Metadata-Version: 2.1 |
Name: astrapy |
Version: 1.1.0 |
Summary: AstraPy is a Pythonic SDK for DataStax Astra and its Data API |
Home-page: https://github.com/datastax/astrapy |
License: Apache-2.0 |
Keywords: DataStax,Astra |
Author: Stefano Lottini |
Author-email: [email protected] |
Requires-Python: >=3.8.0,<4.0.0 |
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable |
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers |
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11 |
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12 |
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools |
Requires-Dist: bson (>=0.5.10,<0.6.0) |
Requires-Dist: cassio (>=0.1.4,<0.2.0) |
Requires-Dist: deprecation (>=2.1.0,<2.2.0) |
Requires-Dist: httpx[http2] (>=0.25.2,<1) |
Requires-Dist: toml (>=0.10.2,<0.11.0) |
Requires-Dist: uuid6 (>=2024.1.12,<2024.2.0) |
Project-URL: Repository, https://github.com/datastax/astrapy |
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown |
A pythonic client for [DataStax Astra DB](https://astra.datastax.com). |
_This README targets AstraPy version **1.0.0+**, which introduces a whole new API. |
Click [here](https://github.com/datastax/astrapy/blob/cd3f5ce8146093e10a095709c0f5c3f8e3f2c7da/README.md) for the pre-existing API (fully compatible with newer versions)._ |
## Quickstart |
Install with `pip install astrapy`. |
Get the *API Endpoint* and the *Token* to your Astra DB instance at [astra.datastax.com](https://astra.datastax.com). |
Try the following code after replacing the connection parameters: |
```python |
import astrapy |
my_client = astrapy.DataAPIClient("AstraCS:...") |
my_database = my_client.get_database_by_api_endpoint( |
"https://01234567-....apps.astra.datastax.com" |
) |
my_collection = my_database.create_collection( |
"dreams", |
dimension=3, |
metric=astrapy.constants.VectorMetric.COSINE, |
) |
my_collection.insert_one({"summary": "I was flying"}, vector=[-0.4, 0.7, 0]) |
my_collection.insert_many( |
[ |
{ |
"_id": astrapy.ids.UUID("018e65c9-e33d-749b-9386-e848739582f0"), |
"summary": "A dinner on the Moon", |
}, |
{"summary": "Riding the waves", "tags": ["sport"]}, |
{"summary": "Friendly aliens in town", "tags": ["scifi"]}, |
{"summary": "Meeting Beethoven at the dentist"}, |
], |
vectors=[ |
[0.2, -0.3, -0.5], |
[0, 0.2, 1], |
[-0.3, 0, 0.8], |
[0.2, 0.6, 0], |
], |
) |
my_collection.update_one( |
{"tags": "sport"}, |
{"$set": {"summary": "Surfers' paradise"}}, |
) |
cursor = my_collection.find( |
{}, |
vector=[0, 0.2, 0.4], |
limit=2, |
include_similarity=True, |
) |
for result in cursor: |
print(f"{result['summary']}: {result['$similarity']}") |
# This would print: |
# Surfers' paradise: 0.98238194 |
# Friendly aliens in town: 0.91873914 |
``` |
Next steps: |
- More info and usage patterns are given in the docstrings of classes and methods |
- [Data API reference](https://docs.datastax.com/en/astra/astra-db-vector/api-reference/overview.html) |
- [AstraPy reference](https://docs.datastax.com/en/astra/astra-db-vector/api-reference/dataapiclient.html) |
- Package on [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/astrapy/) |
## AstraPy's API |
### Abstraction diagram |
AstraPy's abstractions for working at the data and admin layers are structured |
as depicted by this diagram: |
Here's a small admin-oriented example: |
```python |
import astrapy |
my_client = astrapy.DataAPIClient("AstraCS:...") |
my_astra_admin = my_client.get_admin() |
database_list = list(my_astra_admin.list_databases()) |
db_info = database_list[0].info |
print(db_info.name, db_info.id, db_info.region) |
my_database_admin = my_astra_admin.get_database_admin(db_info.id) |
my_database_admin.list_namespaces() |
my_database_admin.create_namespace("my_dreamspace") |
``` |
### Exceptions |
The package comes with its own set of exceptions, arranged in this hierarchy: |
For more information, and code examples, check out the docstrings and consult |
the API reference linked above. |
### Working with dates |
Date and datetime objects, i.e. instances of the standard library |
`datetime.datetime` and `datetime.date` classes, can be used anywhere in documents: |
```python |
import datetime |
import astrapy |
my_client = astrapy.DataAPIClient("AstraCS:...") |
my_database = my_client.get_database_by_api_endpoint( |
"https://01234567-....apps.astra.datastax.com" |
) |
my_collection = my_database.dreams |
my_collection.insert_one({"when": datetime.datetime.now()}) |
my_collection.insert_one({"date_of_birth": datetime.date(2000, 1, 1)}) |
my_collection.update_one( |
{"registered_at": datetime.date(1999, 11, 14)}, |
{"$set": {"message": "happy Sunday!"}}, |
) |
print( |
my_collection.find_one( |
{"date_of_birth": {"$lt": datetime.date(2001, 1, 1)}}, |
projection={"_id": False}, |
) |
) |
# This would print: |
# {'date_of_birth': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0)} |
``` |
_**Note**: reads from a collection will always_ |
_return the `datetime` class regardless of wheter a `date` or a `datetime` was provided_ |
_in the insertion._ |
### Working with ObjectIds and UUIDs |
Astrapy repackages the ObjectId from `bson` and the UUID class and utilities |
from the `uuid` package and its `uuidv6` extension. You can also use them directly. |
Even when setting a default ID type for a collection, you still retain the freedom |
to use any ID type for any document: |
```python |
import astrapy |
import bson |
my_collection = my_database.create_collection( |
"ecommerce", |
default_id_type=astrapy.constants.DefaultIdType.UUIDV6, |
) |
my_collection.insert_one({"_id": astrapy.ids.ObjectId("65fd9b52d7fabba03349d013")}) |
my_collection.find({ |
"_id": astrapy.ids.UUID("018e65c9-e33d-749b-9386-e848739582f0"), |
}) |
my_collection.update_one( |
{"tag": "in_stock"}, |
{"$set": {"inventory_id": bson.objectid.ObjectId()}}, |
upsert=True, |
) |
my_collection.insert_one({"_id": astrapy.ids.uuid8()}) |
``` |
## For contributors |
First install poetry with `pip install poetry` and then the project dependencies with `poetry install --with dev`. |
Linter, style and typecheck should all pass for a PR: |
```bash |
poetry run black --check astrapy && poetry run ruff astrapy && poetry run mypy astrapy |
poetry run black --check tests && poetry run ruff tests && poetry run mypy tests |
``` |
Features must be thoroughly covered in tests (see `tests/idiomatic/*` for |
naming convention and module structure). |
### Running tests |
"Full regular" testing requires environment variables: |
```bash |
export ASTRA_DB_API_ENDPOINT="https://.......apps.astra.datastax.com" |
export ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE="default_keyspace" |
# Optional: |
``` |
Tests can be started in various ways: |
```bash |
# test the "idiomatic" layer |
poetry run pytest tests/idiomatic |
poetry run pytest tests/idiomatic/unit |
poetry run pytest tests/idiomatic/integration |
# remove logging noise: |
poetry run pytest [...] -o log_cli=0 |
``` |
The above runs the regular testing (i.e. non-Admin, non-core). |
The (idiomatic) Admin part is tested manually by you, on Astra accounts with room |
for up to 3 new databases, possibly both on prod and dev, and uses specific env vars, |
as can be seen on `tests/idiomatic/integration/test_admin.py`. |
Should you be interested in testing the "core" modules, moreover, |
this is also something for you to run manually (do that if you touch "core"): |
```bash |
# test the core modules |
poetry run pytest tests/core |
# do not drop collections: |
TEST_SKIP_COLLECTION_DELETE=1 poetry run pytest [...] |
TEST_ASTRADBOPS=1 poetry run pytest [...] |
``` |
Client, data and admin abstractions: |
```python |
from astrapy import ( |
DataAPIClient, |
Database, |
AsyncDatabase, |
Collection, |
AsyncCollection, |
AstraDBAdmin, |
AstraDBDatabaseAdmin, |
) |
``` |
Constants for data-related use: |
```python |
from astrapy.constants import ( |
ReturnDocument, |
SortDocuments, |
VectorMetric, |
DefaultIdType, |
) |
``` |
ObjectIds and UUIDs: |
```python |
from astrapy.ids import ( |
ObjectId, |
uuid1, |
uuid3, |
uuid4, |
uuid5, |
uuid6, |
uuid7, |
uuid8, |
) |
``` |
Operations (for `bulk_write` collection method): |
```python |
from astrapy.operations import ( |
BaseOperation, |
InsertOne, |
InsertMany, |
UpdateOne, |
UpdateMany, |
ReplaceOne, |
DeleteOne, |
DeleteMany, |
AsyncBaseOperation, |
AsyncInsertOne, |
AsyncInsertMany, |
AsyncUpdateOne, |
AsyncUpdateMany, |
AsyncReplaceOne, |
AsyncDeleteOne, |
AsyncDeleteMany, |
) |
``` |
Result classes: |
```python |
from astrapy.results import ( |
OperationResult, |
DeleteResult, |
InsertOneResult, |
InsertManyResult, |
UpdateResult, |
BulkWriteResult, |
) |
``` |
Exceptions: |
```python |
from astrapy.exceptions import ( |
DevOpsAPIException, |
DevOpsAPIResponseException, |
DevOpsAPIErrorDescriptor, |
DataAPIErrorDescriptor, |
DataAPIDetailedErrorDescriptor, |
DataAPIException, |
DataAPITimeoutException, |
CursorIsStartedException, |
CollectionNotFoundException, |
CollectionAlreadyExistsException, |
TooManyDocumentsToCountException, |
DataAPIFaultyResponseException, |
DataAPIResponseException, |
CumulativeOperationException, |
InsertManyException, |
DeleteManyException, |
UpdateManyException, |
BulkWriteException, |
) |
``` |
Info/metadata classes: |
```python |
from astrapy.info import ( |
AdminDatabaseInfo, |
DatabaseInfo, |
CollectionInfo, |
CollectionVectorServiceOptions, |
CollectionDefaultIDOptions, |
CollectionVectorOptions, |
CollectionOptions, |
CollectionDescriptor, |
) |
``` |
Admin-related classes and constants: |
```python |
from astrapy.admin import ( |
Environment, |
ParsedAPIEndpoint, |
) |
``` |
Cursors: |
```python |
from astrapy.cursors import ( |
BaseCursor, |
Cursor, |
AsyncCursor, |
CommandCursor, |
AsyncCommandCursor, |
) |
``` |
If your code uses the pre-1.0.0 astrapy (i.e. `from astrapy.db import Database, Collection` and so on) you are strongly advised to migrate to the current API. |
That being said, there are no known breakings of backward compatibility: |
**legacy code would run with a newest astrapy version just as well.** |
Here is a recap of the minor changes that came _to the old API_ with 1.0.0: |
- Added methods to `[Async]AstraDBCollection`: `delete_one_filter`, |
- Paginated find methods (sync/async) type change from Iterable to Generator |
- Bugfix: handling of the mutable caller identity in copy and convert (sync/async) methods |
- Default value of `sort` is `None` and not `{}` for `find` (sync/async) |
- Introduction of `[Async]AstraDBCollection.chunked_delete_many` method |
- Added `projection` parameter to `find_one_and[replace/update]` (sync/async) |
- Bugfix: projection was silently ignored in `vector_find_one_and_[replace/update]` (sync/async) |
- Added `options` to `update_many` (sync/async) |
- `[Async]AstraDBDatabase.chunked_insert_many` does not intercept generic exceptions anymore, only `APIRequestError` |
- Bugfix: `AsyncAstraDBCollection.async chunked_insert_many` stops at the first error when `ordered=True` |
- Added payload info to `DataAPIException` |
- Added `find_one_and_delete` method (sync/async) |
- Added `skip_error_check` parameter to `delete_many` (sync/async) |
- Timeout support throughout the library |
- Added `sort` to `update_one`, `delete_one` and `delete_one_by_predicate` methods (sync/async) |
- Full support for UUID v1,3,4,5,6,7,8 and ObjectID at the collection data I/O level |
- `AstraDBOps.create_database` raises errors in case of failures |
- `AstraDBOps.create_database`, return type corrected |
- Fixed behaviour and return type of `AstraDBOps.create_keyspace` and `AstraDBOps.terminate_db` |
- Added `AstraDBOps.delete_keyspace` method |
- Method `create_collection` of `AstraDB` relaxes checks on passing `dimensions` for vector collections |
- AstraDBOps core class acquired async methods: `async_get_databases`, `async_get_database`, `async_create_database`, `async_terminate_database`, `async_create_keyspace`, `async_delete_keyspace` |
Keep in mind that the pre-1.0.0 library, now dubbed "core", is what the current 1.0.0 API ("idiomatic") builds on. |