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import copy
import json
import sys
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from dataclasses import (MISSING,
is_dataclass # type: ignore
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from decimal import Decimal
from enum import Enum
from typing import (Any, Collection, Mapping, Union, get_type_hints,
Tuple, TypeVar, Type)
from uuid import UUID
from typing_inspect import is_union_type # type: ignore
from dataclasses_json import cfg
from dataclasses_json.utils import (_get_type_cons, _get_type_origin,
_is_collection, _is_mapping, _is_new_type,
_is_optional, _isinstance_safe,
_get_type_args, _is_counter,
_issubclass_safe, _is_tuple)
Json = Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool, None]
confs = ['encoder', 'decoder', 'mm_field', 'letter_case', 'exclude']
FieldOverride = namedtuple('FieldOverride', confs) # type: ignore
class _ExtendedEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o) -> Json:
result: Json
if _isinstance_safe(o, Collection):
if _isinstance_safe(o, Mapping):
result = dict(o)
result = list(o)
elif _isinstance_safe(o, datetime):
result = o.timestamp()
elif _isinstance_safe(o, UUID):
result = str(o)
elif _isinstance_safe(o, Enum):
result = o.value
elif _isinstance_safe(o, Decimal):
result = str(o)
result = json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
return result
def _user_overrides_or_exts(cls):
global_metadata = defaultdict(dict)
encoders = cfg.global_config.encoders
decoders = cfg.global_config.decoders
mm_fields = cfg.global_config.mm_fields
for field in fields(cls):
if field.type in encoders:
global_metadata[field.name]['encoder'] = encoders[field.type]
if field.type in decoders:
global_metadata[field.name]['decoder'] = decoders[field.type]
if field.type in mm_fields:
global_metadata[field.name]['mm_field'] = mm_fields[field.type]
cls_config = (cls.dataclass_json_config
if cls.dataclass_json_config is not None else {})
except AttributeError:
cls_config = {}
overrides = {}
for field in fields(cls):
field_config = {}
# first apply global overrides or extensions
field_metadata = global_metadata[field.name]
if 'encoder' in field_metadata:
field_config['encoder'] = field_metadata['encoder']
if 'decoder' in field_metadata:
field_config['decoder'] = field_metadata['decoder']
if 'mm_field' in field_metadata:
field_config['mm_field'] = field_metadata['mm_field']
# then apply class-level overrides or extensions
# last apply field-level overrides or extensions
field_config.update(field.metadata.get('dataclasses_json', {}))
overrides[field.name] = FieldOverride(*map(field_config.get, confs))
return overrides
def _encode_json_type(value, default=_ExtendedEncoder().default):
if isinstance(value, Json.__args__): # type: ignore
if isinstance(value, list):
return [_encode_json_type(i) for i in value]
elif isinstance(value, dict):
return {k: _encode_json_type(v) for k, v in value.items()}
return value
return default(value)
def _encode_overrides(kvs, overrides, encode_json=False):
override_kvs = {}
for k, v in kvs.items():
if k in overrides:
exclude = overrides[k].exclude
# If the exclude predicate returns true, the key should be
# excluded from encoding, so skip the rest of the loop
if exclude and exclude(v):
letter_case = overrides[k].letter_case
original_key = k
k = letter_case(k) if letter_case is not None else k
if k in override_kvs:
raise ValueError(
f"Multiple fields map to the same JSON "
f"key after letter case encoding: {k}"
encoder = overrides[original_key].encoder
v = encoder(v) if encoder is not None else v
if encode_json:
v = _encode_json_type(v)
override_kvs[k] = v
return override_kvs
def _decode_letter_case_overrides(field_names, overrides):
"""Override letter case of field names for encode/decode"""
names = {}
for field_name in field_names:
field_override = overrides.get(field_name)
if field_override is not None:
letter_case = field_override.letter_case
if letter_case is not None:
names[letter_case(field_name)] = field_name
return names
def _decode_dataclass(cls, kvs, infer_missing):
if _isinstance_safe(kvs, cls):
return kvs
overrides = _user_overrides_or_exts(cls)
kvs = {} if kvs is None and infer_missing else kvs
field_names = [field.name for field in fields(cls)]
decode_names = _decode_letter_case_overrides(field_names, overrides)
kvs = {decode_names.get(k, k): v for k, v in kvs.items()}
missing_fields = {field for field in fields(cls) if field.name not in kvs}
for field in missing_fields:
if field.default is not MISSING:
kvs[field.name] = field.default
elif field.default_factory is not MISSING:
kvs[field.name] = field.default_factory()
elif infer_missing:
kvs[field.name] = None
# Perform undefined parameter action
kvs = _handle_undefined_parameters_safe(cls, kvs, usage="from")
init_kwargs = {}
types = get_type_hints(cls)
for field in fields(cls):
# The field should be skipped from being added
# to init_kwargs as it's not intended as a constructor argument.
if not field.init:
field_value = kvs[field.name]
field_type = types[field.name]
if field_value is None:
if not _is_optional(field_type):
warning = (
f"value of non-optional type {field.name} detected "
f"when decoding {cls.__name__}"
if infer_missing:
f"Missing {warning} and was defaulted to None by "
f"infer_missing=True. "
f"Set infer_missing=False (the default) to prevent "
f"this behavior.", RuntimeWarning
f"'NoneType' object {warning}.", RuntimeWarning
init_kwargs[field.name] = field_value
while True:
if not _is_new_type(field_type):
field_type = field_type.__supertype__
if (field.name in overrides
and overrides[field.name].decoder is not None):
# FIXME hack
if field_type is type(field_value):
init_kwargs[field.name] = field_value
init_kwargs[field.name] = overrides[field.name].decoder(
elif is_dataclass(field_type):
# FIXME this is a band-aid to deal with the value already being
# serialized when handling nested marshmallow schema
# proper fix is to investigate the marshmallow schema generation
# code
if is_dataclass(field_value):
value = field_value
value = _decode_dataclass(field_type, field_value,
init_kwargs[field.name] = value
elif _is_supported_generic(field_type) and field_type != str:
init_kwargs[field.name] = _decode_generic(field_type,
init_kwargs[field.name] = _support_extended_types(field_type,
return cls(**init_kwargs)
def _support_extended_types(field_type, field_value):
if _issubclass_safe(field_type, datetime):
# FIXME this is a hack to deal with mm already decoding
# the issue is we want to leverage mm fields' missing argument
# but need this for the object creation hook
if isinstance(field_value, datetime):
res = field_value
tz = datetime.now(timezone.utc).astimezone().tzinfo
res = datetime.fromtimestamp(field_value, tz=tz)
elif _issubclass_safe(field_type, Decimal):
res = (field_value
if isinstance(field_value, Decimal)
else Decimal(field_value))
elif _issubclass_safe(field_type, UUID):
res = (field_value
if isinstance(field_value, UUID)
else UUID(field_value))
elif _issubclass_safe(field_type, (int, float, str, bool)):
res = (field_value
if isinstance(field_value, field_type)
else field_type(field_value))
res = field_value
return res
def _is_supported_generic(type_):
if type_ is _NO_ARGS:
return False
not_str = not _issubclass_safe(type_, str)
is_enum = _issubclass_safe(type_, Enum)
return (not_str and _is_collection(type_)) or _is_optional(
type_) or is_union_type(type_) or is_enum
def _decode_generic(type_, value, infer_missing):
if value is None:
res = value
elif _issubclass_safe(type_, Enum):
# Convert to an Enum using the type as a constructor.
# Assumes a direct match is found.
res = type_(value)
# FIXME this is a hack to fix a deeper underlying issue. A refactor is due.
elif _is_collection(type_):
if _is_mapping(type_) and not _is_counter(type_):
k_type, v_type = _get_type_args(type_, (Any, Any))
# a mapping type has `.keys()` and `.values()`
# (see collections.abc)
ks = _decode_dict_keys(k_type, value.keys(), infer_missing)
vs = _decode_items(v_type, value.values(), infer_missing)
xs = zip(ks, vs)
elif _is_tuple(type_):
types = _get_type_args(type_)
if Ellipsis in types:
xs = _decode_items(types[0], value, infer_missing)
xs = _decode_items(_get_type_args(type_) or _NO_ARGS, value, infer_missing)
elif _is_counter(type_):
xs = dict(zip(_decode_items(_get_type_arg_param(type_, 0), value.keys(), infer_missing), value.values()))
xs = _decode_items(_get_type_arg_param(type_, 0), value, infer_missing)
# get the constructor if using corresponding generic type in `typing`
# otherwise fallback on constructing using type_ itself
materialize_type = type_
materialize_type = _get_type_cons(type_)
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
res = materialize_type(xs)
else: # Optional or Union
_args = _get_type_args(type_)
if _args is _NO_ARGS:
# Any, just accept
res = value
elif _is_optional(type_) and len(_args) == 2: # Optional
type_arg = _get_type_arg_param(type_, 0)
if is_dataclass(type_arg) or is_dataclass(value):
res = _decode_dataclass(type_arg, value, infer_missing)
elif _is_supported_generic(type_arg):
res = _decode_generic(type_arg, value, infer_missing)
res = _support_extended_types(type_arg, value)
else: # Union (already decoded or try to decode a dataclass)
type_options = _get_type_args(type_)
res = value # assume already decoded
if type(value) is dict and dict not in type_options:
for type_option in type_options:
if is_dataclass(type_option):
res = _decode_dataclass(type_option, value, infer_missing)
except (KeyError, ValueError, AttributeError):
if res == value:
f"Failed to decode {value} Union dataclasses."
f"Expected Union to include a matching dataclass and it didn't."
return res
def _decode_dict_keys(key_type, xs, infer_missing):
Because JSON object keys must be strs, we need the extra step of decoding
them back into the user's chosen python type
decode_function = key_type
# handle NoneType keys... it's weird to type a Dict as NoneType keys
# but it's valid...
# Issue #341 and PR #346:
# This is a special case for Python 3.7 and Python 3.8.
# By some reason, "unbound" dicts are counted
# as having key type parameter to be TypeVar('KT')
if key_type is None or key_type == Any or isinstance(key_type, TypeVar):
decode_function = key_type = (lambda x: x)
# handle a nested python dict that has tuples for keys. E.g. for
# Dict[Tuple[int], int], key_type will be typing.Tuple[int], but
# decode_function should be tuple, so map() doesn't break.
# Note: _get_type_origin() will return typing.Tuple for python
# 3.6 and tuple for 3.7 and higher.
elif _get_type_origin(key_type) in {tuple, Tuple}:
decode_function = tuple
key_type = key_type
return map(decode_function, _decode_items(key_type, xs, infer_missing))
def _decode_items(type_args, xs, infer_missing):
This is a tricky situation where we need to check both the annotated
type info (which is usually a type from `typing`) and check the
value's type directly using `type()`.
If the type_arg is a generic we can use the annotated type, but if the
type_arg is a typevar we need to extract the reified type information
hence the check of `is_dataclass(vs)`
def _decode_item(type_arg, x):
if is_dataclass(type_arg) or is_dataclass(xs):
return _decode_dataclass(type_arg, x, infer_missing)
if _is_supported_generic(type_arg):
return _decode_generic(type_arg, x, infer_missing)
return x
def handle_pep0673(pre_0673_hint: str) -> Union[Type, str]:
for module in sys.modules:
maybe_resolved = getattr(sys.modules[module], type_args, None)
if maybe_resolved:
return maybe_resolved
warnings.warn(f"Could not resolve self-reference for type {pre_0673_hint}, "
f"decoded type might be incorrect or decode might fail altogether.")
return pre_0673_hint
# Before https://peps.python.org/pep-0673 (3.11+) self-type hints are simply strings
if sys.version_info.minor < 11 and type_args is not type and type(type_args) is str:
type_args = handle_pep0673(type_args)
if _isinstance_safe(type_args, Collection) and not _issubclass_safe(type_args, Enum):
if len(type_args) == len(xs):
return list(_decode_item(type_arg, x) for type_arg, x in zip(type_args, xs))
raise TypeError(f"Number of types specified in the collection type {str(type_args)} "
f"does not match number of elements in the collection. In case you are working with tuples"
f"take a look at this document "
return list(_decode_item(type_args, x) for x in xs)
def _asdict(obj, encode_json=False):
A re-implementation of `asdict` (based on the original in the `dataclasses`
source) to support arbitrary Collection and Mapping types.
if is_dataclass(obj):
result = []
overrides = _user_overrides_or_exts(obj)
for field in fields(obj):
if overrides[field.name].encoder:
value = getattr(obj, field.name)
value = _asdict(
getattr(obj, field.name),
result.append((field.name, value))
result = _handle_undefined_parameters_safe(cls=obj, kvs=dict(result),
return _encode_overrides(dict(result), _user_overrides_or_exts(obj),
elif isinstance(obj, Mapping):
return dict((_asdict(k, encode_json=encode_json),
_asdict(v, encode_json=encode_json)) for k, v in
# enum.IntFlag and enum.Flag are regarded as collections in Python 3.11, thus a check against Enum is needed
elif isinstance(obj, Collection) and not isinstance(obj, (str, bytes, Enum)):
return list(_asdict(v, encode_json=encode_json) for v in obj)
return copy.deepcopy(obj)