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Bash-style brace expansion
Copied from:
License: MIT
import re
import string
from itertools import chain, product
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Optional
__all__ = ["braceexpand", "alphabet", "UnbalancedBracesError"]
class UnbalancedBracesError(ValueError):
alphabet = string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase
int_range_re = re.compile(r"^(-?\d+)\.\.(-?\d+)(?:\.\.-?(\d+))?$")
char_range_re = re.compile(r"^([A-Za-z])\.\.([A-Za-z])(?:\.\.-?(\d+))?$")
escape_re = re.compile(r"\\(.)")
def braceexpand(pattern: str, escape: bool = True) -> Iterator[str]:
"""braceexpand(pattern) -> iterator over generated strings
Returns an iterator over the strings resulting from brace expansion
of pattern. This function implements Brace Expansion as described in
bash(1), with the following limitations:
* A pattern containing unbalanced braces will raise an
UnbalancedBracesError exception. In bash, unbalanced braces will either
be partly expanded or ignored.
* A mixed-case character range like '{Z..a}' or '{a..Z}' will not
include the characters '[]^_`' between 'Z' and 'a'.
When escape is True (the default), characters in pattern can be
prefixed with a backslash to cause them not to be interpreted as
special characters for brace expansion (such as '{', '}', ',').
To pass through a a literal backslash, double it ('\\\\').
When escape is False, backslashes in pattern have no special
meaning and will be preserved in the output.
>>> from braceexpand import braceexpand
# Integer range
>>> list(braceexpand('item{1..3}'))
['item1', 'item2', 'item3']
# Character range
>>> list(braceexpand('{a..c}'))
['a', 'b', 'c']
# Sequence
>>> list(braceexpand('index.html{,.backup}'))
['index.html', 'index.html.backup']
# Nested patterns
>>> list(braceexpand('python{2.{5..7},3.{2,3}}'))
['python2.5', 'python2.6', 'python2.7', 'python3.2', 'python3.3']
# Prefixing an integer with zero causes all numbers to be padded to
# the same width.
>>> list(braceexpand('{07..10}'))
['07', '08', '09', '10']
# An optional increment can be specified for ranges.
>>> list(braceexpand('{a..g..2}'))
['a', 'c', 'e', 'g']
# Ranges can go in both directions.
>>> list(braceexpand('{4..1}'))
['4', '3', '2', '1']
# Numbers can be negative
>>> list(braceexpand('{2..-1}'))
['2', '1', '0', '-1']
# Unbalanced braces raise an exception.
>>> list(braceexpand('{1{2,3}'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
UnbalancedBracesError: Unbalanced braces: '{1{2,3}'
# By default, the backslash is the escape character.
>>> list(braceexpand(r'{1\\{2,3}'))
['1{2', '3']
# Setting 'escape' to False disables backslash escaping.
>>> list(braceexpand(r'\\{1,2}', escape=False))
['\\\\1', '\\\\2']
return (
escape_re.sub(r"\1", s) if escape else s for s in parse_pattern(pattern, escape)
def parse_pattern(pattern: str, escape: bool) -> Iterator[str]:
start = 0
pos = 0
bracketdepth = 0
items: list[Iterable[str]] = []
# print 'pattern:', pattern
while pos < len(pattern):
if escape and pattern[pos] == "\\":
pos += 2
elif pattern[pos] == "{":
if bracketdepth == 0 and pos > start:
# print 'literal:', pattern[start:pos]
start = pos
bracketdepth += 1
elif pattern[pos] == "}":
bracketdepth -= 1
if bracketdepth == 0:
# print 'expression:', pattern[start+1:pos]
expr = pattern[start + 1 : pos]
item = parse_expression(expr, escape)
if item is None: # not a range or sequence
items.extend([["{"], parse_pattern(expr, escape), ["}"]])
start = pos + 1 # skip the closing brace
pos += 1
if bracketdepth != 0: # unbalanced braces
raise UnbalancedBracesError("Unbalanced braces: '%s'" % pattern)
if start < pos:
return ("".join(item) for item in product(*items))
def parse_expression(expr: str, escape: bool) -> Optional[Iterable[str]]:
int_range_match = int_range_re.match(expr)
if int_range_match:
return make_int_range(*int_range_match.groups())
char_range_match = char_range_re.match(expr)
if char_range_match:
return make_char_range(*char_range_match.groups())
return parse_sequence(expr, escape)
def parse_sequence(seq: str, escape: bool) -> Optional[Iterator[str]]:
# sequence -> chain(*sequence_items)
start = 0
pos = 0
bracketdepth = 0
items: list[Iterable[str]] = []
# print 'sequence:', seq
while pos < len(seq):
if escape and seq[pos] == "\\":
pos += 2
elif seq[pos] == "{":
bracketdepth += 1
elif seq[pos] == "}":
bracketdepth -= 1
elif seq[pos] == "," and bracketdepth == 0:
items.append(parse_pattern(seq[start:pos], escape))
start = pos + 1 # skip the comma
pos += 1
if bracketdepth != 0:
raise UnbalancedBracesError
if not items:
return None
# part after the last comma (may be the empty string)
items.append(parse_pattern(seq[start:], escape))
return chain(*items)
def make_int_range(left: str, right: str, incr: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterator[str]:
if any([s.startswith(("0", "-0")) for s in (left, right) if s not in ("0", "-0")]):
padding = max(len(left), len(right))
padding = 0
step = (int(incr) or 1) if incr else 1
start = int(left)
end = int(right)
r = range(start, end + 1, step) if start < end else range(start, end - 1, -step)
fmt = "%0{}d".format(padding)
return (fmt % i for i in r)
def make_char_range(left: str, right: str, incr: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
step = (int(incr) or 1) if incr else 1
start = alphabet.index(left)
end = alphabet.index(right)
if start < end:
return alphabet[start : end + 1 : step]
end = end or -len(alphabet)
return alphabet[start : end - 1 : -step]
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
import sys
failed, _ = doctest.testmod(optionflags=doctest.IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL)
if failed: