import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf |
import statsmodels.api as sm |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
from scipy.optimize import minimize |
import plotly.express as px |
from scipy.stats import t, f |
import gradio as gr |
import io |
import zipfile |
import tempfile |
from datetime import datetime |
class RSM_BoxBehnken: |
def __init__(self, data, x1_name, x2_name, x3_name, y_name, x1_levels, x2_levels, x3_levels): |
""" |
Inicializa la clase con los datos del diseño Box-Behnken. |
""" |
self.data = data.copy() |
self.model = None |
self.model_simplified = None |
self.optimized_results = None |
self.optimal_levels = None |
self.all_figures = [] |
self.x1_name = x1_name |
self.x2_name = x2_name |
self.x3_name = x3_name |
self.y_name = y_name |
self.x1_levels = x1_levels |
self.x2_levels = x2_levels |
self.x3_levels = x3_levels |
def get_levels(self, variable_name): |
""" |
Obtiene los niveles para una variable específica. |
""" |
if variable_name == self.x1_name: |
return self.x1_levels |
elif variable_name == self.x2_name: |
return self.x2_levels |
elif variable_name == self.x3_name: |
return self.x3_levels |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"Variable desconocida: {variable_name}") |
def fit_model(self): |
""" |
Ajusta el modelo de segundo orden completo a los datos. |
""" |
formula = f'{self.y_name} ~ {self.x1_name} + {self.x2_name} + {self.x3_name} + ' \ |
f'I({self.x1_name}**2) + I({self.x2_name}**2) + I({self.x3_name}**2) + ' \ |
f'{self.x1_name}:{self.x2_name} + {self.x1_name}:{self.x3_name} + {self.x2_name}:{self.x3_name}' |
self.model = smf.ols(formula, data=self.data).fit() |
print("Modelo Completo:") |
print(self.model.summary()) |
return self.model, self.pareto_chart(self.model, "Pareto - Modelo Completo") |
def fit_simplified_model(self): |
""" |
Ajusta el modelo de segundo orden a los datos, eliminando términos no significativos. |
""" |
formula = f'{self.y_name} ~ {self.x1_name} + {self.x2_name} + ' \ |
f'I({self.x1_name}**2) + I({self.x2_name}**2) + I({self.x3_name}**2)' |
self.model_simplified = smf.ols(formula, data=self.data).fit() |
print("\nModelo Simplificado:") |
print(self.model_simplified.summary()) |
return self.model_simplified, self.pareto_chart(self.model_simplified, "Pareto - Modelo Simplificado") |
def optimize(self, method='Nelder-Mead'): |
""" |
Encuentra los niveles óptimos de los factores para maximizar la respuesta usando el modelo simplificado. |
""" |
if self.model_simplified is None: |
print("Error: Ajusta el modelo simplificado primero.") |
return |
def objective_function(x): |
return -self.model_simplified.predict(pd.DataFrame({ |
self.x1_name: [x[0]], |
self.x2_name: [x[1]], |
self.x3_name: [x[2]] |
})).values[0] |
bounds = [(-1, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, 1)] |
x0 = [0, 0, 0] |
self.optimized_results = minimize(objective_function, x0, method=method, bounds=bounds) |
self.optimal_levels = self.optimized_results.x |
optimal_levels_natural = [ |
self.coded_to_natural(self.optimal_levels[0], self.x1_name), |
self.coded_to_natural(self.optimal_levels[1], self.x2_name), |
self.coded_to_natural(self.optimal_levels[2], self.x3_name) |
] |
optimization_table = pd.DataFrame({ |
'Variable': [self.x1_name, self.x2_name, self.x3_name], |
'Nivel Óptimo (Natural)': optimal_levels_natural, |
'Nivel Óptimo (Codificado)': self.optimal_levels |
}) |
return optimization_table.round(3) |
def plot_rsm_individual(self, fixed_variable, fixed_level): |
""" |
Genera un gráfico de superficie de respuesta (RSM) individual para una configuración específica. |
""" |
if self.model_simplified is None: |
print("Error: Ajusta el modelo simplificado primero.") |
return None |
varying_variables = [var for var in [self.x1_name, self.x2_name, self.x3_name] if var != fixed_variable] |
x_natural_levels = self.get_levels(varying_variables[0]) |
y_natural_levels = self.get_levels(varying_variables[1]) |
x_range_natural = np.linspace(x_natural_levels[0], x_natural_levels[-1], 100) |
y_range_natural = np.linspace(y_natural_levels[0], y_natural_levels[-1], 100) |
x_grid_natural, y_grid_natural = np.meshgrid(x_range_natural, y_range_natural) |
x_grid_coded = self.natural_to_coded(x_grid_natural, varying_variables[0]) |
y_grid_coded = self.natural_to_coded(y_grid_natural, varying_variables[1]) |
prediction_data = pd.DataFrame({ |
varying_variables[0]: x_grid_coded.flatten(), |
varying_variables[1]: y_grid_coded.flatten(), |
}) |
prediction_data[fixed_variable] = self.natural_to_coded(fixed_level, fixed_variable) |
z_pred = self.model_simplified.predict(prediction_data).values.reshape(x_grid_coded.shape) |
fixed_level_coded = self.natural_to_coded(fixed_level, fixed_variable) |
subset_data = self.data[np.isclose(self.data[fixed_variable], fixed_level_coded)] |
valid_levels = [-1, 0, 1] |
experiments_data = subset_data[ |
subset_data[varying_variables[0]].isin(valid_levels) & |
subset_data[varying_variables[1]].isin(valid_levels) |
] |
experiments_x_natural = experiments_data[varying_variables[0]].apply(lambda x: self.coded_to_natural(x, varying_variables[0])) |
experiments_y_natural = experiments_data[varying_variables[1]].apply(lambda x: self.coded_to_natural(x, varying_variables[1])) |
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Surface(z=z_pred, x=x_grid_natural, y=y_grid_natural, colorscale='Viridis', opacity=0.7, showscale=True)]) |
for i in range(x_grid_natural.shape[0]): |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d( |
x=x_grid_natural[i, :], |
y=y_grid_natural[i, :], |
z=z_pred[i, :], |
mode='lines', |
line=dict(color='gray', width=2), |
showlegend=False, |
hoverinfo='skip' |
)) |
for j in range(x_grid_natural.shape[1]): |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d( |
x=x_grid_natural[:, j], |
y=y_grid_natural[:, j], |
z=z_pred[:, j], |
mode='lines', |
line=dict(color='gray', width=2), |
showlegend=False, |
hoverinfo='skip' |
)) |
colors = px.colors.qualitative.Safe |
point_labels = [f"{row[self.y_name]:.3f}" for _, row in experiments_data.iterrows()] |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d( |
x=experiments_x_natural, |
y=experiments_y_natural, |
z=experiments_data[self.y_name].round(3), |
mode='markers+text', |
marker=dict(size=4, color=colors[:len(experiments_x_natural)]), |
text=point_labels, |
textposition='top center', |
name='Experimentos' |
)) |
fig.update_layout( |
scene=dict( |
xaxis_title=f"{varying_variables[0]} ({self.get_units(varying_variables[0])})", |
yaxis_title=f"{varying_variables[1]} ({self.get_units(varying_variables[1])})", |
zaxis_title=self.y_name, |
), |
title=f"{self.y_name} vs {varying_variables[0]} y {varying_variables[1]}<br><sup>{fixed_variable} fijo en {fixed_level:.3f} ({self.get_units(fixed_variable)}) (Modelo Simplificado)</sup>", |
height=800, |
width=1000, |
showlegend=True |
) |
return fig |
def get_units(self, variable_name): |
""" |
Define las unidades de las variables para etiquetas. |
Puedes personalizar este método según tus necesidades. |
""" |
units = { |
'Glucosa': 'g/L', |
'Extracto_de_Levadura': 'g/L', |
'Triptofano': 'g/L', |
'AIA_ppm': 'ppm' |
} |
return units.get(variable_name, '') |
def generate_all_plots(self): |
""" |
Genera todas las gráficas de RSM, variando la variable fija y sus niveles usando el modelo simplificado. |
Almacena las figuras en self.all_figures. |
""" |
if self.model_simplified is None: |
print("Error: Ajusta el modelo simplificado primero.") |
return |
self.all_figures = [] |
levels_to_plot_natural = { |
self.x1_name: self.x1_levels, |
self.x2_name: self.x2_levels, |
self.x3_name: self.x3_levels |
} |
for fixed_variable in [self.x1_name, self.x2_name, self.x3_name]: |
for level in levels_to_plot_natural[fixed_variable]: |
fig = self.plot_rsm_individual(fixed_variable, level) |
if fig is not None: |
self.all_figures.append(fig) |
def coded_to_natural(self, coded_value, variable_name): |
"""Convierte un valor codificado a su valor natural.""" |
levels = self.get_levels(variable_name) |
return levels[0] + (coded_value + 1) * (levels[-1] - levels[0]) / 2 |
def natural_to_coded(self, natural_value, variable_name): |
"""Convierte un valor natural a su valor codificado.""" |
levels = self.get_levels(variable_name) |
return -1 + 2 * (natural_value - levels[0]) / (levels[-1] - levels[0]) |
def pareto_chart(self, model, title): |
""" |
Genera un diagrama de Pareto para los efectos estandarizados de un modelo, |
incluyendo la línea de significancia. |
""" |
tvalues = model.tvalues[1:] |
abs_tvalues = np.abs(tvalues) |
sorted_idx = np.argsort(abs_tvalues)[::-1] |
sorted_tvalues = abs_tvalues[sorted_idx] |
sorted_names = tvalues.index[sorted_idx] |
alpha = 0.05 |
dof = model.df_resid |
t_critical = t.ppf(1 - alpha / 2, dof) |
fig = px.bar( |
x=sorted_tvalues.round(3), |
y=sorted_names, |
orientation='h', |
labels={'x': 'Efecto Estandarizado', 'y': 'Término'}, |
title=title |
) |
fig.update_yaxes(autorange="reversed") |
fig.add_vline(x=t_critical, line_dash="dot", |
annotation_text=f"t crítico = {t_critical:.3f}", |
annotation_position="bottom right") |
return fig |
def get_simplified_equation(self): |
""" |
Imprime la ecuación del modelo simplificado. |
""" |
if self.model_simplified is None: |
print("Error: Ajusta el modelo simplificado primero.") |
return None |
coefficients = self.model_simplified.params |
equation = f"{self.y_name} = {coefficients['Intercept']:.3f}" |
for term, coef in coefficients.items(): |
if term != 'Intercept': |
if term == f'{self.x1_name}': |
equation += f" + {coef:.3f}*{self.x1_name}" |
elif term == f'{self.x2_name}': |
equation += f" + {coef:.3f}*{self.x2_name}" |
elif term == f'{self.x3_name}': |
equation += f" + {coef:.3f}*{self.x3_name}" |
elif term == f'I({self.x1_name} ** 2)': |
equation += f" + {coef:.3f}*{self.x1_name}^2" |
elif term == f'I({self.x2_name} ** 2)': |
equation += f" + {coef:.3f}*{self.x2_name}^2" |
elif term == f'I({self.x3_name} ** 2)': |
equation += f" + {coef:.3f}*{self.x3_name}^2" |
return equation |
def generate_prediction_table(self): |
""" |
Genera una tabla con los valores actuales, predichos y residuales. |
""" |
if self.model_simplified is None: |
print("Error: Ajusta el modelo simplificado primero.") |
return None |
self.data['Predicho'] = self.model_simplified.predict(self.data) |
self.data['Residual'] = self.data[self.y_name] - self.data['Predicho'] |
return self.data[[self.y_name, 'Predicho', 'Residual']].round(3) |
def calculate_contribution_percentage(self): |
""" |
Calcula el porcentaje de contribución de cada factor a la variabilidad de la respuesta (AIA). |
""" |
if self.model_simplified is None: |
print("Error: Ajusta el modelo simplificado primero.") |
return None |
anova_table = sm.stats.anova_lm(self.model_simplified, typ=2) |
ss_total = anova_table['sum_sq'].sum() |
contribution_table = pd.DataFrame({ |
'Factor': [], |
'Suma de Cuadrados': [], |
'% Contribución': [] |
}) |
for index, row in anova_table.iterrows(): |
if index != 'Residual': |
factor_name = index |
if factor_name == f'I({self.x1_name} ** 2)': |
factor_name = f'{self.x1_name}^2' |
elif factor_name == f'I({self.x2_name} ** 2)': |
factor_name = f'{self.x2_name}^2' |
elif factor_name == f'I({self.x3_name} ** 2)': |
factor_name = f'{self.x3_name}^2' |
ss_factor = row['sum_sq'] |
contribution_percentage = (ss_factor / ss_total) * 100 |
contribution_table = pd.concat([contribution_table, pd.DataFrame({ |
'Factor': [factor_name], |
'Suma de Cuadrados': [ss_factor], |
'% Contribución': [contribution_percentage] |
})], ignore_index=True) |
return contribution_table.round(3) |
def calculate_detailed_anova(self): |
""" |
Calcula la tabla ANOVA detallada con la descomposición del error residual. |
""" |
if self.model_simplified is None: |
print("Error: Ajusta el modelo simplificado primero.") |
return None |
formula_reduced = f'{self.y_name} ~ {self.x1_name} + {self.x2_name} + {self.x3_name} + ' \ |
f'I({self.x1_name}**2) + I({self.x2_name}**2) + I({self.x3_name}**2)' |
model_reduced = smf.ols(formula_reduced, data=self.data).fit() |
anova_reduced = sm.stats.anova_lm(model_reduced, typ=2) |
ss_total = np.sum((self.data[self.y_name] - self.data[self.y_name].mean())**2) |
df_total = len(self.data) - 1 |
ss_regression = anova_reduced['sum_sq'][:-1].sum() |
df_regression = len(anova_reduced) - 1 |
ss_residual = self.model_simplified.ssr |
df_residual = self.model_simplified.df_resid |
replicas = self.data[self.data.duplicated(subset=[self.x1_name, self.x2_name, self.x3_name], keep=False)] |
if not replicas.empty: |
ss_pure_error = replicas.groupby([self.x1_name, self.x2_name, self.x3_name])[self.y_name].var().sum() * replicas.groupby([self.x1_name, self.x2_name, self.x3_name]).ngroups |
df_pure_error = len(replicas) - replicas.groupby([self.x1_name, self.x2_name, self.x3_name]).ngroups |
else: |
ss_pure_error = np.nan |
df_pure_error = np.nan |
ss_lack_of_fit = ss_residual - ss_pure_error if not np.isnan(ss_pure_error) else np.nan |
df_lack_of_fit = df_residual - df_pure_error if not np.isnan(df_pure_error) else np.nan |
ms_regression = ss_regression / df_regression |
ms_residual = ss_residual / df_residual |
ms_lack_of_fit = ss_lack_of_fit / df_lack_of_fit if not np.isnan(ss_lack_of_fit) else np.nan |
ms_pure_error = ss_pure_error / df_pure_error if not np.isnan(ss_pure_error) else np.nan |
f_lack_of_fit = ms_lack_of_fit / ms_pure_error if not np.isnan(ms_lack_of_fit) else np.nan |
p_lack_of_fit = 1 - f.cdf(f_lack_of_fit, df_lack_of_fit, df_pure_error) if not np.isnan(f_lack_of_fit) else np.nan |
detailed_anova_table = pd.DataFrame({ |
'Fuente de Variación': ['Regresión', 'Residual', 'Falta de Ajuste', 'Error Puro', 'Total'], |
'Suma de Cuadrados': [ss_regression, ss_residual, ss_lack_of_fit, ss_pure_error, ss_total], |
'Grados de Libertad': [df_regression, df_residual, df_lack_of_fit, df_pure_error, df_total], |
'Cuadrado Medio': [ms_regression, ms_residual, ms_lack_of_fit, ms_pure_error, np.nan], |
'F': [np.nan, np.nan, f_lack_of_fit, np.nan, np.nan], |
'Valor p': [np.nan, np.nan, p_lack_of_fit, np.nan, np.nan] |
}) |
ss_curvature = anova_reduced['sum_sq'][f'I({self.x1_name} ** 2)'] + anova_reduced['sum_sq'][f'I({self.x2_name} ** 2)'] + anova_reduced['sum_sq'][f'I({self.x3_name} ** 2)'] |
df_curvature = 3 |
detailed_anova_table.loc[len(detailed_anova_table)] = ['Curvatura', ss_curvature, df_curvature, ss_curvature / df_curvature, np.nan, np.nan] |
detailed_anova_table = detailed_anova_table.reindex([0, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4]) |
detailed_anova_table = detailed_anova_table.reset_index(drop=True) |
return detailed_anova_table.round(3) |
def get_all_tables(self): |
""" |
Obtiene todas las tablas generadas para ser exportadas a Excel. |
""" |
prediction_table = self.generate_prediction_table() |
contribution_table = self.calculate_contribution_percentage() |
detailed_anova_table = self.calculate_detailed_anova() |
return { |
'Predicciones': prediction_table, |
'% Contribución': contribution_table, |
'ANOVA Detallada': detailed_anova_table |
} |
def save_figures_to_zip(self): |
""" |
Guarda todas las figuras almacenadas en self.all_figures a un archivo ZIP en memoria. |
""" |
if not self.all_figures: |
return None |
zip_buffer = io.BytesIO() |
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_buffer, 'w') as zip_file: |
for idx, fig in enumerate(self.all_figures, start=1): |
img_bytes = fig.to_image(format="png") |
zip_file.writestr(f'Grafico_{idx}.png', img_bytes) |
zip_buffer.seek(0) |
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".zip") as temp_file: |
temp_file.write(zip_buffer.read()) |
temp_path = temp_file.name |
return temp_path |
def save_fig_to_bytes(self, fig): |
""" |
Convierte una figura Plotly a bytes en formato PNG. |
""" |
return fig.to_image(format="png") |
def save_all_figures_png(self): |
""" |
Guarda todas las figuras en archivos PNG temporales y retorna las rutas. |
""" |
png_paths = [] |
for idx, fig in enumerate(self.all_figures, start=1): |
img_bytes = fig.to_image(format="png") |
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".png") as temp_file: |
temp_file.write(img_bytes) |
temp_path = temp_file.name |
png_paths.append(temp_path) |
return png_paths |
def save_tables_to_excel(self): |
""" |
Guarda todas las tablas en un archivo Excel con múltiples hojas y retorna la ruta del archivo. |
""" |
tables = self.get_all_tables() |
excel_buffer = io.BytesIO() |
with pd.ExcelWriter(excel_buffer, engine='xlsxwriter') as writer: |
for sheet_name, table in tables.items(): |
table.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheet_name, index=False) |
excel_buffer.seek(0) |
excel_bytes = excel_buffer.read() |
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".xlsx") as temp_file: |
temp_file.write(excel_bytes) |
temp_path = temp_file.name |
return temp_path |
def load_data(x1_name, x2_name, x3_name, y_name, x1_levels_str, x2_levels_str, x3_levels_str, data_str): |
""" |
Carga los datos del diseño Box-Behnken desde cajas de texto y crea la instancia de RSM_BoxBehnken. |
""" |
try: |
x1_levels = [float(x.strip()) for x in x1_levels_str.split(',')] |
x2_levels = [float(x.strip()) for x in x2_levels_str.split(',')] |
x3_levels = [float(x.strip()) for x in x3_levels_str.split(',')] |
data_list = [row.split(',') for row in data_str.strip().split('\n')] |
column_names = ['Exp.', x1_name, x2_name, x3_name, y_name] |
data = pd.DataFrame(data_list, columns=column_names) |
data = data.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') |
if not all(col in data.columns for col in column_names): |
raise ValueError("El formato de los datos no es correcto.") |
global rsm |
rsm = RSM_BoxBehnken(data, x1_name, x2_name, x3_name, y_name, x1_levels, x2_levels, x3_levels) |
return data.round(3), x1_name, x2_name, x3_name, y_name, x1_levels, x2_levels, x3_levels, gr.update(visible=True) |
except Exception as e: |
error_message = f"Error al cargar los datos: {str(e)}" |
print(error_message) |
return None, "", "", "", "", [], [], [], gr.update(visible=False) |
def fit_and_optimize_model(): |
if 'rsm' not in globals(): |
return [None]*11 |
model_completo, pareto_completo = rsm.fit_model() |
model_simplificado, pareto_simplificado = rsm.fit_simplified_model() |
optimization_table = rsm.optimize() |
equation = rsm.get_simplified_equation() |
prediction_table = rsm.generate_prediction_table() |
contribution_table = rsm.calculate_contribution_percentage() |
anova_table = rsm.calculate_detailed_anova() |
rsm.generate_all_plots() |
equation_formatted = equation.replace(" + ", "<br>+ ").replace(" ** ", "^").replace("*", " × ") |
equation_formatted = f"### Ecuación del Modelo Simplificado:<br>{equation_formatted}" |
excel_path = rsm.save_tables_to_excel() |
zip_path = rsm.save_figures_to_zip() |
return ( |
model_completo.summary().as_html(), |
pareto_completo, |
model_simplificado.summary().as_html(), |
pareto_simplificado, |
equation_formatted, |
optimization_table, |
prediction_table, |
contribution_table, |
anova_table, |
zip_path, |
excel_path |
) |
def show_plot(current_index, all_figures): |
if not all_figures: |
return None, "No hay gráficos disponibles.", current_index |
selected_fig = all_figures[current_index] |
plot_info_text = f"Gráfico {current_index + 1} de {len(all_figures)}" |
return selected_fig, plot_info_text, current_index |
def navigate_plot(direction, current_index, all_figures): |
""" |
Navega entre los gráficos. |
""" |
if not all_figures: |
return None, "No hay gráficos disponibles.", current_index |
if direction == 'left': |
new_index = (current_index - 1) % len(all_figures) |
elif direction == 'right': |
new_index = (current_index + 1) % len(all_figures) |
else: |
new_index = current_index |
selected_fig = all_figures[new_index] |
plot_info_text = f"Gráfico {new_index + 1} de {len(all_figures)}" |
return selected_fig, plot_info_text, new_index |
def download_current_plot(all_figures, current_index): |
""" |
Descarga la figura actual como PNG. |
""" |
if not all_figures: |
return None |
fig = all_figures[current_index] |
img_bytes = rsm.save_fig_to_bytes(fig) |
filename = f"Grafico_RSM_{current_index + 1}.png" |
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".png") as temp_file: |
temp_file.write(img_bytes) |
temp_path = temp_file.name |
return temp_path |
def download_all_plots_zip(): |
""" |
Descarga todas las figuras en un archivo ZIP. |
""" |
if 'rsm' not in globals(): |
return None |
zip_path = rsm.save_figures_to_zip() |
if zip_path: |
filename = f"Graficos_RSM_{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.zip" |
return (zip_path, filename) |
return None |
def download_all_tables_excel(): |
""" |
Descarga todas las tablas en un archivo Excel con múltiples hojas. |
""" |
if 'rsm' not in globals(): |
return None |
excel_path = rsm.save_tables_to_excel() |
if excel_path: |
filename = f"Tablas_RSM_{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.xlsx" |
return (excel_path, filename) |
return None |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: |
gr.Markdown("# Optimización de la producción de AIA usando RSM Box-Behnken") |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
gr.Markdown("## Configuración del Diseño") |
x1_name_input = gr.Textbox(label="Nombre de la Variable X1 (ej. Glucosa)", value="Glucosa") |
x2_name_input = gr.Textbox(label="Nombre de la Variable X2 (ej. Extracto de Levadura)", value="Extracto_de_Levadura") |
x3_name_input = gr.Textbox(label="Nombre de la Variable X3 (ej. Triptófano)", value="Triptofano") |
y_name_input = gr.Textbox(label="Nombre de la Variable Dependiente (ej. AIA (ppm))", value="AIA_ppm") |
x1_levels_input = gr.Textbox(label="Niveles de X1 (separados por comas)", value="1, 3.5, 5.5") |
x2_levels_input = gr.Textbox(label="Niveles de X2 (separados por comas)", value="0.03, 0.2, 0.3") |
x3_levels_input = gr.Textbox(label="Niveles de X3 (separados por comas)", value="0.4, 0.65, 0.9") |
data_input = gr.Textbox(label="Datos del Experimento (formato CSV)", lines=10, value="""1,-1,-1,0,166.594 |
2,1,-1,0,177.557 |
3,-1,1,0,127.261 |
4,1,1,0,147.573 |
5,-1,0,-1,188.883 |
6,1,0,-1,224.527 |
7,-1,0,1,190.238 |
8,1,0,1,226.483 |
9,0,-1,-1,195.550 |
10,0,1,-1,149.493 |
11,0,-1,1,187.683 |
12,0,1,1,148.621 |
13,0,0,0,278.951 |
14,0,0,0,297.238 |
15,0,0,0,280.896""") |
load_button = gr.Button("Cargar Datos") |
with gr.Column(): |
gr.Markdown("## Datos Cargados") |
data_output = gr.Dataframe(label="Tabla de Datos", interactive=False) |
with gr.Row(visible=False) as analysis_row: |
with gr.Column(): |
fit_button = gr.Button("Ajustar Modelo y Optimizar") |
gr.Markdown("**Modelo Completo**") |
model_completo_output = gr.HTML() |
pareto_completo_output = gr.Plot() |
gr.Markdown("**Modelo Simplificado**") |
model_simplificado_output = gr.HTML() |
pareto_simplificado_output = gr.Plot() |
gr.Markdown("**Ecuación del Modelo Simplificado**") |
equation_output = gr.HTML() |
optimization_table_output = gr.Dataframe(label="Tabla de Optimización", interactive=False) |
prediction_table_output = gr.Dataframe(label="Tabla de Predicciones", interactive=False) |
contribution_table_output = gr.Dataframe(label="Tabla de % de Contribución", interactive=False) |
anova_table_output = gr.Dataframe(label="Tabla ANOVA Detallada", interactive=False) |
gr.Markdown("## Descargar Todas las Tablas") |
download_excel_button = gr.DownloadButton("Descargar Tablas en Excel") |
with gr.Column(): |
gr.Markdown("## Generar Gráficos de Superficie de Respuesta") |
fixed_variable_input = gr.Dropdown(label="Variable Fija", choices=["Glucosa", "Extracto_de_Levadura", "Triptofano"], value="Glucosa") |
fixed_level_input = gr.Slider(label="Nivel de Variable Fija", minimum=-1, maximum=1, step=0.01, value=0.0) |
plot_button = gr.Button("Generar Gráficos") |
with gr.Row(): |
left_button = gr.Button("<") |
right_button = gr.Button(">") |
rsm_plot_output = gr.Plot() |
plot_info = gr.Textbox(label="Información del Gráfico", value="Gráfico 1 de 9", interactive=False) |
with gr.Row(): |
download_plot_button = gr.DownloadButton("Descargar Gráfico Actual (PNG)") |
download_all_plots_button = gr.DownloadButton("Descargar Todos los Gráficos (ZIP)") |
current_index_state = gr.State(0) |
all_figures_state = gr.State([]) |
load_button.click( |
load_data, |
inputs=[x1_name_input, x2_name_input, x3_name_input, y_name_input, x1_levels_input, x2_levels_input, x3_levels_input, data_input], |
outputs=[data_output, x1_name_input, x2_name_input, x3_name_input, y_name_input, x1_levels_input, x2_levels_input, x3_levels_input, analysis_row] |
) |
fit_button.click( |
fit_and_optimize_model, |
inputs=[], |
outputs=[ |
model_completo_output, |
pareto_completo_output, |
model_simplificado_output, |
pareto_simplificado_output, |
equation_output, |
optimization_table_output, |
prediction_table_output, |
contribution_table_output, |
anova_table_output, |
download_all_plots_button, |
download_excel_button |
] |
) |
plot_button.click( |
lambda fixed_var, fixed_lvl: ( |
rsm.plot_rsm_individual(fixed_var, fixed_lvl), |
f"Gráfico 1 de {len(rsm.all_figures)}" if rsm.all_figures else "No hay gráficos disponibles.", |
0, |
rsm.all_figures |
), |
inputs=[fixed_variable_input, fixed_level_input], |
outputs=[rsm_plot_output, plot_info, current_index_state, all_figures_state] |
) |
left_button.click( |
lambda current_index, all_figures: navigate_plot('left', current_index, all_figures), |
inputs=[current_index_state, all_figures_state], |
outputs=[rsm_plot_output, plot_info, current_index_state] |
) |
right_button.click( |
lambda current_index, all_figures: navigate_plot('right', current_index, all_figures), |
inputs=[current_index_state, all_figures_state], |
outputs=[rsm_plot_output, plot_info, current_index_state] |
) |
download_plot_button.click( |
download_current_plot, |
inputs=[all_figures_state, current_index_state], |
outputs=download_plot_button |
) |
download_all_plots_button.click( |
download_all_plots_zip, |
inputs=[], |
outputs=download_all_plots_button |
) |
download_excel_button.click( |
download_all_tables_excel, |
inputs=[], |
outputs=download_excel_button |
) |
gr.Markdown("## Ejemplo de uso") |
gr.Markdown(""" |
1. Introduce los nombres de las variables y sus niveles en las cajas de texto correspondientes. |
2. Copia y pega los datos del experimento en la caja de texto 'Datos del Experimento'. |
3. Haz clic en 'Cargar Datos' para cargar los datos en la tabla. |
4. Haz clic en 'Ajustar Modelo y Optimizar' para ajustar el modelo y encontrar los niveles óptimos de los factores. |
5. Selecciona una variable fija y su nivel en los controles deslizantes. |
6. Haz clic en 'Generar Gráficos' para generar los gráficos de superficie de respuesta. |
7. Navega entre los gráficos usando los botones '<' y '>'. |
8. Descarga el gráfico actual en PNG o descarga todos los gráficos en un ZIP. |
9. Descarga todas las tablas en un archivo Excel con el botón correspondiente. |
""") |
demo.launch() |