, how do we have, like, a time limit to--
Speaker_1:- Um. No.
Speaker_2:- --to make our calls.
Speaker_1:- They didn't really tell me that. Um, what they said is that I can I can, um, make ten calls or more