FeatureMatching / src /omniglue /dino_extract.py
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Update src/omniglue/dino_extract.py
0f706be verified
# Copyright 2024 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Wrapper for performing DINOv2 inference."""
import cv2
import numpy as np
from third_party.dinov2 import dino
from omniglue import utils
import tensorflow as tf
import torch
class DINOExtract:
"""Class to initialize DINO model and extract features from an image."""
def __init__(self, cpt_path: str, feature_layer: int = 1):
self.feature_layer = feature_layer
self.model = dino.vit_base()
self.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
state_dict_raw = torch.load(cpt_path, map_location='cpu')
# state_dict = {}
# for k, v in state_dict_raw.items():
# state_dict[k.replace('blocks', 'blocks.0')] = v
self.image_size_max = 630
self.h_down_rate = self.model.patch_embed.patch_size[0]
self.w_down_rate = self.model.patch_embed.patch_size[1]
def __call__(self, image) -> np.ndarray:
return self.forward(image)
def forward(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Feeds image through DINO ViT model to extract features.
image: (H, W, 3) numpy array, decoded image bytes, value range [0, 255].
features: (H // 14, W // 14, C) numpy array image features.
image = self._resize_input_image(image)
image_processed = self._process_image(image)
image_processed = image_processed.unsqueeze(0).float()
features = self.extract_feature(image_processed)
features = features.squeeze(0).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()
return features
def _resize_input_image(
self, image: np.ndarray, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR
"""Resizes image such that both dimensions are divisble by down_rate."""
h_image, w_image = image.shape[:2]
h_larger_flag = h_image > w_image
large_side_image = max(h_image, w_image)
# resize the image with the largest side length smaller than a threshold
# to accelerate ViT backbone inference (which has quadratic complexity).
if large_side_image > self.image_size_max:
if h_larger_flag:
h_image_target = self.image_size_max
w_image_target = int(self.image_size_max * w_image / h_image)
w_image_target = self.image_size_max
h_image_target = int(self.image_size_max * h_image / w_image)
h_image_target = h_image
w_image_target = w_image
h, w = (
h_image_target // self.h_down_rate,
w_image_target // self.w_down_rate,
h_resize, w_resize = h * self.h_down_rate, w * self.w_down_rate
image = cv2.resize(image, (w_resize, h_resize), interpolation=interpolation)
return image
def _process_image(self, image: np.ndarray) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Turn image into pytorch tensor and normalize it."""
mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406])
std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
image_processed = image / 255.0
image_processed = (image_processed - mean) / std
image_processed = torch.from_numpy(image_processed).permute(2, 0, 1)
image_processed = image_processed.to(self.device)
return image_processed
def extract_feature(self, image):
"""Extracts features from image.
image: (B, 3, H, W) torch tensor, normalized with ImageNet mean/std.
features: (B, C, H//14, W//14) torch tensor image features.
b, _, h_origin, w_origin = image.shape
out = self.model.get_intermediate_layers(image, n=self.feature_layer)[0]
h = int(h_origin / self.h_down_rate)
w = int(w_origin / self.w_down_rate)
dim = out.shape[-1]
out = out.reshape(b, h, w, dim).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).detach()
return out
def _preprocess_shape(
h_image, w_image, image_size_max=630, h_down_rate=14, w_down_rate=14
# Flatten the tensors
h_image = tf.squeeze(h_image)
w_image = tf.squeeze(w_image)
# logging.info(h_image, w_image)
h_larger_flag = tf.greater(h_image, w_image)
large_side_image = tf.maximum(h_image, w_image)
# Function to calculate new dimensions when height is larger
def resize_h_larger():
h_image_target = image_size_max
w_image_target = tf.cast(image_size_max * w_image / h_image, tf.int32)
return h_image_target, w_image_target
# Function to calculate new dimensions when width is larger or equal
def resize_w_larger_or_equal():
w_image_target = image_size_max
h_image_target = tf.cast(image_size_max * h_image / w_image, tf.int32)
return h_image_target, w_image_target
# Function to keep original dimensions
def keep_original():
return h_image, w_image
h_image_target, w_image_target = tf.cond(
tf.greater(large_side_image, image_size_max),
lambda: tf.cond(h_larger_flag, resize_h_larger, resize_w_larger_or_equal),
# resize to be divided by patch size
h = h_image_target // h_down_rate
w = w_image_target // w_down_rate
h_resize = h * h_down_rate
w_resize = w * w_down_rate
# Expand dimensions
h_resize = tf.expand_dims(h_resize, 0)
w_resize = tf.expand_dims(w_resize, 0)
return h_resize, w_resize
def get_dino_descriptors(dino_features, keypoints, height, width, feature_dim):
"""Get DINO descriptors using Superpoint keypoints.
dino_features: DINO features in 1-D.
keypoints: Superpoint keypoint locations, in format (x, y), in pixels, shape
(N, 2).
height: image height, type tf.Tensor.int32.
width: image width, type tf.Tensor.int32.
feature_dim: DINO feature channel size, type tf.Tensor.int32.
Interpolated DINO descriptors.
# TODO(omniglue): fix the hard-coded DINO patch size (14).
height_1d = tf.reshape(height, [1])
width_1d = tf.reshape(width, [1])
height_1d_resized, width_1d_resized = _preprocess_shape(
height_1d, width_1d, image_size_max=630, h_down_rate=14, w_down_rate=14
height_feat = height_1d_resized // 14
width_feat = width_1d_resized // 14
feature_dim_1d = tf.reshape(feature_dim, [1])
size_feature = tf.concat([height_feat, width_feat, feature_dim_1d], axis=0)
dino_features = tf.reshape(dino_features, size_feature)
img_size = tf.cast(tf.concat([width_1d, height_1d], axis=0), tf.float32)
feature_size = tf.cast(
tf.concat([width_feat, height_feat], axis=0), tf.float32
keypoints_feature = (
/ tf.expand_dims(img_size, axis=0)
* tf.expand_dims(feature_size, axis=0)
dino_descriptors = []
for kp in keypoints_feature:
utils.lookup_descriptor_bilinear(kp.numpy(), dino_features.numpy())
dino_descriptors = tf.convert_to_tensor(
np.array(dino_descriptors), dtype=tf.float32
return dino_descriptors