aniso8601 | |
asttokens | |
backcall | |
bidict | |
blinker | |
CacheControl | |
cachetools | |
certifi | |
cffi | |
charset-normalizer | |
click | |
colorama | |
comm | |
cryptography | |
debugpy | |
decorator | |
dnspython | |
docopt | |
email-validator | |
executing | |
grpcio | |
grpcio-status | |
httplib2 | |
idna | |
importlib-metadata | |
ipykernel | |
ipython | |
itsdangerous | |
jedi | |
Jinja2 | |
joblib | |
jupyter_client | |
jupyter_core | |
MarkupSafe | |
matplotlib-inline | |
mongoengine | |
msgpack | |
nest-asyncio | |
numpy | |
packaging | |
pandas | |
parso | |
pickleshare | |
pipreqs | |
platformdirs | |
prompt-toolkit | |
proto-plus | |
protobuf | |
psutil | |
pure-eval | |
pyasn1 | |
pyasn1-modules | |
pycparser | |
pydub | |
Pygments | |
PyJWT | |
pymongo | |
pyparsing | |
python-dateutil | |
python-engineio | |
python-socketio | |
pytz | |
pyzmq | |
requests | |
rsa | |
six | |
sockets | |
stack-data | |
threadpoolctl | |
tornado | |
traitlets | |
typing_extensions | |
tzdata | |
uritemplate | |
urllib3 | |
wcwidth | |
Werkzeug | |
WTForms | |
yarg | |
zipp | |
gunicorn | |
uvicorn | |
fastapi | |
pydantic | |
python-multipart | |
websocket-client | |
requests | |
tls-client | |
pypasser | |
names | |
colorama | |
curl_cffi | |
aiohttp | |
flask | |
flask_cors | |
streamlit | |
selenium | |
fake-useragent | |
twocaptcha | |
pydantic | |
pymailtm | |
Levenshtein | |
retrying | |
mailgw_temporary_email | |
pycryptodome | |
random-password-generator | |
numpy>=1.22.2 # pinned to avoid a vulnerability | |
tornado>=6.3.2 # pinned to avoid a vulnerability | |
PyExecJS | |
browser_cookie3 | |
googletrans==4.0.0rc1 | |