''' |
Running statistics on the GPU using pytorch. |
RunningTopK maintains top-k statistics for a set of channels in parallel. |
RunningQuantile maintains (sampled) quantile statistics for a set of channels. |
''' |
import torch, math, numpy |
from collections import defaultdict |
class RunningTopK: |
''' |
A class to keep a running tally of the the top k values (and indexes) |
of any number of torch feature components. Will work on the GPU if |
the data is on the GPU. |
This version flattens all arrays to avoid crashes. |
''' |
def __init__(self, k=100, state=None): |
if state is not None: |
self.set_state_dict(state) |
return |
self.k = k |
self.count = 0 |
self.data_shape = None |
self.top_data = None |
self.top_index = None |
self.next = 0 |
self.linear_index = 0 |
self.perm = None |
def add(self, data): |
''' |
Adds a batch of data to be considered for the running top k. |
The zeroth dimension enumerates the observations. All other |
dimensions enumerate different features. |
''' |
if self.top_data is None: |
self.data_shape = data.shape[1:] |
feature_size = int(numpy.prod(self.data_shape)) |
self.top_data = torch.zeros( |
feature_size, max(10, self.k * 5), out=data.new()) |
self.top_index = self.top_data.clone().long() |
self.linear_index = 0 if len(data.shape) == 1 else torch.arange( |
feature_size, out=self.top_index.new()).mul_( |
self.top_data.shape[-1])[:,None] |
size = data.shape[0] |
sk = min(size, self.k) |
if self.top_data.shape[-1] < self.next + sk: |
self.top_data[:,:self.k], self.top_index[:,:self.k] = ( |
self.result(sorted=False, flat=True)) |
self.next = self.k |
free = self.top_data.shape[-1] - self.next |
cdata = data.contiguous().view(size, -1).t().clone() |
td, ti = cdata.topk(sk, sorted=False) |
self.top_data[:,self.next:self.next+sk] = td |
self.top_index[:,self.next:self.next+sk] = (ti + self.count) |
self.next += sk |
self.count += size |
def result(self, sorted=True, flat=False): |
''' |
Returns top k data items and indexes in each dimension, |
with channels in the first dimension and k in the last dimension. |
''' |
k = min(self.k, self.next) |
td, bti = self.top_data[:,:self.next].topk(k, sorted=sorted) |
ti = self.top_index.view(-1)[ |
(bti + self.linear_index).view(-1) |
].view(*bti.shape) |
if flat: |
return td, ti |
else: |
return (td.view(*(self.data_shape + (-1,))), |
ti.view(*(self.data_shape + (-1,)))) |
def to_(self, device): |
self.top_data = self.top_data.to(device) |
self.top_index = self.top_index.to(device) |
if isinstance(self.linear_index, torch.Tensor): |
self.linear_index = self.linear_index.to(device) |
def state_dict(self): |
return dict( |
constructor=self.__module__ + '.' + |
self.__class__.__name__ + '()', |
k=self.k, |
count=self.count, |
data_shape=tuple(self.data_shape), |
top_data=self.top_data.cpu().numpy(), |
top_index=self.top_index.cpu().numpy(), |
next=self.next, |
linear_index=(self.linear_index.cpu().numpy() |
if isinstance(self.linear_index, torch.Tensor) |
else self.linear_index), |
perm=self.perm) |
def set_state_dict(self, dic): |
self.k = dic['k'].item() |
self.count = dic['count'].item() |
self.data_shape = tuple(dic['data_shape']) |
self.top_data = torch.from_numpy(dic['top_data']) |
self.top_index = torch.from_numpy(dic['top_index']) |
self.next = dic['next'].item() |
self.linear_index = (torch.from_numpy(dic['linear_index']) |
if len(dic['linear_index'].shape) > 0 |
else dic['linear_index'].item()) |
class RunningQuantile: |
""" |
Streaming randomized quantile computation for torch. |
Add any amount of data repeatedly via add(data). At any time, |
quantile estimates (or old-style percentiles) can be read out using |
quantiles(q) or percentiles(p). |
Accuracy scales according to resolution: the default is to |
set resolution to be accurate to better than 0.1%, |
while limiting storage to about 50,000 samples. |
Good for computing quantiles of huge data without using much memory. |
Works well on arbitrary data with probability near 1. |
Based on the optimal KLL quantile algorithm by Karnin, Lang, and Liberty |
from FOCS 2016. http://ieee-focs.org/FOCS-2016-Papers/3933a071.pdf |
""" |
def __init__(self, resolution=6 * 1024, buffersize=None, seed=None, |
state=None): |
if state is not None: |
self.set_state_dict(state) |
return |
self.depth = None |
self.dtype = None |
self.device = None |
self.resolution = resolution |
if buffersize is None: |
buffersize = min(128, (resolution + 7) // 8) |
self.buffersize = buffersize |
self.samplerate = 1.0 |
self.data = None |
self.firstfree = [0] |
self.randbits = torch.ByteTensor(resolution) |
self.currentbit = len(self.randbits) - 1 |
self.extremes = None |
self.size = 0 |
def _lazy_init(self, incoming): |
self.depth = incoming.shape[1] |
self.dtype = incoming.dtype |
self.device = incoming.device |
self.data = [torch.zeros(self.depth, self.resolution, |
dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)] |
self.extremes = torch.zeros(self.depth, 2, |
dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) |
self.extremes[:,0] = float('inf') |
self.extremes[:,-1] = -float('inf') |
def to_(self, device): |
"""Switches internal storage to specified device.""" |
if device != self.device: |
old_data = self.data |
old_extremes = self.extremes |
self.data = [d.to(device) for d in self.data] |
self.extremes = self.extremes.to(device) |
self.device = self.extremes.device |
del old_data |
del old_extremes |
def add(self, incoming): |
if self.depth is None: |
self._lazy_init(incoming) |
assert len(incoming.shape) == 2 |
assert incoming.shape[1] == self.depth, (incoming.shape[1], self.depth) |
self.size += incoming.shape[0] |
if self.samplerate >= 1.0: |
self._add_every(incoming) |
return |
self._scan_extremes(incoming) |
chunksize = int(math.ceil(self.buffersize / self.samplerate)) |
for index in range(0, len(incoming), chunksize): |
batch = incoming[index:index+chunksize] |
sample = sample_portion(batch, self.samplerate) |
if len(sample): |
self._add_every(sample) |
def _add_every(self, incoming): |
supplied = len(incoming) |
index = 0 |
while index < supplied: |
ff = self.firstfree[0] |
available = self.data[0].shape[1] - ff |
if available == 0: |
if not self._shift(): |
incoming = incoming[index:] |
if self.samplerate >= 0.5: |
self._scan_extremes(incoming) |
incoming = sample_portion(incoming, self.samplerate) |
index = 0 |
supplied = len(incoming) |
ff = self.firstfree[0] |
available = self.data[0].shape[1] - ff |
copycount = min(available, supplied - index) |
self.data[0][:,ff:ff + copycount] = torch.t( |
incoming[index:index + copycount,:]) |
self.firstfree[0] += copycount |
index += copycount |
def _shift(self): |
index = 0 |
while self.data[index].shape[1] - self.firstfree[index] < ( |
-(-self.data[index-1].shape[1] // 2) if index else 1): |
if index + 1 >= len(self.data): |
return self._expand() |
data = self.data[index][:,0:self.firstfree[index]] |
data = data.sort()[0] |
if index == 0 and self.samplerate >= 1.0: |
self._update_extremes(data[:,0], data[:,-1]) |
offset = self._randbit() |
position = self.firstfree[index + 1] |
subset = data[:,offset::2] |
self.data[index + 1][:,position:position + subset.shape[1]] = subset |
self.firstfree[index] = 0 |
self.firstfree[index + 1] += subset.shape[1] |
index += 1 |
return True |
def _scan_extremes(self, incoming): |
self._update_extremes( |
torch.min(incoming, dim=0)[0], |
torch.max(incoming, dim=0)[0]) |
def _update_extremes(self, minr, maxr): |
self.extremes[:,0] = torch.min( |
torch.stack([self.extremes[:,0], minr]), dim=0)[0] |
self.extremes[:,-1] = torch.max( |
torch.stack([self.extremes[:,-1], maxr]), dim=0)[0] |
def _randbit(self): |
self.currentbit += 1 |
if self.currentbit >= len(self.randbits): |
self.randbits.random_(to=2) |
self.currentbit = 0 |
return self.randbits[self.currentbit] |
def state_dict(self): |
return dict( |
constructor=self.__module__ + '.' + |
self.__class__.__name__ + '()', |
resolution=self.resolution, |
depth=self.depth, |
buffersize=self.buffersize, |
samplerate=self.samplerate, |
data=[d.cpu().numpy()[:,:f].T |
for d, f in zip(self.data, self.firstfree)], |
sizes=[d.shape[1] for d in self.data], |
extremes=self.extremes.cpu().numpy(), |
size=self.size) |
def set_state_dict(self, dic): |
self.resolution = int(dic['resolution']) |
self.randbits = torch.ByteTensor(self.resolution) |
self.currentbit = len(self.randbits) - 1 |
self.depth = int(dic['depth']) |
self.buffersize = int(dic['buffersize']) |
self.samplerate = float(dic['samplerate']) |
firstfree = [] |
buffers = [] |
for d, s in zip(dic['data'], dic['sizes']): |
firstfree.append(d.shape[0]) |
buf = numpy.zeros((d.shape[1], s), dtype=d.dtype) |
buf[:,:d.shape[0]] = d.T |
buffers.append(torch.from_numpy(buf)) |
self.firstfree = firstfree |
self.data = buffers |
self.extremes = torch.from_numpy((dic['extremes'])) |
self.size = int(dic['size']) |
self.dtype = self.extremes.dtype |
self.device = self.extremes.device |
def minmax(self): |
if self.firstfree[0]: |
self._scan_extremes(self.data[0][:,:self.firstfree[0]].t()) |
return self.extremes.clone() |
def median(self): |
return self.quantiles([0.5])[:,0] |
def mean(self): |
return self.integrate(lambda x: x) / self.size |
def variance(self): |
mean = self.mean()[:,None] |
return self.integrate(lambda x: (x - mean).pow(2)) / (self.size - 1) |
def stdev(self): |
return self.variance().sqrt() |
def _expand(self): |
cap = self._next_capacity() |
if cap > 0: |
self.data.insert(0, torch.zeros(self.depth, cap, |
dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)) |
self.firstfree.insert(0, 0) |
else: |
assert self.firstfree[0] == 0 |
self.samplerate *= 0.5 |
for index in range(1, len(self.data)): |
amount = self.firstfree[index] |
if amount == 0: |
continue |
position = self.firstfree[index-1] |
if self.data[index-1].shape[1] - (amount + position) >= ( |
-(-self.data[index-2].shape[1] // 2) if (index-1) else 1): |
self.data[index-1][:,position:position + amount] = ( |
self.data[index][:,:amount]) |
self.firstfree[index-1] += amount |
self.firstfree[index] = 0 |
else: |
data = self.data[index][:,:amount] |
data = data.sort()[0] |
if index == 1: |
self._update_extremes(data[:,0], data[:,-1]) |
offset = self._randbit() |
scrunched = data[:,offset::2] |
self.data[index][:,:scrunched.shape[1]] = scrunched |
self.firstfree[index] = scrunched.shape[1] |
return cap > 0 |
def _next_capacity(self): |
cap = int(math.ceil(self.resolution * (0.67 ** len(self.data)))) |
if cap < 2: |
return 0 |
cap = -8 * (-cap // 8) |
return max(self.buffersize, cap) |
def _weighted_summary(self, sort=True): |
if self.firstfree[0]: |
self._scan_extremes(self.data[0][:,:self.firstfree[0]].t()) |
size = sum(self.firstfree) + 2 |
weights = torch.FloatTensor(size) |
summary = torch.zeros(self.depth, size, |
dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) |
weights[0:2] = 0 |
summary[:,0:2] = self.extremes |
index = 2 |
for level, ff in enumerate(self.firstfree): |
if ff == 0: |
continue |
summary[:,index:index + ff] = self.data[level][:,:ff] |
weights[index:index + ff] = 2.0 ** level |
index += ff |
assert index == summary.shape[1] |
if sort: |
summary, order = torch.sort(summary, dim=-1) |
weights = weights[order.view(-1).cpu()].view(order.shape) |
return (summary, weights) |
def quantiles(self, quantiles, old_style=False): |
if self.size == 0: |
return torch.full((self.depth, len(quantiles)), torch.nan) |
summary, weights = self._weighted_summary() |
cumweights = torch.cumsum(weights, dim=-1) - weights / 2 |
if old_style: |
cumweights -= cumweights[:,0:1].clone() |
cumweights /= cumweights[:,-1:].clone() |
else: |
cumweights /= torch.sum(weights, dim=-1, keepdim=True) |
result = torch.zeros(self.depth, len(quantiles), |
dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) |
if not hasattr(quantiles, 'cpu'): |
quantiles = torch.Tensor(quantiles) |
nq = quantiles.cpu().numpy() |
ncw = cumweights.cpu().numpy() |
nsm = summary.cpu().numpy() |
for d in range(self.depth): |
result[d] = torch.tensor(numpy.interp(nq, ncw[d], nsm[d]), |
dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) |
return result |
def integrate(self, fun): |
result = None |
for level, ff in enumerate(self.firstfree): |
if ff == 0: |
continue |
term = torch.sum( |
fun(self.data[level][:,:ff]) * (2.0 ** level), |
dim=-1) |
if result is None: |
result = term |
else: |
result += term |
if result is not None: |
result /= self.samplerate |
return result |
def percentiles(self, percentiles): |
return self.quantiles(percentiles, old_style=True) |
def readout(self, count=1001, old_style=True): |
return self.quantiles( |
torch.linspace(0.0, 1.0, count), old_style=old_style) |
def normalize(self, data): |
''' |
Given input data as taken from the training distirbution, |
normalizes every channel to reflect quantile values, |
uniformly distributed, within [0, 1]. |
''' |
assert self.size > 0 |
assert data.shape[0] == self.depth |
summary, weights = self._weighted_summary() |
cumweights = torch.cumsum(weights, dim=-1) - weights / 2 |
cumweights /= torch.sum(weights, dim=-1, keepdim=True) |
result = torch.zeros_like(data).float() |
ndata = data.cpu().numpy().reshape((data.shape[0], -1)) |
ncw = cumweights.cpu().numpy() |
nsm = summary.cpu().numpy() |
for d in range(self.depth): |
normed = torch.tensor(numpy.interp(ndata[d], nsm[d], ncw[d]), |
dtype=torch.float, device=data.device).clamp_(0.0, 1.0) |
if len(data.shape) > 1: |
normed = normed.view(*(data.shape[1:])) |
result[d] = normed |
return result |
class RunningConditionalQuantile: |
''' |
Equivalent to a map from conditions (any python hashable type) |
to RunningQuantiles. The reason for the type is to allow limited |
GPU memory to be exploited while counting quantile stats on many |
different conditions, a few of which are common and which benefit |
from GPU, but most of which are rare and would not all fit into |
To move a set of conditions to a device, use rcq.to_(device, conds). |
Then in the future, move the tallied data to the device before |
calling rcq.add, that is, rcq.add(cond, data.to(device)). |
To allow the caller to decide which conditions to allow to use GPU, |
rcq.most_common_conditions(n) returns a list of the n most commonly |
added conditions so far. |
''' |
def __init__(self, resolution=6 * 1024, buffersize=None, seed=None, |
state=None): |
self.first_rq = None |
self.call_stats = defaultdict(int) |
self.running_quantiles = {} |
if state is not None: |
self.set_state_dict(state) |
return |
self.rq_args = dict(resolution=resolution, buffersize=buffersize, |
seed=seed) |
def add(self, condition, incoming): |
if condition not in self.running_quantiles: |
self.running_quantiles[condition] = RunningQuantile(**self.rq_args) |
if self.first_rq is None: |
self.first_rq = self.running_quantiles[condition] |
self.call_stats[condition] += 1 |
rq = self.running_quantiles[condition] |
if rq.device is not None and (rq.device != incoming.device): |
rq.to_(incoming.device) |
self.running_quantiles[condition].add(incoming) |
def most_common_conditions(self, n): |
return sorted(self.call_stats.keys(), |
key=lambda c: -self.call_stats[c])[:n] |
def collected_add(self, conditions, incoming): |
for c in conditions: |
self.add(c, incoming) |
def conditional(self, c): |
return self.running_quantiles[c] |
def collected_quantiles(self, conditions, quantiles, old_style=False): |
result = torch.zeros( |
size=(len(conditions), self.first_rq.depth, len(quantiles)), |
dtype=self.first_rq.dtype, |
device=self.first_rq.device) |
for i, c in enumerate(conditions): |
if c in self.running_quantiles: |
result[i] = self.running_quantiles[c].quantiles( |
quantiles, old_style) |
return result |
def collected_normalize(self, conditions, values): |
result = torch.zeros( |
size=(len(conditions), values.shape[0], values.shape[1]), |
dtype=torch.float, |
device=self.first_rq.device) |
for i, c in enumerate(conditions): |
if c in self.running_quantiles: |
result[i] = self.running_quantiles[c].normalize(values) |
return result |
def to_(self, device, conditions=None): |
if conditions is None: |
conditions = self.running_quantiles.keys() |
for cond in conditions: |
if cond in self.running_quantiles: |
self.running_quantiles[cond].to_(device) |
def state_dict(self): |
conditions = sorted(self.running_quantiles.keys()) |
result = dict( |
constructor=self.__module__ + '.' + |
self.__class__.__name__ + '()', |
rq_args=self.rq_args, |
conditions=conditions) |
for i, c in enumerate(conditions): |
result.update({ |
'%d.%s' % (i, k): v |
for k, v in self.running_quantiles[c].state_dict().items()}) |
return result |
def set_state_dict(self, dic): |
self.rq_args = dic['rq_args'].item() |
conditions = list(dic['conditions']) |
subdicts = defaultdict(dict) |
for k, v in dic.items(): |
if '.' in k: |
p, s = k.split('.', 1) |
subdicts[p][s] = v |
self.running_quantiles = { |
c: RunningQuantile(state=subdicts[str(i)]) |
for i, c in enumerate(conditions)} |
if conditions: |
self.first_rq = self.running_quantiles[conditions[0]] |
class RunningCrossCovariance: |
''' |
Running computation. Use this when an off-diagonal block of the |
covariance matrix is needed (e.g., when the whole covariance matrix |
does not fit in the GPU). |
Chan-style numerically stable update of mean and full covariance matrix. |
Chan, Golub. LeVeque. 1983. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2683386 |
''' |
def __init__(self, state=None): |
if state is not None: |
self.set_state_dict(state) |
return |
self.count = 0 |
self._mean = None |
self.cmom2 = None |
self.v_cmom2 = None |
def add(self, a, b): |
if len(a.shape) == 1: |
a = a[None, :] |
b = b[None, :] |
assert(a.shape[0] == b.shape[0]) |
if len(a.shape) > 2: |
a, b = [d.view(d.shape[0], d.shape[1], -1).permute(0, 2, 1 |
).contiguous().view(-1, d.shape[1]) for d in [a, b]] |
batch_count = a.shape[0] |
batch_mean = [d.sum(0) / batch_count for d in [a, b]] |
centered = [d - bm for d, bm in zip([a, b], batch_mean)] |
sub_batch = -(-(10 << 30) // (a.shape[1] * b.shape[1])) |
if self._mean is None: |
self.count = batch_count |
self._mean = batch_mean |
self.v_cmom2 = [c.pow(2).sum(0) for c in centered] |
self.cmom2 = a.new(a.shape[1], b.shape[1]).zero_() |
progress_addbmm(self.cmom2, centered[0][:,:,None], |
centered[1][:,None,:], sub_batch) |
return |
oldcount = self.count |
self.count += batch_count |
new_frac = float(batch_count) / self.count |
delta = [bm.sub_(m).mul_(new_frac) |
for bm, m in zip(batch_mean, self._mean)] |
for m, d in zip(self._mean, delta): |
m.add_(d) |
progress_addbmm(self.cmom2, centered[0][:,:,None], |
centered[1][:,None,:], sub_batch) |
self.cmom2.addmm_(alpha=new_frac * oldcount, |
mat1=delta[0][:,None], mat2=delta[1][None,:]) |
for c, vc2, d in zip(centered, self.v_cmom2, delta): |
vc2.add_(c.pow(2).sum(0)) |
vc2.add_(d.pow_(2).mul_(new_frac * oldcount)) |
def mean(self): |
return self._mean |
def variance(self): |
return [vc2 / (self.count - 1) for vc2 in self.v_cmom2] |
def stdev(self): |
return [v.sqrt() for v in self.variance()] |
def covariance(self): |
return self.cmom2 / (self.count - 1) |
def correlation(self): |
covariance = self.covariance() |
rstdev = [s.reciprocal() for s in self.stdev()] |
cor = rstdev[0][:,None] * covariance * rstdev[1][None,:] |
cor[torch.isnan(cor)] = 0 |
return cor |
def to_(self, device): |
self._mean = [m.to(device) for m in self._mean] |
self.v_cmom2 = [vcs.to(device) for vcs in self.v_cmom2] |
self.cmom2 = self.cmom2.to(device) |
def state_dict(self): |
return dict( |
constructor=self.__module__ + '.' + |
self.__class__.__name__ + '()', |
count=self.count, |
mean_a=self._mean[0].cpu().numpy(), |
mean_b=self._mean[1].cpu().numpy(), |
cmom2_a=self.v_cmom2[0].cpu().numpy(), |
cmom2_b=self.v_cmom2[1].cpu().numpy(), |
cmom2=self.cmom2.cpu().numpy()) |
def set_state_dict(self, dic): |
self.count = dic['count'].item() |
self._mean = [torch.from_numpy(dic[k]) for k in ['mean_a', 'mean_b']] |
self.v_cmom2 = [torch.from_numpy(dic[k]) |
for k in ['cmom2_a', 'cmom2_b']] |
self.cmom2 = torch.from_numpy(dic['cmom2']) |
def progress_addbmm(accum, x, y, batch_size): |
''' |
Break up very large adbmm operations into batches so progress can be seen. |
''' |
from .progress import default_progress |
if x.shape[0] <= batch_size: |
return accum.addbmm_(x, y) |
progress = default_progress(None) |
for i in progress(range(0, x.shape[0], batch_size), desc='bmm'): |
accum.addbmm_(x[i:i+batch_size], y[i:i+batch_size]) |
return accum |
def sample_portion(vec, p=0.5): |
bits = torch.bernoulli(torch.zeros(vec.shape[0], dtype=torch.uint8, |
device=vec.device), p) |
return vec[bits] |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
import warnings |
warnings.filterwarnings("error") |
import time |
import argparse |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( |
description='Test things out') |
parser.add_argument('--mode', default='cpu', help='cpu or cuda') |
parser.add_argument('--test_size', type=int, default=1000000) |
args = parser.parse_args() |
amount = args.test_size |
quantiles = 1000 |
data = numpy.arange(float(amount)) |
data[1::2] = data[-1::-2] + (len(data) - 1) |
data /= 2 |
depth = 50 |
test_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() |
alldata = data[:,None] + (numpy.arange(depth) * amount)[None, :] |
actual_sum = torch.FloatTensor(numpy.sum(alldata * alldata, axis=0)) |
amt = amount // depth |
for r in range(depth): |
numpy.random.shuffle(alldata[r*amt:r*amt+amt,r]) |
if args.mode == 'cuda': |
alldata = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(alldata) |
dtype = torch.float |
device = torch.device('cuda') |
else: |
alldata = torch.FloatTensor(alldata) |
dtype = torch.float |
device = None |
starttime = time.time() |
qc = RunningQuantile(resolution=6 * 1024) |
qc.add(alldata) |
saved = qc.state_dict() |
qc = RunningQuantile(state=saved) |
assert not qc.device.type == 'cuda' |
qc.add(alldata) |
actual_sum *= 2 |
ro = qc.readout(1001).cpu() |
endtime = time.time() |
gt = torch.linspace(0, amount, quantiles+1)[None,:] + ( |
torch.arange(qc.depth, dtype=torch.float) * amount)[:,None] |
maxreldev = torch.max(torch.abs(ro - gt) / amount) * quantiles |
print("Maximum relative deviation among %d perentiles: %f" % ( |
quantiles, maxreldev)) |
minerr = torch.max(torch.abs(qc.minmax().cpu()[:,0] - |
torch.arange(qc.depth, dtype=torch.float) * amount)) |
maxerr = torch.max(torch.abs((qc.minmax().cpu()[:, -1] + 1) - |
(torch.arange(qc.depth, dtype=torch.float) + 1) * amount)) |
print("Minmax error %f, %f" % (minerr, maxerr)) |
interr = torch.max(torch.abs(qc.integrate(lambda x: x * x).cpu() |
- actual_sum) / actual_sum) |
print("Integral error: %f" % interr) |
medianerr = torch.max(torch.abs(qc.median() - |
alldata.median(0)[0]) / alldata.median(0)[0]).cpu() |
print("Median error: %f" % interr) |
meanerr = torch.max( |
torch.abs(qc.mean() - alldata.mean(0)) / alldata.mean(0)).cpu() |
print("Mean error: %f" % meanerr) |
varerr = torch.max( |
torch.abs(qc.variance() - alldata.var(0)) / alldata.var(0)).cpu() |
print("Variance error: %f" % varerr) |
counterr = ((qc.integrate(lambda x: torch.ones(x.shape[-1]).cpu()) |
- qc.size) / (0.0 + qc.size)).item() |
print("Count error: %f" % counterr) |
print("Time %f" % (endtime - starttime)) |
assert maxreldev < 1.0 |
assert minerr == 0.0 |
assert maxerr == 0.0 |
assert interr < 0.01 |
assert abs(counterr) < 0.001 |
print("OK") |