import os current_directory = os.getcwd() os.environ['HOME'] = current_directory print(f"New HOME directory: {os.environ['HOME']}") import io import requests import zipfile import hmac # from metagpt.config import Config from metagpt.software_company import generate_repo, ProjectRepo import streamlit as st CONFIG_FILE_PATH = 'config/config2.yaml' if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE_PATH): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(CONFIG_FILE_PATH)) if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE_PATH): with open(CONFIG_FILE_PATH, 'w') as f: f.write(os.environ['METAGPT_CONFIG_WITH_ANTHROPIC_API']) # config = Config(CONFIG_FILE_PATH) st.title("AI Software Coder") def check_password(): """Returns `True` if the user had the correct password.""" def password_entered(): """Checks whether a password entered by the user is correct.""" if hmac.compare_digest(st.session_state["password"], os.environ['PAGE_PASSWORD']): st.session_state["password_correct"] = True del st.session_state["password"] # Don't store the password. else: st.session_state["password_correct"] = False # Return True if the password is validated. if st.session_state.get("password_correct", False): return True # Show input for password. st.text_input( "Password", type="password", on_change=password_entered, key="password" ) if "password_correct" in st.session_state: st.error("😕 Password incorrect") return False if not check_password(): st.stop() # Do not continue if check_password is not True. def generate_zip(dir_path): """Generates a zip file containing the input files.""" zip_buffer = io.BytesIO() with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_buffer, 'w') as zip_file: for root, _, files in os.walk(dir_path): # Add each file to the zip archive for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, file) with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: file_content = zip_file.writestr(filename, file_content, arcname=os.path.relpath(file_path, dir_path)) return zip_buffer if "default" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["default"] = 2000 text_input = st.text_area("Enter your software development requirements here:", height=st.session_state["default"], value="""The goal. The instructions of the task for each file example, things to do with input and output. Here are some examples. ### filename.json Original document: ```markdown ## policy title detailed section - blah blah ``` Configuration: ```json { "income_limit": 50 } ``` ### Original document: ```markdown ## policy title detailed section - blah blah ``` Configuration: ```py class AgeCalculator: def __init__(self, birth_year): self.birth_year = birth_year def calculate_age(self, current_year): age = current_year - self.birth_year return self._validate_and_format_age(age) def _validate_and_format_age(self, age): if age < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid age calculated") return f"User is {age} years old" def get_user_age(birth_year, current_year): calculator = AgeCalculator(birth_year) return calculator.calculate_age(current_year) ``` Here is the additional input from a lawer: comments from Nick/Marc/... """) if st.button("Generate Code"): st.balloons() st.session_state["default"] = 200 def download_content(url): response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() return response.text def replace_urls_with_content(text): lines = text.splitlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith('http://') or line.startswith('https://'): try: content = download_content(line) lines[i] = line.split('/')[-1] + '\n```\n' + content + '\n```' except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print(f"Error downloading content from {line}: {e}") return '\n'.join(lines)'Working on it.. A download button will show up below once work done.') text_input = replace_urls_with_content(text_input) repo: ProjectRepo = generate_repo(text_input) zip_buffer = generate_zip(repo.workdir()) st.download_button( label="Download Code Repository", data=zip_buffer, file_name="", mime="application/zip" )