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0000C359D63E,"when a person has no experience on a job their is always going to be good people to help you and try to explane the job you need to get done in life you were not born with knowing everything. Life is bassicly about learing new things every single day even though without experience because life is simple and we must live happy and around with the people we love. When a person thinks they know everything in life they dont do good because they trying to make the other person less then others you must be kind to those the dont have experience because you may not know some day you will go to a different country. When you dont know anyting because you not from their so you going to need help from others to explain you about the culture or how to eat a food because you have to no experience on the new country. You must help a person the has no experience because maybe you may need help from the person the you didnt want to help.
yes, even thought you may not have experience in the type of job you seek,you can learn and teach others.
If you dont have experence in a restaurant for the job you seek for you will learn. For example a person the has no experence working in a restaurant,the only place they will offer you would be to be a diswasher. But you want to dream big because everytime a person has big dreams they can learn the job whereever, you want to be like a cooking person or a kitchen manager. In a job there is always going to be people the they dont want to see you in a better place because they may think you dont deserve to be there but you the only one the knows how hard you being working to achieve your dream .In life you always going to have proof without experience to see how good you are to learn a new job in the kitchen so if you can learn quick. They can give you a good place for you teach others the has no experience.
My dad has always talk with my cousins that when their is no experience you can always learn and fight for what you want. When my cosuin came to America he wanted to play travel soccer, he went to tryout but the coach told him the has any experience of talking english so he wouldn't make it. But later on he learn how to speak then, he went to tryout for fc virginia he made it also everyone was talking about him because hes a great soccer player also, hes a great person. Then he came to the house and thanks my dad because of the edvice he gave to him the even though you dont have experience,you can always learn and fight for you goals. My dad is man the wants the best for hes family because when he was a kid he wanted to be a loyer but it was hard for hes parents because they were really poor and the corruption was really bad in the country.
In every job their is always going to be a person with no experience. For example people with no experience those are the ones the learn the job and when they learn the job very well they always try not to make a mistake because thay want to get the job done with quality. Because everytime you do a job for someone else they want to see good quality on you before they give the kind of job they want you to get done for them. The people the has no experience in a job that doesnt make them a less person because we all are humans and we must have the same equal rights. we all know the everytime you aplied for a job the first thing they asked you is about if you have experience but its okay to say no because they can teach you and you can get it fast.
I think yes, you can be a good candidate to be hire without no experience because every person in the world needs to have a opportunity to try something new. People today in life they dont need to have experience to go find a job why because today in every work you get one week of train which people can learn the job just in one week. Because they will practice the job and every time they get practice they will going to get better and better. Practices makes everything better so dont be scared to applied for job only because it says you must have experience no just go believe in youself. If you believe in you everything will be good in like ad you will be going great just be you even though you have experience or not we all deserve a chance."
000BAD50D026,"Do you think students would benefit from being able attend classes from home?
Yes! its benefit for student who attend classes from home. Because some student want to attend classes from home because they thinks it's very important for them . And they think they can learned fast, and understand than they student who attend classes from school. For example my friend told me that she's attand classes from home it's good for her, because they is some subject she didn't understand when she attend classes from school but when she attend the home classes she good for that subject. she like science she think science its important for her but she didn't understand anything any science but she understand science because she attend classes from home. And some parent doesn't want they are children to attend classes from school, because many christian doesn't want they are children to attend to classes from school because they doesn't believe science and they want they are children to be disrespectful for teacher or for them. Maybe student can deciding to attend classes from home because it's benefit for them and it's good for the people who have lot of money. It's not any people who can attend classes from home.
some student attend classes from home because they hate bull or trouble. because they is student who come to school to bull other student or to fight with other. I know they is some people who scared about fight or bull by someone. For example the was a girl who attend very day to school and they was three girl they bull and beat her everyday and try to kill her self because she think she doesn't have anyone who can fight for her and when her parent sigh her want to kill herself, immediately they stop her, and they say they can not let they children to go back for school and they think every school it's like that school. so that why attand class from home it's good sometime. They are student who attend classes from home for the reason because to provide the experience and to show that they can try to learned themselves. In order to achieve anything at all in life a attend classes from home would must being take a deciding whether. "
00367BB2546B,"Thomas Jefferson once states that ""it is wonderful how much we can get done when we are always doing something,I agree to this statement. Some people say that it is always better to always be doing something than to be inactive and so nothing at all to chase after on your dreams. always doing something lets you feel a sense of accomplishment,it makes you want to strive to do even more than what you did,you can also learn something along the way.
The first reason that always doing is better than doing nothing is that it gives you a sense of you accomplishing something. when you finish a task you feel successful with yourself in saying that you pursued something and kept going. for example,when you graduate from school and move on to collage,you feel successful you also know that you worked as hard as you can to complete your schooling and onto collage or even to the real world to work.
Secondly,accomplishing your goals makes you want to strive to do more. when you complete something you may think to yourself,""if I did this than what else can i did with my life?"". Accomplishing something could make you want to do even more. For example, when you finish such as school then later move out of the house and live on you own,it gives you a sense of you being an independent person and you having the capability to live on you own and also to manage you own life how you want it to be. lastly it gives you the chance to go higher in your career.
Finally it give you the opportunity to learn new and useful thing along the way that you may be able to use in your own life. by accomplishing something you can learn how to help you self to accomplish new and better things in you life. For example ,by finishing school you will take all that you learned and you can apply it it some aspect of your life to help you succeed in life. You can also apply it to the job you pursue or even to get a higher education.
Although some may disagree with me and say that inactivity is helpful when trying to accomplish something because it will not cause stress on you ,what this fails to show is that it lets you become a better person in your day to day life. in conclusion always doing is better than doing nothing because it helps you achieve more in you life,makes you feel accomplished in life, and shows that you can always strive to do more in you life "