# Dictionary of categories and their corresponding links CATEGORIES = { "AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS": """ - National Low Income Housing Coalition: [Visit Site](https://nlihc.org) - National Alliance to End Homelessness: [Visit Site](https://endhomelessness.org) - National Coalition for the Homeless: [Visit Site](https://nationalhomeless.org) - Department of Housing and Urban Development: [Visit Site](https://hud.gov) """, "AGING": """ - Administration for Community Living Data and Research: [Visit Site](https://acl.gov/aging-and-disability-in-america/data-and-research) """, "ARTS": """ - The Research Center for Arts and Culture: [Visit Site](https://artsandcultureresearch.org) - Americans for the Arts: [Visit Site](https://americansforthearts.org) """, "CHILDREN AND POVERTY": """ - National Center for Children in Poverty: [Visit Site](https://nccp.org) - Children’s Defense Fund: [Visit Site](https://childrensdefense.org) - Save the Children: [Visit Site](https://savethechildren.org) """, "EDUCATION": """ - National Center for Education Statistics: [Visit Site](https://nces.ed.gov) """, "ENERGY ASSISTANCE": """ - Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program: [Visit Site](https://liheapch.acf.hhs.gov) """, "ENVIRONMENT": """ - Stanford Geospacial Center (GIS data online): [Visit Site](https://library.stanford.edu/libraries/stanford-geospatial-center) - Environmental Protection Agency: [Visit Site](https://epa.gov) """, "HEALTH": """ - Center for Disease Control and Prevention: [Visit Site](https://cdc.gov) - Trust for America’s Health – States in Detail: [Visit Site](https://www.tfah.org/states/) """, "HUNGER": """ - Action Against Hunger: [Visit Site](https://actionagainsthunger.org/the-hunger-crisis/world-hunger-facts) - Bread for the World: [Visit Site](https://bread.org) """, "INTERNATIONAL": """ - United Nations Statistics Division: [Visit Site](https://unstats.un.org/UNSDWebsite) """, "LIVING WAGE": """ - Economic Policy Institute: [Visit Site](https://epi.org) - Global Living Wage Coalition: [Visit Site](https://www.globallivingwage.org) - Bureau of Labor Statistics: [Visit Site](https://bls.gov) """, "POVERTY": """ - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines: [Visit Site](https://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty) - Center on Poverty and Community Development: [Visit Site](https://case.edu/socialwork/povertycenter) - National Poverty Center: [Visit Site](https://fordschool.umich.edu/research-centers-departments/national-poverty-center) """, "UNITED STATES": """ - IssueLab: [Visit Site](https://issuelab.org) - US Census Bureau: [Visit Site](https://census.gov) - The Urban Institute: [Visit Site](https://urban.org) """, "YOUTH": """ - Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System: [Visit Site](https://www.cdc.gov/yrbs/index.html) """ } # Editorial ai css CSS = """ .custom-textarea { width: 100%; height: 300px; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.5; } mark { background-color: #ffcccc; /* Faded red */ } """ # Editorial ai js JS = """ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { // Listen for changes in the textarea let textarea = document.getElementById('highlighted_textarea'); textarea.addEventListener('input', function() { // Reapply the highlighting (simple implementation) let content = textarea.innerText; let highlightedContent = content; for (let highlightText of window.highlightTexts) { highlightedContent = highlightedContent.replace( new RegExp(escapeRegExp(highlightText), 'g'), `<mark>${highlightText}</mark>` ); } textarea.innerHTML = highlightedContent; }); }); function escapeRegExp(string) { return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string } """