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import struct
def body_and_tail(data):
l = len(data)
nblocks = l // 16
tail = l % 16
if nblocks:
# we use '<', specifying little-endian byte order for data bigger than
# a byte so behavior is the same on little- and big-endian platforms
return struct.unpack_from('<' + ('qq' * nblocks), data), struct.unpack_from('b' * tail, data, -tail), l
return tuple(), struct.unpack_from('b' * tail, data, -tail), l
def rotl64(x, r):
# note: not a general-purpose function because it leaves the high-order bits intact
# suitable for this use case without wasting cycles
mask = 2 ** r - 1
rotated = (x << r) | ((x >> 64 - r) & mask)
return rotated
def fmix(k):
# masking off the 31s bits that would be leftover after >> 33 a 64-bit number
k ^= (k >> 33) & 0x7fffffff
k *= 0xff51afd7ed558ccd
k ^= (k >> 33) & 0x7fffffff
k *= 0xc4ceb9fe1a85ec53
k ^= (k >> 33) & 0x7fffffff
return k
INT64_MAX = int(2 ** 63 - 1)
INT64_MIN = -INT64_MAX - 1
def truncate_int64(x):
if not INT64_MIN <= x <= INT64_MAX:
return x
def _murmur3(data):
h1 = h2 = 0
c1 = -8663945395140668459 # 0x87c37b91114253d5
c2 = 0x4cf5ad432745937f
body, tail, total_len = body_and_tail(data)
# body
for i in range(0, len(body), 2):
k1 = body[i]
k2 = body[i + 1]
k1 *= c1
k1 = rotl64(k1, 31)
k1 *= c2
h1 ^= k1
h1 = rotl64(h1, 27)
h1 += h2
h1 = h1 * 5 + 0x52dce729
k2 *= c2
k2 = rotl64(k2, 33)
k2 *= c1
h2 ^= k2
h2 = rotl64(h2, 31)
h2 += h1
h2 = h2 * 5 + 0x38495ab5
# tail
k1 = k2 = 0
len_tail = len(tail)
if len_tail > 8:
for i in range(len_tail - 1, 7, -1):
k2 ^= tail[i] << (i - 8) * 8
k2 *= c2
k2 = rotl64(k2, 33)
k2 *= c1
h2 ^= k2
if len_tail:
for i in range(min(7, len_tail - 1), -1, -1):
k1 ^= tail[i] << i * 8
k1 *= c1
k1 = rotl64(k1, 31)
k1 *= c2
h1 ^= k1
# finalization
h1 ^= total_len
h2 ^= total_len
h1 += h2
h2 += h1
h1 = fmix(h1)
h2 = fmix(h2)
h1 += h2
return truncate_int64(h1)
from cassandra.cmurmur3 import murmur3
except ImportError:
murmur3 = _murmur3