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import logging
import os
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
from telegram import Update
from telegram.ext import Application, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, filters, CallbackContext
import asyncio
from transformers import pipeline
from langdetect import detect
from huggingface_hub import login
# Global variables
TOKEN = os.getenv("TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN") # Telegram Token
# PORT = int(os.getenv("PORT", 7860)) # HF Spaces listens on port 7860 by default
# Verify Hugging Face token
if not HF_HUB_TOKEN:
raise ValueError("Missing Hugging Face API token. Please set HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN in environment variables.")
# Load Hebrew text generation model
hebrew_generator = pipeline("text-generation", model="Norod78/hebrew-gpt_neo-small")
# Load English text generation model
english_generator = pipeline("text-generation", model="distilgpt2")
# Function to detect language
def detect_language(user_input):
lang = detect(user_input)
if lang == "he":
return "hebrew"
elif lang == "en":
return "english"
return "unsupported"
return "unsupported"
# Function to generate a response based on detected language
def generate_response(text):
language = detect_language(text)
if language == "hebrew":
response = hebrew_generator(text, max_length=100)[0]["generated_text"]
elif language == "english":
response = english_generator(text, max_length=100)[0]["generated_text"]
response = "Sorry, I only support Hebrew and English."
return response
# Create FastAPI app
app = FastAPI()
# Initialize Telegram Bot
telegram_app = Application.builder().token(TOKEN).build()
async def init_telegram():
await telegram_app.initialize()
# Configure logging
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Start command handler
async def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
await update.message.reply_text("Hello! Tell me your decision-making issue in HE or EN, and I'll try to help you.")
# Message handler
async def handle_message(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
user_text = update.message.text
response = generate_response(user_text) # Generate AI-based response
await update.message.reply_text(response)
# Add handlers to the bot
telegram_app.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start))
telegram_app.add_handler(MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, handle_message))
# # Call initialize when starting
# @app.on_event("startup")
# async def startup_event():
# await init_telegram()
# API Route to receive updates from Telegram"/")
async def receive_update(request: Request):
update = Update.de_json(await request.json(),
await telegram_app.process_update(update)
return {"status": "ok"}
# """# Function to set up webhook
# async def set_webhook():
# webhook_url = ""
# await
#"Webhook set to {webhook_url}")
# """
# Run the server
if __name__ == "__main__":
import uvicorn
# loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# loop.run_until_complete(set_webhook()), host="", port=7860)