""" Get data and adapt it for training ----------- - nettoyage de l'encodage - Ajout de token <START> et <END> TO DO : - Nettoyage des contractions - enlever les \xad - enlever ponctuation et () [] - s'occuper des noms propres (mots commençant par une majuscule qui se suivent) Création d'un Vectoriserà partir du vocabulaire : """ import pickle import string from collections import Counter import pandas as pd import torch class Data(torch.utils.data.Dataset): """ A class used to get data from file ... Attributes ---------- path : str the path to the file containing the data Methods ------- open() open the jsonl file with pandas clean_data(text_type) clean the data got by opening the file and adds <start> and <end> tokens depending on the text_type get_words() get the dataset vocabulary """ def __init__(self, path: str, transform=None) -> None: self.path = path self.data = pd.read_json(path_or_buf=self.path, lines=True) self.transform = transform def __len__(self): return len(self.data) def __getitem__(self, idx): row = self.data.iloc[idx] text = row["text"].translate( str.maketrans( "", "", string.punctuation)).split() summary = ( row["summary"].translate( str.maketrans( "", "", string.punctuation)).split()) summary = ["<start>", *summary, "<end>"] sample = {"text": text, "summary": summary} if self.transform: sample = self.transform(sample) return sample def open(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Open the file containing the data """ return pd.read_json(path_or_buf=self.path, lines=True) def clean_data(self, text_type: str) -> list: """ Clean data from encoding error, punctuation, etc... To Do : #nettoyer les données Parameters ---------- text_type : str allow to differenciate between 'text' and 'summary' to add <start> and <end> tokens to summaries Returns ---------- list of list list of tokenised texts """ dataset = self.open() texts = dataset[text_type] texts = texts.str.encode("cp1252", "ignore") texts = texts.str.decode("utf-8", "ignore") tokenized_texts = [] # - Nettoyage des contractions # - enlever les \xad # text.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)) # - enlever ponctuation et () [] # - s'occuper des noms propres (mots commençant par une majuscule qui se suivent) for text in texts: text = text.translate(str.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation)) text = text.split() tokenized_texts.append(text) if text_type == "summary": return [["<start>", *summary, "<end>"] for summary in tokenized_texts] return tokenized_texts def get_words(self) -> list: """ Create a dictionnary of the data vocabulary """ texts, summaries = self.clean_data("text"), self.clean_data("summary") text_words = [word for text in texts for word in text] summary_words = [word for text in summaries for word in text] return text_words + summary_words def pad_collate(data): text_batch = [element[0] for element in data] summary_batch = [element[1] for element in data] max_len = max([len(element) for element in summary_batch + text_batch]) text_batch = [ torch.nn.functional.pad(element, (0, max_len - len(element)), value=-100) for element in text_batch ] summary_batch = [ torch.nn.functional.pad(element, (0, max_len - len(element)), value=-100) for element in summary_batch ] return text_batch, summary_batch class Vectoriser: """ A class used to vectorise data ... Attributes ---------- vocab : list list of the vocab Methods ------- encode(tokens) transforms a list of tokens to their corresponding idx in form of troch tensor decode(word_idx_tensor) converts a tensor to a list of tokens vectorize(row) encode an entire row from the dataset """ def __init__(self, vocab=None) -> None: self.vocab = vocab self.word_count = Counter(word.lower().strip(",.\\-") for word in self.vocab) self.idx_to_token = sorted( [t for t, c in self.word_count.items() if c > 1]) self.token_to_idx = {t: i for i, t in enumerate(self.idx_to_token)} def load(self, path): with open(path, "rb") as file: self.vocab = pickle.load(file) self.word_count = Counter( word.lower().strip(",.\\-") for word in self.vocab ) self.idx_to_token = sorted( [t for t, c in self.word_count.items() if c > 1]) self.token_to_idx = {t: i for i, t in enumerate(self.idx_to_token)} def save(self, path): with open(path, "wb") as file: pickle.dump(self.vocab, file) def encode(self, tokens) -> torch.tensor: """ Encode une phrase selon les mots qu'elle contient selon les mots contenus dans le dictionnaire. À NOTER : Si un mot n'est pas contenu dans le dictionnaire, associe un index fixe au mot qui sera ignoré au décodage. --------- :params: tokens : list les mots de la phrase sous forme de liste :return: words_idx : tensor Un tensor contenant les index des mots de la phrase """ if isinstance(tokens, list): words_idx = torch.tensor( [ self.token_to_idx.get(t.lower(), len(self.token_to_idx)) for t in tokens ], dtype=torch.long, ) # Permet d'encoder mots par mots elif isinstance(tokens, str): words_idx = torch.tensor(self.token_to_idx.get(tokens.lower())) return words_idx def decode(self, words_idx_tensor) -> list: """ Decode une phrase selon le procédé inverse que la fonction encode """ idxs = words_idx_tensor.tolist() if isinstance(idxs, int): words = [self.idx_to_token[idxs]] else: words = [] for idx in idxs: if idx != len(self.idx_to_token): words.append(self.idx_to_token[idx]) return words def __call__(self, row) -> torch.tensor: """ Encode les données d'une ligne du dataframe ---------- :params: row : dataframe une ligne du dataframe (un coupe texte-résumé) :returns: text_idx : tensor le tensor correspondant aux mots du textes :returns: summary_idx: tensor le tensr correspondant aux mots du résumé """ text_idx = self.encode(row["text"]) summary_idx = self.encode(row["summary"]) return (text_idx, summary_idx)