{{ "<!-- menu.html -->" | safeHTML }} | |
{{- $menuID := .menuID }} | |
{{- $page := .page }} | |
{{- $open := .open }} | |
{{- $more := eq $menuID "more" }} | |
{{- if eq $menuID "footer" }} | |
{{- with index site.Menus "footer" }} | |
<nav id="menu-footer" class="has-aria-label-top" aria-label="{{ i18n "keepInTouch" }}"> | |
<ul role="presentation"> | |
{{- range . }} | |
{{- $label := or .Name .Pre }} | |
<li><a href="{{ .URL }}" aria-label="{{ $label }}"> | |
{{- with .Pre }} | |
<i class="icon {{ . }}" role="presentation" aria-hidden="true"></i> | |
<span class="t" role="tooltip">{{ $label }}</span> | |
{{- end }} | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
{{- end }} | |
</ul> | |
</nav> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- else if index site.Menus $menuID }} | |
<details id="{{ printf "has-%s-menu" $menuID }}" {{ if $more }}class="presentation js-details" name="on-deck"{{ else }}class="presentation"{{ end }} {{ $open | safeHTMLAttr -}}> | |
<summary {{ if $more }} accesskey="=" class="on-deck" {{ else }} class="hide" {{ end }} aria-label="{{ i18n $menuID }}"> | |
{{ if $more -}} | |
<span class="t t2">{{ i18n $menuID }}</span> | |
<span class="menu-icon" role="presentation"></span> | |
{{- else -}} | |
<span>{{ i18n $menuID }}</span> | |
{{- end }} | |
</summary> | |
{{- with index site.Menus $menuID }} | |
{{ if $more }}{{ "<!-- on hull -->" | safeHTML }}{{ end }} | |
<nav id="{{ printf "%s-menu" $menuID }}" aria-label="{{ i18n $menuID }}"> | |
{{- $n := 1 }} | |
{{- $no := printf "l%d" $n }} | |
<ul class="{{ $no }} {{ if $more }} on-plank {{ end }}" role="presentation" tabindex="-1" > | |
{{ partial "inline/menu/walk.html" (dict "page" $page "menuID" $menuID "n" $n "menuEntries" .) }} | |
</ul> | |
{{- if $more }} | |
<div class="screening js-cgpn" role="presentation" aria-hidden="true"></div> | |
{{- end }} | |
</nav> | |
{{- end }} | |
</details> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- /*---------------------- end of menu.html ----------------------*/}} | |
{{- define "partials/inline/menu/walk.html" -}} | |
{{- $page := .page }} | |
{{- $menuID := .menuID }} | |
{{- $open := .open }} | |
{{- $main := eq $menuID "main" }} | |
{{- $n := .n }} | |
{{- $n = add $n 1 }} | |
{{- $l := printf "l%d" $n }} | |
{{- $deck := and $main (eq $n 2) }} | |
{{ range .menuEntries -}} | |
{{- $name := .Name }} | |
{{- $attrs := dict "href" .URL }} | |
{{- if $page.IsMenuCurrent .Menu . }} | |
{{- $attrs = merge $attrs (dict "aria-current" "page") }} | |
{{- else if $page.HasMenuCurrent .Menu . }} | |
{{- $attrs = merge $attrs (dict "aria-current" "true") }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- $desc := .Post }} | |
{{- if $deck }} | |
{{- $attrs = merge $attrs (dict "class" "on-deck") }} | |
{{- else if $desc }} | |
{{- $attrs = merge $attrs (dict "class" "has-desc") }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- $icon := .Pre }} | |
{{- with $icon }} | |
{{- $attrs = merge $attrs (dict "title" . "aria-label" .) }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- $identifier := .Identifier }} | |
<li role="presentation"> | |
{{- if .Children }} | |
{{- template "menuItemWithChildren" dict "item" . "attrs" $attrs "icon" $icon "name" $name "desc" $desc "deck" $deck "menuID" $menuID "open" $open "l" $l "n" $n "page" $page }} | |
{{- else }} | |
{{- template "menuItem" dict "attrs" $attrs "name" $name "desc" $desc "icon" $icon "identifier" $identifier }} | |
{{- end }} | |
</li> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- define "menuItem" }} | |
<a {{ range $key, $val := .attrs }} | |
{{- with $val }} | |
{{- printf " %s=%s" $key $val | safeHTMLAttr }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{ with .desc }} aria-description="{{ . }}" {{ end }}> | |
{{ if not .name }} | |
{{- $tooltip := .identifier }} | |
<span class="t" role="tooltip">{{ title $tooltip }}</span> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- with .icon -}} | |
<i class="icon {{ . }}" aria-hidden="true"></i> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- with .name }} | |
<span>{{ . }}</span> | |
{{- end }} | |
</a> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- define "menuItemWithChildren" }} | |
<details class="presentation js-details" aria-expanded="true" | |
{{ if .deck }}name="on-deck"{{ end }} | |
{{- if eq .menuID "more" }} open {{ else }} {{ .open | safeHTMLAttr }} {{ end }}> | |
<summary class="anchor {{ if .deck }} on-deck {{ end }}"> | |
{{ with .icon }}<i class="icon {{ . }}" aria-hidden="true"></i>{{ end }} | |
<span {{ with .desc }} class="has-desc" aria-description="{{ . }}" {{ end }}> | |
{{- .name -}} | |
</span> | |
</summary> | |
<ul class="{{ .l }} {{ if .deck }} on-plank {{ end }}" role="presentation"> | |
{{ partial "inline/menu/walk.html" (dict "page" .page "n" .n "menuEntries" .item.Children) }} | |
{{- range $key, $val := .attrs }} | |
{{- if eq $key "href" }} | |
<li class="parent-anchor"> | |
<a {{- printf " %s=%s" $key $val | safeHTMLAttr }} aria-label="{{ i18n "seeAll" }}:{{ $.name }}"> | |
{{ with $.icon }}<i class="icon {{- . }}" aria-hidden="true"></i>{{ end }} | |
<span aria-hidden="true"> {{ $.name }}</span> | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
</ul> | |
{{- if .deck -}} | |
<div class="screening js-cpn" role="presentation" aria-hidden="true"></div> | |
{{- end }} | |
</details> | |
{{- end }} |