# Copyright DataStax, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import annotations import time from functools import wraps from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union from dataclasses import dataclass import httpx from astrapy.core.api import APIRequestError from astrapy.core.utils import TimeoutInfo from astrapy.results import ( BulkWriteResult, DeleteResult, InsertManyResult, OperationResult, UpdateResult, ) class DevOpsAPIException(ValueError): """ An exception specific to issuing requests to the DevOps API. """ def __init__(self, text: str = ""): super().__init__(text) @dataclass class DevOpsAPIErrorDescriptor: """ An object representing a single error returned from the DevOps API, typically with an error code and a text message. A single response from the Devops API may return zero, one or more of these. Attributes: id: a numeric code as found in the API "ID" item. message: the text found in the API "error" item. attributes: a dict with any further key-value pairs returned by the API. """ id: Optional[int] message: Optional[str] attributes: Dict[str, Any] def __init__(self, error_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self.id = error_dict.get("ID") self.message = error_dict.get("message") self.attributes = { k: v for k, v in error_dict.items() if k not in {"ID", "message"} } class DevOpsAPIResponseException(DevOpsAPIException): """ A request to the DevOps API returned with a non-success return code and one of more errors in the HTTP response. Attributes: text: a text message about the exception. command: the raw payload that was sent to the DevOps API. error_descriptors: a list of all DevOpsAPIErrorDescriptor objects returned by the API in the response. """ text: Optional[str] command: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] error_descriptors: List[DevOpsAPIErrorDescriptor] def __init__( self, text: Optional[str] = None, *, command: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, error_descriptors: List[DevOpsAPIErrorDescriptor] = [], ) -> None: super().__init__(text or self.__class__.__name__) self.text = text self.command = command self.error_descriptors = error_descriptors @staticmethod def from_response( command: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], raw_response: Dict[str, Any], ) -> DevOpsAPIResponseException: """Parse a raw response from the API into this exception.""" error_descriptors = [ DevOpsAPIErrorDescriptor(error_dict) for error_dict in raw_response.get("errors") or [] ] if error_descriptors: _text = error_descriptors[0].message else: _text = None return DevOpsAPIResponseException( text=_text, command=command, error_descriptors=error_descriptors ) @dataclass class DataAPIErrorDescriptor: """list of Ans object representing a single error returned from the Data API, typically with an error code and a text message. An API request would return with an HTTP 200 success error code, but contain a nonzero amount of these. A single response from the Data API may return zero, one or more of these. Moreover, some operations, such as an insert_many, may partally succeed yet return these errors about the rest of the operation (such as, some of the input documents could not be inserted). Attributes: error_code: a string code as found in the API "error" item. message: the text found in the API "error" item. attributes: a dict with any further key-value pairs returned by the API. """ error_code: Optional[str] message: Optional[str] attributes: Dict[str, Any] def __init__(self, error_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> None: self.error_code = error_dict.get("errorCode") self.message = error_dict.get("message") self.attributes = { k: v for k, v in error_dict.items() if k not in {"errorCode", "message"} } @dataclass class DataAPIDetailedErrorDescriptor: """ An object representing an errorful response from the Data API. Errors specific to the Data API (as opposed to e.g. network failures) would result in an HTTP 200 success response code but coming with one or more DataAPIErrorDescriptor objects. This object corresponds to one response, and as such its attributes are a single request payload, a single response, but a list of DataAPIErrorDescriptor instances. Attributes: error_descriptors: a list of DataAPIErrorDescriptor objects. command: the raw payload of the API request. raw_response: the full API response in the form of a dict. """ error_descriptors: List[DataAPIErrorDescriptor] command: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] raw_response: Dict[str, Any] class DataAPIException(ValueError): """ Any exception occurred while issuing requests to the Data API and specific to it, such as: - a collection is found not to exist when gettings its metadata, - the API return a response with an error, but not, for instance, - a network error while sending an HTTP request to the API. """ pass @dataclass class DataAPITimeoutException(DataAPIException): """ A Data API operation timed out. This can be a request timeout occurring during a specific HTTP request, or can happen over the course of a method involving several requests in a row, such as a paginated find. Attributes: text: a textual description of the error timeout_type: this denotes the phase of the HTTP request when the event occurred ("connect", "read", "write", "pool") or "generic" if there is not a specific request associated to the exception. endpoint: if the timeout is tied to a specific request, this is the URL that the request was targeting. raw_payload: if the timeout is tied to a specific request, this is the associated payload (as a string). """ text: str timeout_type: str endpoint: Optional[str] raw_payload: Optional[str] def __init__( self, text: str, *, timeout_type: str, endpoint: Optional[str], raw_payload: Optional[str], ) -> None: super().__init__(text) self.text = text self.timeout_type = timeout_type self.endpoint = endpoint self.raw_payload = raw_payload @dataclass class CursorIsStartedException(DataAPIException): """ The cursor operation cannot be invoked if a cursor is not in its pristine state (i.e. is already being consumed or is exhausted altogether). Attributes: text: a text message about the exception. cursor_state: a string description of the current state of the cursor. See the documentation for Cursor. """ text: str cursor_state: str def __init__( self, text: str, *, cursor_state: str, ) -> None: super().__init__(text) self.text = text self.cursor_state = cursor_state @dataclass class CollectionNotFoundException(DataAPIException): """ A collection is found non-existing and the requested operation cannot be performed. Attributes: text: a text message about the exception. namespace: the namespace where the collection was supposed to be. collection_name: the name of the expected collection. """ text: str namespace: str collection_name: str def __init__( self, text: str, *, namespace: str, collection_name: str, ) -> None: super().__init__(text) self.text = text self.namespace = namespace self.collection_name = collection_name @dataclass class CollectionAlreadyExistsException(DataAPIException): """ An operation expected a collection not to exist, yet it has been detected as pre-existing. Attributes: text: a text message about the exception. namespace: the namespace where the collection was expected not to exist. collection_name: the name of the collection. """ text: str namespace: str collection_name: str def __init__( self, text: str, *, namespace: str, collection_name: str, ) -> None: super().__init__(text) self.text = text self.namespace = namespace self.collection_name = collection_name @dataclass class TooManyDocumentsToCountException(DataAPIException): """ A `count_documents()` operation failed because the resulting number of documents exceeded either the upper bound set by the caller or the hard limit imposed by the Data API. Attributes: text: a text message about the exception. server_max_count_exceeded: True if the count limit imposed by the API is reached. In that case, increasing the upper bound in the method invocation is of no help. """ text: str server_max_count_exceeded: bool def __init__( self, text: str, *, server_max_count_exceeded: bool, ) -> None: super().__init__(text) self.text = text self.server_max_count_exceeded = server_max_count_exceeded @dataclass class DataAPIFaultyResponseException(DataAPIException): """ The Data API response is malformed in that it does not have expected field(s), or they are of the wrong type. Attributes: text: a text message about the exception. raw_response: the response returned by the API in the form of a dict. """ text: str raw_response: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] def __init__( self, text: str, raw_response: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], ) -> None: super().__init__(text) self.text = text self.raw_response = raw_response @dataclass class DataAPIResponseException(DataAPIException): """ The Data API returned an HTTP 200 success response, which however reports about API-specific error(s), possibly alongside partial successes. This exception is related to an operation that can have spanned several HTTP requests in sequence (e.g. a chunked insert_many). For this reason, it should be not thought as being in a 1:1 relation with actual API requests, rather with operations invoked by the user, such as the methods of the Collection object. Attributes: text: a text message about the exception. error_descriptors: a list of all DataAPIErrorDescriptor objects found across all requests involved in this exception, which are possibly more than one. detailed_error_descriptors: a list of DataAPIDetailedErrorDescriptor objects, one for each of the requests performed during this operation. For single-request methods, such as insert_one, this list always has a single element. """ text: Optional[str] error_descriptors: List[DataAPIErrorDescriptor] detailed_error_descriptors: List[DataAPIDetailedErrorDescriptor] def __init__( self, text: Optional[str], *, error_descriptors: List[DataAPIErrorDescriptor], detailed_error_descriptors: List[DataAPIDetailedErrorDescriptor], ) -> None: super().__init__(text) self.text = text self.error_descriptors = error_descriptors self.detailed_error_descriptors = detailed_error_descriptors @classmethod def from_response( cls, command: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], raw_response: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any, ) -> DataAPIResponseException: """Parse a raw response from the API into this exception.""" return cls.from_responses( commands=[command], raw_responses=[raw_response], **kwargs, ) @classmethod def from_responses( cls, commands: List[Optional[Dict[str, Any]]], raw_responses: List[Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any, ) -> DataAPIResponseException: """Parse a list of raw responses from the API into this exception.""" detailed_error_descriptors: List[DataAPIDetailedErrorDescriptor] = [] for command, raw_response in zip(commands, raw_responses): if raw_response.get("errors", []): error_descriptors = [ DataAPIErrorDescriptor(error_dict) for error_dict in raw_response["errors"] ] detailed_error_descriptor = DataAPIDetailedErrorDescriptor( error_descriptors=error_descriptors, command=command, raw_response=raw_response, ) detailed_error_descriptors.append(detailed_error_descriptor) # flatten error_descriptors = [ error_descriptor for d_e_d in detailed_error_descriptors for error_descriptor in d_e_d.error_descriptors ] if error_descriptors: text = error_descriptors[0].message else: text = "" return cls( text, error_descriptors=error_descriptors, detailed_error_descriptors=detailed_error_descriptors, **kwargs, ) def data_api_response_exception(self) -> DataAPIResponseException: """Cast the exception, whatever the subclass, into this parent superclass.""" return DataAPIResponseException( text=self.text, error_descriptors=self.error_descriptors, detailed_error_descriptors=self.detailed_error_descriptors, ) class CumulativeOperationException(DataAPIResponseException): """ An exception of type DataAPIResponseException (see) occurred during an operation that in general spans several requests. As such, besides information on the error, it may have accumulated a partial result from past successful Data API requests. Attributes: text: a text message about the exception. error_descriptors: a list of all DataAPIErrorDescriptor objects found across all requests involved in this exception, which are possibly more than one. detailed_error_descriptors: a list of DataAPIDetailedErrorDescriptor objects, one for each of the requests performed during this operation. For single-request methods, such as insert_one, this list always has a single element. partial_result: an OperationResult object, just like the one that would be the return value of the operation, had it succeeded completely. """ partial_result: OperationResult @dataclass class InsertManyException(CumulativeOperationException): """ An exception of type DataAPIResponseException (see) occurred during an insert_many (that in general spans several requests). As such, besides information on the error, it may have accumulated a partial result from past successful Data API requests. Attributes: text: a text message about the exception. error_descriptors: a list of all DataAPIErrorDescriptor objects found across all requests involved in this exception, which are possibly more than one. detailed_error_descriptors: a list of DataAPIDetailedErrorDescriptor objects, one for each of the requests performed during this operation. For single-request methods, such as insert_one, this list always has a single element. partial_result: an InsertManyResult object, just like the one that would be the return value of the operation, had it succeeded completely. """ partial_result: InsertManyResult def __init__( self, text: str, partial_result: InsertManyResult, *pargs: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: super().__init__(text, *pargs, **kwargs) self.partial_result = partial_result @dataclass class DeleteManyException(CumulativeOperationException): """ An exception of type DataAPIResponseException (see) occurred during a delete_many (that in general spans several requests). As such, besides information on the error, it may have accumulated a partial result from past successful Data API requests. Attributes: text: a text message about the exception. error_descriptors: a list of all DataAPIErrorDescriptor objects found across all requests involved in this exception, which are possibly more than one. detailed_error_descriptors: a list of DataAPIDetailedErrorDescriptor objects, one for each of the requests performed during this operation. For single-request methods, such as insert_one, this list always has a single element. partial_result: a DeleteResult object, just like the one that would be the return value of the operation, had it succeeded completely. """ partial_result: DeleteResult def __init__( self, text: str, partial_result: DeleteResult, *pargs: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: super().__init__(text, *pargs, **kwargs) self.partial_result = partial_result @dataclass class UpdateManyException(CumulativeOperationException): """ An exception of type DataAPIResponseException (see) occurred during an update_many (that in general spans several requests). As such, besides information on the error, it may have accumulated a partial result from past successful Data API requests. Attributes: text: a text message about the exception. error_descriptors: a list of all DataAPIErrorDescriptor objects found across all requests involved in this exception, which are possibly more than one. detailed_error_descriptors: a list of DataAPIDetailedErrorDescriptor objects, one for each of the requests performed during this operation. For single-request methods, such as insert_one, this list always has a single element. partial_result: an UpdateResult object, just like the one that would be the return value of the operation, had it succeeded completely. """ partial_result: UpdateResult def __init__( self, text: str, partial_result: UpdateResult, *pargs: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: super().__init__(text, *pargs, **kwargs) self.partial_result = partial_result @dataclass class BulkWriteException(DataAPIResponseException): """ An exception of type DataAPIResponseException (see) occurred during a bulk_write of a list of operations. As such, besides information on the error, it may have accumulated a partial result from past successful operations. Attributes: text: a text message about the exception. error_descriptors: a list of all DataAPIErrorDescriptor objects found across all requests involved in the first operation that has failed. detailed_error_descriptors: a list of DataAPIDetailedErrorDescriptor objects, one for each of the requests performed during the first operation that has failed. partial_result: a BulkWriteResult object, just like the one that would be the return value of the operation, had it succeeded completely. exceptions: a list of DataAPIResponseException objects, one for each operation in the bulk that has failed. This information is made available here since the top-level fields of this error only surface the first such failure that is detected across the bulk. In case of bulk_writes with ordered=True, this trivially contains a single element, the same described by the top-level fields text, error_descriptors and detailed_error_descriptors. """ partial_result: BulkWriteResult exceptions: List[DataAPIResponseException] def __init__( self, text: Optional[str], partial_result: BulkWriteResult, exceptions: List[DataAPIResponseException], *pargs: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: _text = text or "Bulk write exception" super().__init__(_text, *pargs, **kwargs) self.partial_result = partial_result self.exceptions = exceptions def to_dataapi_timeout_exception( httpx_timeout: httpx.TimeoutException, ) -> DataAPITimeoutException: text = str(httpx_timeout) if isinstance(httpx_timeout, httpx.ConnectTimeout): timeout_type = "connect" elif isinstance(httpx_timeout, httpx.ReadTimeout): timeout_type = "read" elif isinstance(httpx_timeout, httpx.WriteTimeout): timeout_type = "write" elif isinstance(httpx_timeout, httpx.PoolTimeout): timeout_type = "pool" else: timeout_type = "generic" if httpx_timeout.request: endpoint = str(httpx_timeout.request.url) if isinstance(httpx_timeout.request.content, bytes): raw_payload = httpx_timeout.request.content.decode() else: raw_payload = None else: endpoint = None raw_payload = None return DataAPITimeoutException( text=text, timeout_type=timeout_type, endpoint=endpoint, raw_payload=raw_payload, ) def recast_method_sync(method: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: """ Decorator for a sync method liable to generate the core APIRequestError. That exception is intercepted and recast as DataAPIResponseException. Moreover, timeouts are also caught and converted into Data API timeouts. """ @wraps(method) def _wrapped_sync(*pargs: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return method(*pargs, **kwargs) except APIRequestError as exc: raise DataAPIResponseException.from_response( command=exc.payload, raw_response=exc.response.json() ) except httpx.TimeoutException as texc: raise to_dataapi_timeout_exception(texc) return _wrapped_sync def recast_method_async( method: Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]] ) -> Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]]: """ Decorator for an async method liable to generate the core APIRequestError. That exception is intercepted and recast as DataAPIResponseException. Moreover, timeouts are also caught and converted into Data API timeouts. """ @wraps(method) async def _wrapped_async(*pargs: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return await method(*pargs, **kwargs) except APIRequestError as exc: raise DataAPIResponseException.from_response( command=exc.payload, raw_response=exc.response.json() ) except httpx.TimeoutException as texc: raise to_dataapi_timeout_exception(texc) return _wrapped_async def ops_recast_method_sync(method: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: """ Decorator for a sync DevOps method liable to generate the core APIRequestError. That exception is intercepted and recast as DevOpsAPIException. Moreover, timeouts are also caught and converted into Data API timeouts. """ @wraps(method) def _wrapped_sync(*pargs: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return method(*pargs, **kwargs) except APIRequestError as exc: raise DevOpsAPIResponseException.from_response( command=exc.payload, raw_response=exc.response.json() ) except httpx.TimeoutException as texc: raise to_dataapi_timeout_exception(texc) return _wrapped_sync def ops_recast_method_async( method: Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]] ) -> Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]]: """ Decorator for an async DevOps method liable to generate the core APIRequestError. That exception is intercepted and recast as DevOpsAPIException. Moreover, timeouts are also caught and converted into Data API timeouts. """ @wraps(method) async def _wrapped_async(*pargs: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return await method(*pargs, **kwargs) except APIRequestError as exc: raise DevOpsAPIResponseException.from_response( command=exc.payload, raw_response=exc.response.json() ) except httpx.TimeoutException as texc: raise to_dataapi_timeout_exception(texc) return _wrapped_async def base_timeout_info(max_time_ms: Optional[int]) -> Union[TimeoutInfo, None]: if max_time_ms is not None: return {"base": max_time_ms / 1000.0} else: return None class MultiCallTimeoutManager: """ A helper class to keep track of timing and timeouts in a multi-call method context. Args: overall_max_time_ms: an optional max duration to track (milliseconds) Attributes: overall_max_time_ms: an optional max duration to track (milliseconds) started_ms: timestamp of the instance construction (milliseconds) deadline_ms: optional deadline in milliseconds (computed by the class). """ overall_max_time_ms: Optional[int] started_ms: int = -1 deadline_ms: Optional[int] def __init__( self, overall_max_time_ms: Optional[int], exception_type: str = "data_api" ) -> None: self.started_ms = int(time.time() * 1000) self.overall_max_time_ms = overall_max_time_ms self.exception_type = exception_type if self.overall_max_time_ms is not None: self.deadline_ms = self.started_ms + self.overall_max_time_ms else: self.deadline_ms = None def remaining_timeout_ms(self) -> Union[int, None]: """ Ensure the deadline, if any, is not yet in the past. If it is, raise an appropriate timeout error. If not, return either None (if no timeout) or the remaining milliseconds. For use within the multi-call method. """ now_ms = int(time.time() * 1000) if self.deadline_ms is not None: if now_ms < self.deadline_ms: return self.deadline_ms - now_ms else: if self.exception_type == "data_api": raise DataAPITimeoutException( text="Operation timed out.", timeout_type="generic", endpoint=None, raw_payload=None, ) elif self.exception_type == "devops_api": raise DevOpsAPIException("Operation timed out.") else: raise ValueError("Operation timed out.") else: return None def remaining_timeout_info(self) -> Union[TimeoutInfo, None]: """ Ensure the deadline, if any, is not yet in the past. If it is, raise an appropriate timeout error. It it is not, or there is no deadline, return a suitable TimeoutInfo for use within the multi-call method. """ return base_timeout_info(max_time_ms=self.remaining_timeout_ms()) __pdoc__ = { "base_timeout_info": False, "to_dataapi_timeout_exception": False, "MultiCallTimeoutManager": False, }