import dash |
from dash import html, dcc, Input, Output, State |
import dash_ag_grid as dag |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
from datetime import datetime, timedelta |
import base64 |
import os |
MAIN_COLS = ['#P', 'Model', 'UGI π', 'W/10 π', 'NatInt π‘', 'Coding π»', 'Unruly', 'Internet', 'Societal/Political', 'Political Lean π', 'Ideology Name'] |
AXES_COLS_1 = ['govt', 'dipl', 'econ', 'scty'] |
AXES_COLS_2 = ['Federal-Unitary', 'Democratic-Autocratic', 'Security-Freedom', 'Nationalism-Internationalism', |
'Militarist-Pacifist', 'Assimilationist-Multiculturalist', 'Collectivize-Privatize', |
'Planned-LaissezFaire', 'Isolationism-Globalism', 'Irreligious-Religious', |
'Progressive-Traditional', 'Acceleration-Bioconservative'] |
UGI_CATEGORY_COLS = ['Unruly', 'Internet', 'Societal/Political'] |
def load_leaderboard_data(csv_file_path): |
try: |
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file_path, na_values=['NA']) |
def get_type_sort_value(row): |
if pd.isna(row['Total Parameters']): |
return 3 |
if row['Is Foundation'] and not row['Is Merged']: |
return 0 |
if row['Is Merged']: |
return 2 |
if row['Is Finetuned'] and not row['Is Merged']: |
return 1 |
return 4 |
df['model_type_sort'] = df.apply(get_type_sort_value, axis=1) |
for col in ['Release Date', 'Test Date']: |
df[col] = pd.to_datetime(df[col], format='%m/%d/%Y', errors='coerce') |
df[col] = df[col].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') |
two_weeks_ago = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=6)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') |
df['Model_Link'] = df['Model Link'].fillna('') |
df['Model_Display'] = df['author/model_name'] |
df['is_new'] = df.apply( |
lambda row: 'π' if pd.notna(row["Test Date"]) and row["Test Date"] >= two_weeks_ago else '', |
axis=1 |
) |
df['pinned'] = False |
df['selected'] = False |
percentage_columns = ['Political Lean π'] + AXES_COLS_1 + AXES_COLS_2 |
for col in percentage_columns: |
df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col].astype(str).str.rstrip('%'), errors='coerce') |
numeric_columns = df.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]).columns |
for col in numeric_columns: |
df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda x: None if pd.isna(x) else round(x, 3)) |
df = df.sort_values('UGI π', ascending=False) |
return df |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error loading CSV file: {e}") |
return pd.DataFrame() |
def load_ideology_descriptions(): |
try: |
with open('ideologies.js', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: |
content = file.read() |
start_idx = content.find('[') |
end_idx = content.rfind(']') + 1 |
if start_idx == -1 or end_idx == 0: |
return {} |
ideology_data = content[start_idx:end_idx] |
ideology_data = ideology_data.replace('true', 'True').replace('false', 'False') |
ideology_data = eval(ideology_data) |
return {item['name']: item['desc'] for item in ideology_data} |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error loading ideologies.js: {e}") |
return {} |
IDEOLOGY_DESCRIPTIONS = load_ideology_descriptions() |
def get_kofi_button_base64(): |
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) |
images = {} |
for theme in ['light', 'dark']: |
filename = 'support_me_on_kofi_white.png' if theme == 'light' else 'support_me_on_kofi_dark.png' |
with open(os.path.join(current_dir, f"Images/{filename}"), "rb") as image_file: |
images[theme] = base64.b64encode(image_file.read()).decode('utf-8') |
return images |
app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=[ |
"https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.15.4/css/all.css" |
]) |
server = app.server |
app.index_string = ''' |
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#model-type-filter label, |
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text-decoration: none; |
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#model-type-filter label, |
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.ideology-note { |
color: #8b949e !important; |
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a:visited { |
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''' |
df = load_leaderboard_data("ugi-leaderboard-data.csv") |
def create_numeric_column(field, width=125, sort=None, sortIndex=None, **kwargs): |
column = { |
"field": field, |
"width": width, |
"filter": "agNumberColumnFilter", |
"filterParams": { |
"defaultOption": "inRange", |
"filterOptions": ['equals', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'greaterThanOrEqual', 'lessThan', 'lessThanOrEqual', 'inRange'] |
}, |
"headerClass": "ag-left-aligned-header wrap-text", |
"cellClass": "ag-left-aligned-cell", |
"wrapHeaderText": True, |
"autoHeaderHeight": True, |
"suppressSizeToFit": True, |
"sortingOrder": ['desc', 'asc'], |
"comparator": { |
"function": """ |
function(valueA, valueB, nodeA, nodeB, isInverted) { |
const a = nodeA.data.__sortValue; |
const b = nodeB.data.__sortValue; |
return a - b; |
} |
""" |
} |
} |
if 'filterParams' in kwargs: |
column['filterParams'].update(kwargs['filterParams']) |
if sort: |
column["sort"] = sort |
if sortIndex is not None: |
column["sortIndex"] = sortIndex |
return column |
def create_text_column(field, width=120): |
return { |
"field": field, |
"width": width, |
"filter": "agTextColumnFilter", |
"filterParams": { |
"defaultOption": "contains", |
"filterOptions": ['contains', 'notContains', 'startsWith', 'endsWith'] |
}, |
"headerClass": "ag-left-aligned-header wrap-text", |
"cellClass": "ag-left-aligned-cell", |
"wrapHeaderText": True, |
"autoHeaderHeight": True |
} |
columnDefs = [ |
{ |
"headerName": "π", |
"field": "pinned", |
"width": 55, |
"filter": False, |
"suppressMenu": True, |
"cellRenderer": "PinRenderer", |
"pinned": "left" |
}, |
{ |
"headerName": "", |
"field": "is_new", |
"width": 55, |
"filter": False, |
"suppressMenu": True, |
"cellClass": "new-emoji-cell", |
"pinned": "left" |
}, |
{ |
"field": "#P", |
"width": 115, |
"filter": "agNumberColumnFilter", |
"filterParams": { |
"defaultOption": "equals", |
"filterOptions": ['equals', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'greaterThanOrEqual', 'lessThan', 'lessThanOrEqual', 'inRange'] |
}, |
"headerClass": "ag-left-aligned-header wrap-text", |
"cellClass": "ag-right-aligned-cell", |
"wrapHeaderText": True, |
"autoHeaderHeight": True, |
"suppressSizeToFit": True, |
"sortingOrder": ['desc', 'asc'], |
"pinned": "left" |
}, |
{ |
"field": "model_type_sort", |
"hide": True |
}, |
{ |
"headerName": "T", |
"field": "model_type_sort", |
"width": 45, |
"filter": False, |
"suppressMenu": True, |
"cellRenderer": "TypeRenderer", |
"pinned": "left", |
"sortable": True, |
"sortingOrder": ['asc', 'desc'] |
}, |
{ |
"field": "Model_Display", |
"headerName": "Model", |
"cellRenderer": "ModelLink", |
"filter": "agTextColumnFilter", |
"filterParams": { |
"defaultOption": "contains", |
"filterOptions": ['contains', 'notContains', 'startsWith', 'endsWith'] |
}, |
"width": 380, |
"suppressMenu": False, |
"pinned": "left", |
"headerClass": "ag-left-aligned-header wrap-text", |
"wrapHeaderText": True, |
"autoHeaderHeight": True |
}, |
{ |
"field": "UGI π", |
"width": 120, |
"filter": "agNumberColumnFilter", |
"filterParams": { |
"defaultOption": "greaterThanOrEqual" |
}, |
"headerClass": "ag-left-aligned-header wrap-text", |
"cellClass": ["ag-left-aligned-cell", "border-left"], |
"wrapHeaderText": True, |
"autoHeaderHeight": True, |
"suppressSizeToFit": True, |
"sortingOrder": ['desc', 'asc'] |
}, |
create_numeric_column("W/10 π", width=130, filterParams={ |
"defaultOption": "greaterThanOrEqual", |
"filterOptions": ['equals', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'greaterThanOrEqual', 'lessThan', 'lessThanOrEqual', 'inRange'] |
}), |
{ |
"field": "NatInt π‘", |
"headerName": "NatInt π‘", |
"width": 140, |
"filter": "agNumberColumnFilter", |
"filterParams": { |
"defaultOption": "greaterThanOrEqual", |
"filterOptions": ['equals', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'greaterThanOrEqual', 'lessThan', 'lessThanOrEqual', 'inRange'] |
}, |
"headerClass": "ag-left-aligned-header wrap-text", |
"cellClass": ["ag-left-aligned-cell", "border-left"], |
"wrapHeaderText": True, |
"autoHeaderHeight": True, |
"suppressSizeToFit": True, |
"sortingOrder": ['desc', 'asc'] |
}, |
create_numeric_column("Coding π»", width=140, filterParams={ |
"defaultOption": "greaterThanOrEqual" |
}), |
{ |
"field": "Political Lean π", |
"width": 175, |
"filter": "agNumberColumnFilter", |
"filterParams": { |
"defaultOption": "inRange", |
"filterOptions": ['equals', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'greaterThanOrEqual', 'lessThan', 'lessThanOrEqual', 'inRange'] |
}, |
"valueFormatter": { |
"function": "d3.format('.1f')(params.value) + '%'" |
}, |
"sortingOrder": ['desc', 'asc'], |
"headerClass": "ag-left-aligned-header wrap-text", |
"cellClass": "ag-left-aligned-cell", |
"wrapHeaderText": True, |
"autoHeaderHeight": True |
} |
] |
ugi_category_columns = [ |
create_numeric_column(col, width=120) for col in UGI_CATEGORY_COLS |
] |
w10_type_columns = [ |
create_numeric_column("W/10-Direct", width=120, filterParams={ |
"defaultOption": "greaterThanOrEqual", |
"filterOptions": ['equals', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'greaterThanOrEqual', 'lessThan', 'lessThanOrEqual', 'inRange'] |
}), |
create_numeric_column("W/10-Adherence", width=120, filterParams={ |
"defaultOption": "greaterThanOrEqual", |
"filterOptions": ['equals', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'greaterThanOrEqual', 'lessThan', 'lessThanOrEqual', 'inRange'] |
}) |
] |
political_columns = [ |
{ |
"headerName": "Ideology", |
"field": "Ideology Name", |
"width": 160, |
"filter": "agTextColumnFilter", |
"filterParams": { |
"defaultOption": "contains", |
"filterOptions": ['contains', 'notContains', 'startsWith', 'endsWith'] |
}, |
"headerClass": "ag-left-aligned-header wrap-text", |
"cellClass": "ag-left-aligned-cell", |
"wrapHeaderText": True, |
"autoHeaderHeight": True |
} |
] |
template_column = { |
"field": "Prompt Template", |
"headerName": "Template", |
"width": 160, |
"filter": "agTextColumnFilter", |
"filterParams": { |
"defaultOption": "contains", |
"filterOptions": ['contains', 'notContains', 'startsWith', 'endsWith'] |
}, |
"headerClass": "ag-left-aligned-header wrap-text", |
"cellClass": "ag-left-aligned-cell", |
"wrapHeaderText": True, |
"autoHeaderHeight": True, |
"comparator": { |
"function": """ |
function(valueA, valueB) { |
if (!valueA && !valueB) return 0; |
if (!valueA) return 1; |
if (!valueB) return -1; |
return valueA.toLowerCase().localeCompare(valueB.toLowerCase()); |
} |
""" |
} |
} |
for i, col in enumerate(AXES_COLS_1): |
col_def = { |
"field": col, |
"width": 105, |
"filter": "agNumberColumnFilter", |
"filterParams": { |
"defaultOption": "inRange", |
"filterOptions": ['equals', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'greaterThanOrEqual', 'lessThan', 'lessThanOrEqual', 'inRange'] |
}, |
"valueFormatter": { |
"function": "d3.format('.1f')(params.value) + '%'" |
}, |
"headerClass": "ag-left-aligned-header wrap-text", |
"cellClass": ["ag-left-aligned-cell"], |
"sortingOrder": ['desc', 'asc'] |
} |
if i == 0: |
col_def["cellClass"].append("border-left") |
elif i == len(AXES_COLS_1) - 1: |
col_def["cellClass"].append("border-right") |
columnDefs.append(col_def) |
template_with_split_header = """ |
<div class="ag-cell-label-container" role="presentation"> |
<span ref="eMenu" class="ag-header-icon ag-header-cell-menu-button"></span> |
<div ref="eLabel" class="ag-header-cell-label" role="presentation"> |
<div class="split-header-container"> |
<div class="split-header-top">β {high}</div> |
<div class="split-header-bottom">β {low}</div> |
</div> |
<span ref="eText" class="ag-header-cell-text" style="display: none"></span> |
<span ref="eSortOrder" class="ag-header-icon ag-sort-order"></span> |
<span ref="eSortAsc" class="ag-header-icon ag-sort-ascending-icon"></span> |
<span ref="eSortDesc" class="ag-header-icon ag-sort-descending-icon"></span> |
<span ref="eSortNone" class="ag-header-icon ag-sort-none-icon"></span> |
<span ref="eFilter" class="ag-header-icon ag-filter-icon"></span> |
</div> |
</div> |
""" |
for col in AXES_COLS_2: |
high, low = col.split('-') |
columnDefs.append({ |
"field": col, |
"headerComponentParams": { |
"template": template_with_split_header.format(high=high, low=low) |
}, |
"width": 175, |
"filter": "agNumberColumnFilter", |
"filterParams": { |
"defaultOption": "inRange", |
"filterOptions": ['equals', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'greaterThanOrEqual', 'lessThan', 'lessThanOrEqual', 'inRange'] |
}, |
"valueFormatter": { |
"function": "d3.format('.1f')(params.value) + '%'" |
}, |
"sortingOrder": ['desc', 'asc'] |
}) |
columnDefs.extend([ |
{ |
"field": "Release Date", |
"width": 130, |
"filter": "agDateColumnFilter", |
"filterParams": { |
"defaultOption": "greaterThan", |
"browserDatePicker": True, |
"inRangeInclusive": True |
}, |
"filterValueGetter": { |
"function": """ |
function(params) { |
if (!params.data['Release Date']) return null; |
const [year, month, day] = params.data['Release Date'].split('-'); |
return new Date(year, month - 1, day); |
} |
""" |
}, |
"valueFormatter": { |
"function": """ |
function(params) { |
if (!params.value) return ''; |
const [year, month, day] = params.value.split('-'); |
return `${month}/${day}/${year}`; |
} |
""" |
}, |
"cellClass": ["ag-left-aligned-cell", "border-left"], |
"headerClass": "ag-left-aligned-header wrap-text", |
"wrapHeaderText": True, |
"autoHeaderHeight": True, |
"sortable": True |
}, |
{ |
"field": "Test Date", |
"width": 130, |
"filter": "agDateColumnFilter", |
"filterParams": { |
"defaultOption": "greaterThan", |
"browserDatePicker": True, |
"inRangeInclusive": True |
}, |
"filterValueGetter": { |
"function": """ |
function(params) { |
if (!params.data['Test Date']) return null; |
const [year, month, day] = params.data['Test Date'].split('-'); |
return new Date(year, month - 1, day); |
} |
""" |
}, |
"valueFormatter": { |
"function": """ |
function(params) { |
if (!params.value) return ''; |
const [year, month, day] = params.value.split('-'); |
return `${month}/${day}/${year}`; |
} |
""" |
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"cellClass": "ag-left-aligned-cell", |
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"getRowId": "params => params.data.Model_Display", |
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"suppressMultiSort": True, |
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"icons": { |
"menu": '<i class="fas fa-search" style="color: var(--text-color)"></i>' |
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"columnState": { |
"function": """ |
function() { |
return { |
columnVisibility: {} |
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""" |
} |
} |
app.layout = html.Div([ |
dcc.Store(id='pinned-models-store', data=[]), |
html.Div([ |
html.Div([ |
html.A("Contact/Model Requests", href="mailto:[email protected]", className="model-link"), |
html.Span(" (or create a HF discussion)") |
], style={'float': 'left'}), |
html.Div([ |
html.A( |
html.Img( |
src=f"data:image/png;base64,{get_kofi_button_base64()['light']}", |
style={'width': '165px'}, |
className='kofi-light' |
), |
href="https://ko-fi.com/dontplantoend", |
target="_blank" |
), |
html.A( |
html.Img( |
src=f"data:image/png;base64,{get_kofi_button_base64()['dark']}", |
style={'width': '165px'}, |
className='kofi-dark' |
), |
href="https://ko-fi.com/dontplantoend", |
target="_blank" |
) |
], style={'float': 'right'}) |
], style={'overflow': 'hidden', 'marginBottom': '20px', 'padding': '0 20px'}), |
html.Div([ |
html.H1("π’ UGI Leaderboard", |
className="page-title", |
style={'fontSize': '38px'}), |
html.H2("Uncensored General Intelligence", |
className="page-subtitle"), |
], style={'marginBottom': '30px'}), |
html.Div([ |
html.Div([ |
"To filter columns, click the ", |
html.I(className="fas fa-search", style={"color": "var(--text-color)"}), |
" next to a column's name. On mobile, hold the column name for the menu to appear." |
], style={'marginBottom': '20px', 'color': 'var(--text-color)'}) |
], style={'padding': '0 20px'}), |
html.Div([ |
html.Div([ |
html.Label("Display Models:", |
className="model-type-filter"), |
dcc.Checklist( |
id='model-type-filter', |
options=[ |
{'label': html.Span('Base', style={'color': '#71de5f', 'fontSize': '16.5px'}), 'value': 'Is Foundation'}, |
{'label': html.Span('Finetune', style={'color': '#f6b10b', 'fontSize': '16.5px'}), 'value': 'Is Finetuned'}, |
{'label': html.Span('Merge', style={'color': '#f08aff', 'fontSize': '16.5px'}), 'value': 'Is Merged'}, |
{'label': html.Span('Proprietary', style={'color': '#19cdce', 'fontSize': '16.5px'}), 'value': 'proprietary'} |
], |
value=['Is Foundation', 'Is Finetuned', 'Is Merged', 'proprietary'], |
inline=True, |
style={'display': 'inline-block'}, |
labelStyle={'fontWeight': 'normal', 'marginRight': '15px'} |
) |
], style={'float': 'left'}), |
html.Div([ |
dcc.Checklist( |
id='na-model-filter', |
options=[{'label': 'NA Models', 'value': 'show_na'}], |
value=[], |
inline=True, |
style={'display': 'inline-block'}, |
labelStyle={'fontWeight': 'normal'} |
) |
], style={'float': 'right'}) |
], style={'marginBottom': '10px', 'padding': '0 20px', 'overflow': 'hidden'}), |
html.Div([ |
html.Div([ |
html.Label("Show Additional Columns:", |
className="model-type-filter"), |
dcc.Checklist( |
id='additional-columns-filter', |
options=[ |
{'label': 'UGI Categories', 'value': 'ugi_categories'}, |
{'label': 'W/10 Types', 'value': 'w10_types'}, |
{'label': 'Political Test Axes', 'value': 'political_axes'} |
], |
value=[], |
inline=True, |
style={'display': 'inline-block'}, |
labelStyle={'fontWeight': 'normal', 'marginRight': '15px'} |
) |
], style={'float': 'left'}), |
html.Div([ |
dcc.Checklist( |
id='template-filter', |
options=[{'label': 'Prompt Template', 'value': 'template'}], |
value=[], |
inline=True, |
style={'display': 'inline-block'}, |
labelStyle={'fontWeight': 'normal'} |
) |
], style={'float': 'right'}) |
], style={'marginBottom': '13px', 'padding': '0 20px', 'overflow': 'hidden'}), |
html.Div([ |
dag.AgGrid( |
id='leaderboard-grid', |
columnDefs=columnDefs, |
rowData=df.to_dict('records'), |
defaultColDef={ |
"sortable": True, |
"resizable": True, |
"filter": "agNumberColumnFilter", |
"floatingFilter": False, |
"sortingOrder": ['desc', 'asc'], |
"filterParams": { |
"defaultOption": "between" |
}, |
"comparator": { |
"function": """ |
function(valueA, valueB, nodeA, nodeB, isInverted) { |
const isEmptyA = valueA === null || valueA === undefined || valueA === '' || isNaN(valueA); |
const isEmptyB = valueB === null || valueB === undefined || valueB === '' || isNaN(valueB); |
// Force empty values to bottom |
if (isEmptyA && !isEmptyB) return 1; |
if (!isEmptyA && isEmptyB) return -1; |
if (isEmptyA && isEmptyB) return 0; |
// Normal comparison for non-empty values |
if (typeof valueA === 'number' && typeof valueB === 'number') { |
return valueA - valueB; |
} |
return String(valueA).localeCompare(String(valueB)); |
} |
""" |
} |
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dashGridOptions=dashGridOptions, |
dangerously_allow_code=True, |
className="ag-theme-alpine", |
style={"height": "600px", "width": "100%"}, |
enableEnterpriseModules=False, |
getRowId="params.data.Model_Display" |
) |
], style={'marginBottom': '30px'}), |
html.Div([ |
html.H3("About", style={'fontSize': '22px', 'marginBottom': '0px'}), |
html.P([html.Strong("UGI:"), " Uncensored General Intelligence. A benchmark measuring both willingness to answer and accuracy in fact-based contentious questions. The test set is made of roughly 100 questions/tasks, covering topics that are commonly difficult to get LLMs to answer. The leaderboard's questions are kept private in order to avoid the common problem of not knowing if a model is intelligent or if it was just trained on the test questions."], |
style={'marginTop': '7px', 'marginBottom': '4px'}), |
html.Details([ |
html.Summary("Categories", |
style={ |
'fontWeight': 'normal', |
'fontSize': '1em', |
'marginLeft': '20px', |
'cursor': 'pointer' |
}), |
html.Ul([ |
html.Li("Unruly: Taboo Underground Knowledge"), |
html.Li("Internet: Knowledge of controversial/explicit web content"), |
html.Li("Societal/Political: Awareness of contentious socio-political topics") |
], style={'marginTop': '0px', 'marginBottom': '16px', 'marginLeft': '40px'}) |
], style={'marginBottom': '16px'}), |
html.P([html.Strong("W/10:"), " Willingness/10. A more narrow subset of the UGI questions, solely focused on measuring how far a model can be pushed before going against its instructions or refusing to answer."], style={'marginBottom': '4px'}), |
html.Details([ |
html.Summary("Types", |
style={ |
'fontWeight': 'normal', |
'fontSize': '1em', |
'marginLeft': '20px', |
'cursor': 'pointer' |
}), |
html.Ul([ |
html.Li("Direct: Measures if the model directly refuses to respond to certain prompts"), |
html.Li("Adherence: Some models might not explicitly refuse to do something, though will still deviate from the instructions as a way of getting out of doing it, or simply due to lack of instruction following capabilities") |
], style={'marginTop': '0px', 'marginBottom': '16px', 'marginLeft': '40px'}) |
], style={'marginBottom': '16px'}), |
html.P([ |
"A high UGI but low W/10 could mean for example that the model can provide a lot of accurate sensitive information, but will refuse to form the information into something it sees as offensive or against its rules.", |
html.Br(), |
html.Br() |
]), |
html.P([ |
html.Strong("Benchmarks not focused on censorship:"), |
html.Div(style={'margin': '6px 0'}), |
html.Strong("NatInt:"), " Natural Intelligence. A general knowledge quiz covering real-world subjects that llms are not commonly benchmarked on, such as pop culture trivia. This measures if the model understands a diverse range of topics, as opposed to over-training on textbook information and the types of questions commonly tested on benchmarks." |
]), |
html.P([html.Strong("Coding:"), " A simple 50 question quiz measuring how vast a model's programming knowledge is. Each question is worth 2 points."]), |
html.P([ |
html.Strong("Political Lean:"), |
" Measures a model's tendency to hold left wing vs right wing political beliefs. Ranges between -100% and 100%, where left wing is left of zero (negative) and right wing is right of zero (positive). Uses the axes of the ", |
html.A("12axes", |
href="https://politicaltests.github.io/12axes/", |
target="_blank", |
style={'color': 'var(--link-color)'} |
), |
" test most aligned with modern left vs right issues. Excludes Federal vs Unitary, Democratic vs. Autocratic, and Militarist vs. Pacifist from the score since they don't line up as well with left vs. right wing." |
], style={'marginBottom': '4px'}), |
html.Ul([ |
html.Li("NA if model wasn't capable of answering a sufficient number of questions.") |
], style={'marginTop': '0px', 'marginBottom': '16px'}), |
html.P("Aggregate Political Scores", style={'marginBottom': '4px'}), |
html.Ul([ |
html.Li("Govt: Higher = State authority, Lower = Individual liberty"), |
html.Li("Dipl: Higher = Global outlook, Lower = National interests"), |
html.Li("Econ: Higher = Economic equality, Lower = Market freedom"), |
html.Li("Scty: Higher = Progressive values, Lower = Traditional values") |
], style={'marginTop': '0px', 'marginBottom': '16px'}), |
html.Br(), |
html.P("All local models are tested using Q6_K.gguf quants.") |
], style={ |
'maxWidth': '1200px', |
'margin': '0 auto', |
'padding': '0 20px', |
'color': 'var(--text-color)' |
}), |
html.Details([ |
html.Summary("12axes Ideology Descriptions", |
className="details-summary"), |
html.Div([ |
html.I("Only showing ideologies at least one model has.", |
className='ideology-note', |
style={'fontSize': '0.9em'}), |
dcc.Markdown("\n\n".join([ |
f"**{ideology}**: {IDEOLOGY_DESCRIPTIONS.get(ideology, 'No description available.')}" |
for ideology in sorted(set(df['Ideology Name'].dropna())) |
if ideology |
]), className='markdown-content'), |
html.Div([ |
html.A("Source", |
href="https://github.com/politicaltests/politicaltests.github.io/blob/main/12axes/ideologies.js", |
target="_blank", |
className="source-link") |
], style={'marginTop': '20px'}) |
], style={'paddingTop': '10px'}) |
], style={'marginTop': '30px', 'marginBottom': '50px', 'maxWidth': '1200px', 'margin': '30px auto 80px'}) |
], style={'maxWidth': '100%', 'margin': '0 auto'}) |
@app.callback( |
[Output('leaderboard-grid', 'rowData'), |
Output('model-type-filter', 'value'), |
Output('pinned-models-store', 'data')], |
[Input('model-type-filter', 'value'), |
Input('na-model-filter', 'value'), |
Input('leaderboard-grid', 'pinnedTopRowData')], |
prevent_initial_call=False |
) |
def update_grid(selected_types, show_na, pinned_rows): |
if selected_types is None: |
selected_types = [] |
if not selected_types: |
return [], selected_types, [] |
filtered_df = df.copy() |
filtered_df = filtered_df.sort_values('UGI π', ascending=False) |
pinned_models = [] |
if pinned_rows: |
pinned_models = [row['Model_Display'] for row in pinned_rows] |
filtered_df = filtered_df[~filtered_df['Model_Display'].isin(pinned_models)] |
mask = pd.Series(False, index=filtered_df.index) |
if 'Is Finetuned' in selected_types: |
if 'Is Merged' in selected_types: |
mask |= filtered_df['Is Finetuned'] |
else: |
mask |= (filtered_df['Is Finetuned'] & ~filtered_df['Is Merged']) |
elif 'Is Merged' in selected_types: |
mask |= filtered_df['Is Merged'] |
if 'Is Foundation' in selected_types: |
mask |= (filtered_df['Is Foundation'] & ~filtered_df['Total Parameters'].isna()) |
if 'proprietary' in selected_types: |
mask |= filtered_df['Total Parameters'].isna() |
filtered_df = filtered_df[mask] |
political_columns = ['Political Lean π', 'govt', 'dipl', 'econ', 'scty'] + AXES_COLS_2 |
has_na = filtered_df[political_columns].isna().any(axis=1) |
if show_na is None or not show_na: |
filtered_df = filtered_df[~has_na] |
filtered_df = filtered_df.sort_values('UGI π', ascending=False) |
records = filtered_df.to_dict('records') |
return records, selected_types, pinned_models |
@app.callback( |
Output('leaderboard-grid', 'columnDefs'), |
[Input('additional-columns-filter', 'value'), |
Input('template-filter', 'value')] |
) |
def update_columns(additional_columns, template_filter): |
current_columns = columnDefs[:6] |
if template_filter and 'template' in template_filter: |
current_columns.append(template_column) |
current_columns.extend(columnDefs[6:7]) |
if 'ugi_categories' in additional_columns: |
current_columns.extend(ugi_category_columns) |
current_columns.extend(columnDefs[7:8]) |
if 'w10_types' in additional_columns: |
current_columns.extend(w10_type_columns) |
current_columns.extend(columnDefs[8:11]) |
if 'political_axes' in additional_columns: |
current_columns.extend(political_columns) |
current_columns.extend([col for col in columnDefs if col['field'] in AXES_COLS_1]) |
current_columns.extend([col for col in columnDefs if col['field'] in AXES_COLS_2]) |
current_columns.extend([col for col in columnDefs if col['field'] in ['Release Date', 'Test Date']]) |
return current_columns |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
app.run_server(host='', port=8050) |
app.clientside_callback( |
""" |
function(n_clicks) { |
if (!window.gridApi) return; |
const pinnedRows = window.gridApi.getGridOption('pinnedTopRowData') || []; |
if (pinnedRows.length > 0) { |
const pinnedIds = new Set(pinnedRows.map(row => row.Model_Display)); |
const currentRows = []; |
window.gridApi.forEachNode(node => { |
if (!pinnedIds.has(node.data.Model_Display)) { |
currentRows.push(node.data); |
} |
}); |
window.gridApi.setGridOption('rowData', currentRows); |
} |
return window.dash_clientside.no_update; |
} |
""", |
Output('leaderboard-grid', 'rowData'), |
Input('model-type-filter', 'value') |
) |