{{- $imgs := slice }} | |
{{- $imgParams := .Params.images }} | |
{{- $resources := .Resources.ByType "image" -}} | |
{{/* Find featured image resources if the images parameter is empty. */}} | |
{{- if not $imgParams }} | |
{{- $featured := $resources.GetMatch "*feature*" -}} | |
{{- if not $featured }}{{ $featured = $resources.GetMatch "{*cover*,*thumbnail*}" }}{{ end -}} | |
{{- with $featured }} | |
{{- $imgs = $imgs | append (dict | |
"Image" . | |
"RelPermalink" .RelPermalink | |
"Permalink" .Permalink) }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{/* Use the first one of site images as the fallback. */}} | |
{{- if and (not $imgParams) (not $imgs) }} | |
{{- with site.Params.images }} | |
{{- $imgParams = first 1 . }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{/* Parse page's images parameter. */}} | |
{{- range $imgParams }} | |
{{- $img := . }} | |
{{- $url := urls.Parse $img }} | |
{{- if eq $url.Scheme "" }} | |
{{/* Internal image. */}} | |
{{- with $resources.GetMatch $img -}} | |
{{/* Image resource. */}} | |
{{- $imgs = $imgs | append (dict | |
"Image" . | |
"RelPermalink" .RelPermalink | |
"Permalink" .Permalink) }} | |
{{- else }} | |
{{- $imgs = $imgs | append (dict | |
"RelPermalink" (relURL $img) | |
"Permalink" (absURL $img) | |
) }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- else }} | |
{{/* External image */}} | |
{{- $imgs = $imgs | append (dict | |
"RelPermalink" $img | |
"Permalink" $img | |
) }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- return $imgs }} |