{{ "<!-- nav.html -->" | safeHTML }} | |
{{- $navID := .navID }} | |
{{- $page := .page }} | |
{{- $toc := eq $navID "TableOfContents" }} | |
<details class="presentation" aria-expanded="true" id="{{ printf "has-%s" $navID }}" open> | |
<summary id="{{ $navID }}" tabindex="-1"> | |
<span>{{ i18n $navID }}</span> | |
</summary> | |
{{- if $toc }} | |
{{- replace | |
(replace $page.TableOfContents | |
"TableOfContents" "doc-toc") | |
"id" "data-pagefind-body role" | |
| safeHTML }} | |
{{- else }} | |
<nav aria-labelledby="{{ $navID }}"> | |
<ul role="presentation" class="{{ $navID }}"> | |
{{- if eq $navID "breadcrumb" }} | |
{{ partial "nav/breadcrumb.html" ( dict "page" $page ) }} | |
{{- else if eq $navID "pagination"}} | |
{{ partial "nav/paginator.html" ( dict "page" $page ) }} | |
{{- else if eq $navID "share" }} | |
{{ partial "nav/share.html" ( dict "page" $page ) }} | |
{{- end }} | |
</ul> | |
</nav> | |
{{- end }} | |
</details> | |
{{- /*---------------------- end of nav.html -----------------------*/}} | |
{{- define "partials/nav/breadcrumb.html" -}} | |
{{ "<!-- breadcrumb.html -->" | safeHTML }} | |
{{- $page := .page }} | |
{{- if $page.IsTranslated }} | |
<li id="is-translated"> | |
{{ partial "l10n.html" ( dict "page" $page ) }} | |
</li> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- range $page.Ancestors.Reverse }} | |
{{- if not .IsHome }} | |
<li> | |
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" aria-current="true"> | |
{{- .Title }} | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
<li> | |
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" aria-current="page" tabindex="-1"> | |
{{- $page.Title }} | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- define "partials/legacy/breadcrumb.html" -}} | |
{{ "<!-- legacy/breadcrumb.html -->" | safeHTML }} | |
<details id="has-breadcrumb" class="presentation" aria-expanded="true" open> | |
<summary id="breadcrumb" tabindex="-1"> | |
<span>{{- i18n "breadcrumb"}}</span> | |
</summary> | |
{{ partial "breadcrumb/menu.html" . }} | |
<nav aria-labelledby="breadcrumb"> | |
<ul class="breadcrumb ldots" role="presentation"> | |
{{- if .IsTranslated -}} | |
<li id="is-translated"> | |
{{ partial "l10n.html" ( dict "page" . ) }} | |
</li> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{ partial "legacy/breadcrumb/loop.html" . }} | |
<li> | |
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" aria-current="page" tabindex="-1"> | |
<span>{- .Title }}</span> | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
</ul> | |
</nav> | |
</details> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- define "partials/legacy/breadcrumb/loop.html" -}} | |
{{ "<!-- legacy/breadcrumb/loop.html -->" | safeHTML }} | |
{{- with .Parent }} | |
{{ partial "legacy/breadcrumb/loop.html" . }} | |
{{- if not .IsHome }} | |
<li> | |
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" aria-current="true"> | |
<span>{{ .Title }}</span> | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- define "partials/nav/menu.html" -}} | |
{{ "<!-- menu.html -->" | safeHTML }} | |
<menu role="presentation"> | |
<li> | |
<a id="print-button" class="hide" href="javascript:window.print()" title="{{ i18n "print" }}" role="button" aria-label="{{ i18n "print" }}"> | |
<span class="t" role="tooltip">{{ i18n "print" }}</span> | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
<li> | |
<a id="navigatorShare" href="{{ if .IsPage }}#share{{ else }}javascript:navigator.share({title: document.title, url: window.location.href}){{ end }}" title="{{ i18n "share" }}" role="button" aria-label="{{ i18n "share" }}"> | |
<span class="t" role="tooltip">{{ i18n "share" }}</span> | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
<li> | |
<a id="copyPermalink" class="hide" href="javascript:navigator.clipboard.writeText(window.location.href)" title="{{ i18n "copy" }}" role="button" aria-label="{{ i18n "copy" }}"> | |
<span class="t" role="tooltip">{{ i18n "copy" }}</span> | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
{{- if and (eq .Kind "term" ) (eq .Data.Plural "series") -}} | |
{{- with .OutputFormats.Get "rss" }} | |
<li> | |
<a id="rss-button" href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ i18n "followRSS" }}" role="button" aria-label="{{ i18n "followRSS" }}"> | |
<span class="t" role="tooltip">{{ i18n "followRSS" }}</span> | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
</menu> | |
<button id="back" class="hide" type="button" onclick="history.back();" aria-label="{{ i18n "back" }}"> | |
<span class="t" role="tooltip">{{ i18n "back" }}</span> | |
</button> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- define "partials/nav/paginator.html" -}} | |
{{ "<!-- paginator.html -->" | safeHTML }} | |
{{- $page := .page }} | |
{{- if $page.Paginator.HasPrev }} | |
<li class="rfill"> | |
<a class="underline" href="{{ $page.Paginator.Prev.URL }}" rel="prev"> | |
<span>{{- i18n "prev" }}</span> | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- if $page.Paginator.HasNext }} | |
<li class="lfill"> | |
<a class="underline" href="{{ $page.Paginator.Next.URL }}" rel="next"> | |
<span>{{- i18n "next" }}</span> | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- define "partials/nav/share/mastodon.html" -}} | |
{{ "<!-- mastodon.html -->" | safeHTML }} | |
{{- $page := .page }} | |
<form class="form" id="mastodon" action="//" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> | |
<input id="mastodonTitle" type="hidden" name="title" value="{{ $page.Title }}"> | |
<input id="mastodonPermalink" type="hidden" name="url" value="{{ $page.Permalink }}"> | |
<input id="mastodonText" type="hidden" name="text" value="{{ $page.Title }} {{ $page.Permalink }}" disabled> | |
<input id="mastodonInstance" type="url" class="ldots form__input" placeholder="Enter Mastodon instance (" aria-label="Mastodon instance URL"> | |
<button class="form__button" type="submit" aria-label="{{ i18n "shareOn" }} Mastodon"> | |
<i class="icon mastodon" aria-hidden="true"></i> | |
<span class="t" role="tooltip">{{ i18n "shareOn" }} Mastodon</span> | |
</button> | |
</form> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- define "partials/nav/share.html" -}} | |
{{ "<!-- share.html -->" | safeHTML }} | |
{{- $page := .page }} | |
{{- $shareAttr := `rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"` | safeHTMLAttr }} | |
<li id="has-mastodon"> | |
{{ partial "nav/share/mastodon.html" (dict "page" $page ) }} | |
</li> | |
<li> | |
<a href="mailto:?subject={{ $page.Title | htmlEscape }}&body={{ $page.Permalink }}" role="button" aria-label="{{ i18n "shareOn" }} {{ i18n "email"}}"> | |
<i class="email" aria-hidden="true"></i> | |
<span class="t" role="tooltip">{{ i18n "shareOn" }} {{ i18n "email" }}</span> | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
<li> | |
<a href="whatsapp://send?text={{ $page.Title | htmlEscape }}%20{{ $page.Permalink }}" role="button" aria-label="{{ i18n "shareOn" }} Whatsapp"> | |
<i class="whatsapp" aria-hidden="true"></i> | |
<span class="t" role="tooltip">{{ i18n "shareOn" }} Whatsapp</span> | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
{{- $socialLinks := slice | |
(dict "platform" "telegram" "url" (printf "" ($page.Title | htmlEscape) $page.Permalink)) | |
(dict "platform" "bluesky" "url" (printf "" ($page.Title | htmlEscape) $page.Permalink)) | |
(dict "platform" "facebook" "url" (printf "" $page.Permalink)) | |
(dict "platform" "hackernews" "url" (printf "" $page.Permalink ($page.Title | htmlEscape))) | |
(dict "platform" "linkedin" "url" (printf "" $page.Permalink ($page.Title | htmlEscape) ($page.Title | htmlEscape) $page.Permalink)) | |
(dict "platform" "pinterest" "url" (printf "" $page.Permalink $page.Permalink ($page.Title | htmlEscape))) | |
(dict "platform" "reddit" "url" (printf "" $page.Permalink ($page.Title | htmlEscape))) | |
(dict "platform" "tumblr" "url" (printf "" ($page.Title | htmlEscape) ($page.Title | htmlEscape) $page.Permalink $page.Permalink)) | |
(dict "platform" "vk" "url" (printf "" ($page.Title | htmlEscape) $page.Permalink)) | |
(dict "platform" "twitter" "url" (printf "" ($page.Title | htmlEscape) $page.Permalink)) | |
(dict "platform" "xing" "url" (printf ";url=%s;title=%s" $page.Permalink ($page.Title | htmlEscape))) | |
}} | |
{{- range $socialLinks }} | |
<li> | |
<a {{ $shareAttr }} href="{{ .url }}" role="button" | |
aria-label="{{ i18n "shareOn" }} {{ title .platform }} {{ i18n "inNewTab" }}"> | |
<i class="{{ .platform }}" aria-hidden="true"></i> | |
<span class="t" role="tooltip">{{ i18n "shareOn" }} {{ title .platform }}</span> | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} |