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""" Embeddings module """
import math
import warnings
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from onmt.modules.util_class import Elementwise
class SequenceTooLongError(Exception):
class PositionalEncoding(nn.Module):
"""Sinusoidal positional encoding for non-recurrent neural networks.
Implementation based on "Attention Is All You Need"
dropout (float): dropout parameter
dim (int): embedding size
def __init__(self, dropout, dim, max_len=5000):
if dim % 2 != 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot use sin/cos positional encoding with "
"odd dim (got dim={:d})".format(dim))
pe = torch.zeros(max_len, dim)
position = torch.arange(0, max_len).unsqueeze(1)
div_term = torch.exp((torch.arange(0, dim, 2, dtype=torch.float) *
-(math.log(10000.0) / dim)))
pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position.float() * div_term)
pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position.float() * div_term)
pe = pe.unsqueeze(1)
super(PositionalEncoding, self).__init__()
self.register_buffer('pe', pe)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)
self.dim = dim
def forward(self, emb, step=None):
"""Embed inputs.
emb (FloatTensor): Sequence of word vectors
``(seq_len, batch_size, self.dim)``
step (int or NoneType): If stepwise (``seq_len = 1``), use
the encoding for this position.
emb = emb * math.sqrt(self.dim)
step = step or 0
if < step + emb.size(0):
raise SequenceTooLongError(
f"Sequence is {emb.size(0) + step} but PositionalEncoding is"
f" limited to {}. See max_len argument."
emb = emb +[step:emb.size(0)+step]
emb = self.dropout(emb)
return emb
class Embeddings(nn.Module):
"""Words embeddings for encoder/decoder.
Additionally includes ability to add sparse input features
based on "Linguistic Input Features Improve Neural Machine Translation"
.. mermaid::
graph LR
C[Feature 1 Lookup]
A-->B[Word Lookup]
A-->D[Feature N Lookup]
word_vec_size (int): size of the dictionary of embeddings.
word_padding_idx (int): padding index for words in the embeddings.
feat_padding_idx (List[int]): padding index for a list of features
in the embeddings.
word_vocab_size (int): size of dictionary of embeddings for words.
feat_vocab_sizes (List[int], optional): list of size of dictionary
of embeddings for each feature.
position_encoding (bool): see :class:`~onmt.modules.PositionalEncoding`
feat_merge (string): merge action for the features embeddings:
concat, sum or mlp.
feat_vec_exponent (float): when using `-feat_merge concat`, feature
embedding size is N^feat_dim_exponent, where N is the
number of values the feature takes.
feat_vec_size (int): embedding dimension for features when using
`-feat_merge mlp`
dropout (float): dropout probability.
freeze_word_vecs (bool): freeze weights of word vectors.
def __init__(self, word_vec_size,
self._validate_args(feat_merge, feat_vocab_sizes, feat_vec_exponent,
feat_vec_size, feat_padding_idx)
if feat_padding_idx is None:
feat_padding_idx = []
self.word_padding_idx = word_padding_idx
self.word_vec_size = word_vec_size
# Dimensions and padding for constructing the word embedding matrix
vocab_sizes = [word_vocab_size]
emb_dims = [word_vec_size]
pad_indices = [word_padding_idx]
# Dimensions and padding for feature embedding matrices
# (these have no effect if feat_vocab_sizes is empty)
if feat_merge == 'sum':
feat_dims = [word_vec_size] * len(feat_vocab_sizes)
elif feat_vec_size > 0:
feat_dims = [feat_vec_size] * len(feat_vocab_sizes)
feat_dims = [int(vocab ** feat_vec_exponent)
for vocab in feat_vocab_sizes]
# The embedding matrix look-up tables. The first look-up table
# is for words. Subsequent ones are for features, if any exist.
emb_params = zip(vocab_sizes, emb_dims, pad_indices)
embeddings = [nn.Embedding(vocab, dim, padding_idx=pad, sparse=sparse)
for vocab, dim, pad in emb_params]
emb_luts = Elementwise(feat_merge, embeddings)
# The final output size of word + feature vectors. This can vary
# from the word vector size if and only if features are defined.
# This is the attribute you should access if you need to know
# how big your embeddings are going to be.
self.embedding_size = (sum(emb_dims) if feat_merge == 'concat'
else word_vec_size)
# The sequence of operations that converts the input sequence
# into a sequence of embeddings. At minimum this consists of
# looking up the embeddings for each word and feature in the
# input. Model parameters may require the sequence to contain
# additional operations as well.
super(Embeddings, self).__init__()
self.make_embedding = nn.Sequential()
self.make_embedding.add_module('emb_luts', emb_luts)
if feat_merge == 'mlp' and len(feat_vocab_sizes) > 0:
in_dim = sum(emb_dims)
mlp = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(in_dim, word_vec_size), nn.ReLU())
self.make_embedding.add_module('mlp', mlp)
self.position_encoding = position_encoding
if self.position_encoding:
pe = PositionalEncoding(dropout, self.embedding_size)
self.make_embedding.add_module('pe', pe)
if freeze_word_vecs:
self.word_lut.weight.requires_grad = False
def _validate_args(self, feat_merge, feat_vocab_sizes, feat_vec_exponent,
feat_vec_size, feat_padding_idx):
if feat_merge == "sum":
# features must use word_vec_size
if feat_vec_exponent != 0.7:
warnings.warn("Merging with sum, but got non-default "
"feat_vec_exponent. It will be unused.")
if feat_vec_size != -1:
warnings.warn("Merging with sum, but got non-default "
"feat_vec_size. It will be unused.")
elif feat_vec_size > 0:
# features will use feat_vec_size
if feat_vec_exponent != -1:
warnings.warn("Not merging with sum and positive "
"feat_vec_size, but got non-default "
"feat_vec_exponent. It will be unused.")
if feat_vec_exponent <= 0:
raise ValueError("Using feat_vec_exponent to determine "
"feature vec size, but got feat_vec_exponent "
"less than or equal to 0.")
n_feats = len(feat_vocab_sizes)
if n_feats != len(feat_padding_idx):
raise ValueError("Got unequal number of feat_vocab_sizes and "
"feat_padding_idx ({:d} != {:d})".format(
n_feats, len(feat_padding_idx)))
def word_lut(self):
"""Word look-up table."""
return self.make_embedding[0][0]
def emb_luts(self):
"""Embedding look-up table."""
return self.make_embedding[0]
def load_pretrained_vectors(self, emb_file):
"""Load in pretrained embeddings.
emb_file (str) : path to torch serialized embeddings
if emb_file:
pretrained = torch.load(emb_file)
pretrained_vec_size = pretrained.size(1)
if self.word_vec_size > pretrained_vec_size:[:, :pretrained_vec_size] = pretrained
elif self.word_vec_size < pretrained_vec_size: \
.copy_(pretrained[:, :self.word_vec_size])
def forward(self, source, step=None):
"""Computes the embeddings for words and features.
source (LongTensor): index tensor ``(len, batch, nfeat)``
FloatTensor: Word embeddings ``(len, batch, embedding_size)``
if self.position_encoding:
for i, module in enumerate(self.make_embedding._modules.values()):
if i == len(self.make_embedding._modules.values()) - 1:
source = module(source, step=step)
source = module(source)
source = self.make_embedding(source)
return source
def update_dropout(self, dropout):
if self.position_encoding:
self._modules['make_embedding'][1].dropout.p = dropout