Runtime error
Runtime error
import streamlit as st | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
import re | |
import json | |
import requests | |
from io import StringIO | |
from perplexity import Perplexity | |
import codecs | |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") | |
def dataread(kk, pasteduse,perplex_use): | |
if pasteduse != '': | |
data = pd.read_csv(StringIO(pasteduse),sep='\t',header=0) | |
data['Gene']=data['Gene_name'] | |
data['Protein Change']=data['Protein Change'].apply(lambda x: str(x).replace('p.','')) | |
st.write('The data you input is the following:') | |
st.write(data) | |
all_onc=[] | |
all_perplex=[] | |
all_query=[] | |
querygeneprotein=[] | |
for index,row in data.iterrows(): | |
if str(row['Gene']) != 'nan' and str(row['Protein Change']) != 'nan': | |
if str(row['Protein Change']) != 'nan': | |
d1=requests.get(""+row['Gene']+"&alteration="+row['Protein Change']+"&tumorType="+kk, headers={'Accept': 'application/json',"Authorization": 'Bearer 64f4aa64-2509-4500-994b-1f2a38422d44'}) | |
if perplex_use: | |
query="what drugs are used to treat "+ row['Gene']+" "+row['Protein Change']+" in "+kk+"?" | |
perplexity = Perplexity() | | | |
all_perplex.append(answer) | |
all_query.append(query) | |
all_onc.append(d1.content) | |
querygeneprotein.append(row['Gene']+"&alteration="+row['Protein Change']) | |
#if perplex_use: | |
# perplexity.close() | |
return all_onc,all_perplex,all_query,querygeneprotein | |
with st.form(key='parameters'): | |
texttomatch=st.text_input('text to match',value='') | |
pasteduse=st.text_area('paste text to search',value='') | |
perplex_use=st.checkbox('Use Perplexity',value=False) | |
abbrev_perplex=st.checkbox('Abbreviate Perplexity',value=True) | |
submit_button = st.form_submit_button(label='Submit') | |
if submit_button: | |
if pasteduse != '': | |
kk,perplexity, query,querygeneprotein=dataread(texttomatch,pasteduse,perplex_use) | |
dictionary_of_json_fda={} | |
dictionary_of_json_text={} | |
dictionary_of_json_text_perplexity={} | |
dictionary_of_json_query={} | |
dictionary_of_drugs={} | |
for i in np.arange(0,len(kk)): | |
output = codecs.decode(kk[i]) | |
dictionary_of_json_fda[querygeneprotein[i]]=json.loads(output).get('highestFdaLevel') | |
#dictionary_of_drugs[querygeneprotein[i]]=json.loads(output).get('treatments').get('drugs').get('DrugName') | |
dictionary_of_json_text[querygeneprotein[i]]=json.loads(output) | |
dictionary_of_json_text_perplexity[querygeneprotein[i]]=perplexity[i] | |
dictionary_of_json_query[querygeneprotein[i]]=query[i] | |
ord_dict=sorted(dictionary_of_json_fda.items(), key=lambda item: str(item[1])) | |
tt=st.tabs(pd.DataFrame(ord_dict).apply(lambda n: str(n[0])+' '+str(n[1]),axis=1).to_list()) | |
counter=0 | |
for i in ord_dict: | |
with tt[counter]: | |
st.write('The query was '+i[0]) | |
st.write('The results were:') | |
if dictionary_of_json_text[i[0]]['highestFdaLevel'] != '': | |
st.write('Drugs in this result') | |
drugnames=[] | |
for d in dictionary_of_json_text[i[0]]['treatments']: | |
for dd in d['drugs']: | |
drugnames.append(dd['drugName']) | |
for m in (set(drugnames)): | |
st.write(m) | |
st.write(str(len(set(drugnames)))+' drugs in this result') | |
if perplex_use: | |
st.write('The perplexity query was '+dictionary_of_json_query[i[0]]) | |
for jj in dictionary_of_json_text_perplexity[i[0]]: | |
forout=jj | |
st.write('answer from perplexity') | |
st.write(forout["answer"]) | |
for m in (set(drugnames)): | |
if(re.findall(m,forout["answer"])) !=[]: | |
st.write('YES BOTH '+m+' is in the answer of perplexity') | |
else: | |
st.write('NO JUST ONCOKB '+m+' is not in the answer of perplexity') | |
st.write('all oncokb results') | |
st.json(dictionary_of_json_text[i[0]]) | |
if perplex_use and abbrev_perplex ==False: | |
st.write('All results from perplexity:') | |
st.write(forout) | |
#breakpoint() | |
counter=counter+1 | |