--- author : ['Author Name', 'A.N. Other'] title: "Authoring Terms Entry" description: "How to set the cover and linking of terms entry in Hugo Brewm theme" date: 2025-02-03 type: post draft: false translationKey: terms coffee: 1 tags: ['authoring', 'cover', 'taxonomy', 'terms'] categories: ['authoring'] --- You can change the cover of each terms entry by adding the `cover` parameter in `_index.md` under `[lang]\[taxonomies]\[terms]\`. For example, to set the cover of the term `configuration` in categories, add the parameter in `content\en\categories\configuration\_index.md`. ```yaml --- title: "Configuration" description: "Configuration description, this might be useful for HTML metadata" cover: "https://example.com/cover.png" translationKey: configuration --- If something is written here, the text will be displayed as hero section. ``` To link the terms entry in another language, you can add the `translationKey` parameter. For example, if you want to link the terms entry in Indonesian, add the parameter in `content\id\categories\konfigurasi\_index.md`. ```yaml --- title: "Konfigurasi" description: "Deskripsi konfigurasi, ini bisa berguna untuk metadata HTML" cover: "https://example.com/cover.png" translationKey: configuration --- Jika ada teks yang ditulis di sini, teks akan ditampilkan sebagai bagian hero. ``` The same way, you can set the cover of each terms entry for `series` and `author` taxonomies. After making these changes, rebuild your site to see the updated cover and translations in breadcrumbs. The cover will replace the flowlines images on taxonomies listing.