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Language	Family	Genus	Definite articles	Indefinite articles	Number of cases	Order of subject, object, verb	Negative morphemes	Polar questions	Position of negative word wrt SOV	Prefixing vs suffixing	Coding of nominal plurality	Grammatical genders
Albanian	Indo-European	Albanian	definite affix	indefinite word distinct from one	4	SVO	negative particle	question particle	SNegVO	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine
Arabic	Afro-Asiatic	Semitic	definite affix	no article	3	SVO	negative particle	interrogative intonation only	SNegVO	weakly suffixing	mixed morphological plural	masculine, feminine
Bosnian	Indo-European	Slavic	no article	no article	5	SVO	negative particle	question particle	other	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine, neuter
Bulgarian	Indo-European	Slavic	definite word distinct from demonstrative	no article	no morphological case-making	SVO	negative particle	question particle	SNegVO	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine, neuter
Chinese	Sino-Tibetan	Chinese	no article	indefinite word same as one	no morphological case-making	SVO	negative particle	question particle	SNegVO	little affixation	no plural	noun classifiers
Croatian	Indo-European	Slavic	no article	no article	5	SVO	negative particle	question particle	other	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine, neuter
Czech	Indo-European	Slavic	no article	no article	6-7	SVO	negative affix	interrogative word order	MorphNeg	weakly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine, neuter
English	Indo-European	Germanic	definite word distinct from demonstrative	indefinite word distinct from one	2	SVO	negative particle	interrogative word order	SNegVO	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	no grammatical gender
French	Indo-European	Romance	definite word distinct from demonstrative	indefinite word same as one	no morphological case-making	SVO	negative particle	question particle	OptDoubleNeg	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine
German	Indo-European	Germanic	definite word distinct from demonstrative	indefinite word same as one	4	no dominant order	negative particle	interrogative word order	more than one position	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine, neuter
Hebrew	Afro-Asiatic	Semitic	definite affix	indefinite word same as one	no morphological case-making	SVO	negative particle	question particle	SNegVO	weakly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine
Hindi	Indo-European	Indic	no article	no article	3	SOV	negative particle	question particle	SONegV	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine
Hungarian	Uralic	Ugric	definite word distinct from demonstrative	indefinite word distinct from one	10 or more	no dominant order	negative particle	question particle	SNegVO	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	no grammatical gender
Italian	Indo-European	Romance	definite word distinct from demonstrative	indefinite word same as one	no morphological case-making	SVO	negative particle	interrogative intonation only	SNegVO	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine
Japanese	Japanese	Japanese	no article	indefinite word distinct from one	8-9	SOV	negative affix	question particle	MorphNeg	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	no grammatical gender
Latvian	Indo-European	Baltic	demonstrative word used as definite article	indefinite word same as one	5	SVO	negative affix	question particle	MorphNeg	weakly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine
Persian	Indo-European	Iranian	no article	indefinite word same as one	2	SOV	negative affix	question particle	MorphNeg	weakly suffixing	plural suffix	no grammatical gender
Polish	Indo-European	Slavic	no article	no article	6-7	SVO	negative particle	question particle	SNegVO	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine, neuter
Portuguese	Indo-European	Romance	definite word distinct from demonstrative	indefinite word same as one	no morphological case-making	SVO	negative particle	question particle	SNegVO	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine
Russian	Indo-European	Slavic	no article	no article	6-7	SVO	negative particle	question particle	SNegVO	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine, neuter
Serbian	Indo-European	Slavic	no article	no article	5	SVO	negative particle	question particle	other	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine, neuter
Slovak	Indo-European	Slavic	no article	no article	6-7	SVO	negative affix	interrogative word order	MorphNeg	weakly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine, neuter
Slovenian	Indo-European	Slavic	no article	no article	6-7	SVO	negative particle	question particle	SNegVO	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine, neuter
Spanish	Indo-European	Romance	definite word distinct from demonstrative	indefinite word same as one	no morphological case-making	SVO	negative particle	interrogative word order	SNegVO	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine
Swedish	Indo-European	Germanic	definite affix	indefinite word same as one	2	SVO	negative particle	interrogative word order	more than one position	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	common, neuter
Thai	Tai-Kadai	Kam-Tai	no article	indefinite word distinct from one	no morphological case-making	SVO	negative auxiliary verb	question particle	SNegVO	little affixation	mixed morphological plural	noun classifiers
Urdu	Indo-European	Indic	no article	no article	2	SOV	negative affix	question particle	SONegV	strongly suffixing	plural suffix	masculine, feminine