# Copyright DataStax, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import struct def _make_packer(format_string): packer = struct.Struct(format_string) pack = packer.pack unpack = lambda s: packer.unpack(s)[0] return pack, unpack int64_pack, int64_unpack = _make_packer('>q') int32_pack, int32_unpack = _make_packer('>i') int16_pack, int16_unpack = _make_packer('>h') int8_pack, int8_unpack = _make_packer('>b') uint64_pack, uint64_unpack = _make_packer('>Q') uint32_pack, uint32_unpack = _make_packer('>I') uint32_le_pack, uint32_le_unpack = _make_packer('H') uint8_pack, uint8_unpack = _make_packer('>B') float_pack, float_unpack = _make_packer('>f') double_pack, double_unpack = _make_packer('>d') # Special case for cassandra header header_struct = struct.Struct('>BBbB') header_pack = header_struct.pack header_unpack = header_struct.unpack # in protocol version 3 and higher, the stream ID is two bytes v3_header_struct = struct.Struct('>BBhB') v3_header_pack = v3_header_struct.pack v3_header_unpack = v3_header_struct.unpack def varint_unpack(term): val = int(''.join("%02x" % i for i in term), 16) if (term[0] & 128) != 0: len_term = len(term) # pulling this out of the expression to avoid overflow in cython optimized code val -= 1 << (len_term * 8) return val def bit_length(n): return int.bit_length(n) def varint_pack(big): pos = True if big == 0: return b'\x00' if big < 0: bytelength = bit_length(abs(big) - 1) // 8 + 1 big = (1 << bytelength * 8) + big pos = False revbytes = bytearray() while big > 0: revbytes.append(big & 0xff) big >>= 8 if pos and revbytes[-1] & 0x80: revbytes.append(0) revbytes.reverse() return bytes(revbytes) point_be = struct.Struct('>dd') point_le = struct.Struct('ddd') circle_le = struct.Struct('> 63) def decode_zig_zag(n): return (n >> 1) ^ -(n & 1) def vints_unpack(term): # noqa values = [] n = 0 while n < len(term): first_byte = term[n] if (first_byte & 128) == 0: val = first_byte else: num_extra_bytes = 8 - (~first_byte & 0xff).bit_length() val = first_byte & (0xff >> num_extra_bytes) end = n + num_extra_bytes while n < end: n += 1 val <<= 8 val |= term[n] & 0xff n += 1 values.append(decode_zig_zag(val)) return tuple(values) def vints_pack(values): revbytes = bytearray() values = [int(v) for v in values[::-1]] for value in values: v = encode_zig_zag(value) if v < 128: revbytes.append(v) else: num_extra_bytes = 0 num_bits = v.bit_length() # We need to reserve (num_extra_bytes+1) bits in the first byte # ie. with 1 extra byte, the first byte needs to be something like '10XXXXXX' # 2 bits reserved # ie. with 8 extra bytes, the first byte needs to be '11111111' # 8 bits reserved reserved_bits = num_extra_bytes + 1 while num_bits > (8-(reserved_bits)): num_extra_bytes += 1 num_bits -= 8 reserved_bits = min(num_extra_bytes + 1, 8) revbytes.append(v & 0xff) v >>= 8 if num_extra_bytes > 8: raise ValueError('Value %d is too big and cannot be encoded as vint' % value) # We can now store the last bits in the first byte n = 8 - num_extra_bytes v |= (0xff >> n << n) revbytes.append(abs(v)) revbytes.reverse() return bytes(revbytes)