import streamlit as st |
import utils |
from components import ( |
buildings_view, |
computation_view, |
header, |
logos, |
model_selector, |
models_view, |
overview_view, |
accuracy_view, |
relative_performance_view, |
links, |
) |
USE_CASE = st.secrets["enfobench_usecase"] |
PAGES = [ |
"Overview", |
"Buildings", |
"Models", |
"Accuracy", |
"Relative Performance", |
"Computational Resources", |
] |
st.set_page_config(page_title=f"{USE_CASE} Dashboard", layout="wide") |
@st.cache_data(ttl=86400) |
def fetch_data(): |
return utils.get_wandb_data( |
entity=st.secrets["wandb_entity"], |
project=st.secrets["wandb_project"], |
api_key=st.secrets["wandb_api_key"], |
job_type="metrics", |
) |
data = fetch_data() |
models = sorted(data["model"].unique().tolist()) |
with st.sidebar: |
logos() |
view = st.selectbox("View", PAGES, index=0) |
if view in ["Accuracy", "Relative Performance", "Computational Resources"]: |
models_to_plot = model_selector(models, data) |
if view == "Overview": |
links(current=USE_CASE) |
st.header("Refresh data") |
refresh = st.button( |
"Refresh", use_container_width=True, help="Fetch the latest data from W&B" |
) |
if refresh: |
fetch_data.clear() |
st.rerun() |
header(f"EnFoBench - {USE_CASE}") |
if view == "Overview": |
overview_view(data) |
elif view == "Buildings": |
buildings_view(data) |
elif view == "Models": |
models_view(data) |
elif view == "Accuracy": |
accuracy_view(data, models_to_plot) |
elif view == "Relative Performance": |
relative_performance_view(data, models_to_plot) |
elif view == "Computational Resources": |
computation_view(data, models_to_plot) |
else: |
st.write("Not implemented yet") |