{{- define "head" -}} | |
{{ "<!-- list.html [head] -->" | safeHTML }} | |
{{- $paginator := partial "partials/paginator.html" . }} | |
{{- $enableSlide := not site.Params.home.disableSlide }} | |
{{- $slides := where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "slide" }} | |
{{- if and .IsHome (not $paginator.HasPrev) $enableSlide $slides }} | |
<style> | |
body{margin: auto ;max-width: 2560px }body > footer.pagewidth,body > header.pagewidth{padding: 0 calc(1.5rem + 1ex)}body > aside.carousel{position: sticky;position: -webkit-sticky;left: 0;float: left;/*border: var(--border);border-radius: 1ex;*/padding: 1rem;width: 38vw;height: var(--vbody)}body > main#home {height: var(--vbody);overflow-y: auto}body > main#home > aside#list-tags{top: 0;right:0;margin: 1rem auto;width: calc(100% - var(--golden-ratio));}#home #top{padding: 0 1rem}#home #list-posts{padding: 1rem;width: var(--golden-ratio)}div[role="feed"]{padding: 1ex;}.carousel .feed-item,#home .feed-item,hr.ldots{width: unset}#main-footer > .pagewidth {padding: 0 1ex}#duckduckgo,#i18n-menu > .on-plank,#more-menu > .on-plank,.pagefind-ui{margin-right: 1rem}#hasDuckDuckGo.pagewidth{padding-right: 1rem}#grain{display: none;}@media only screen and (max-width: 960px){body > footer,body > header{background: var(--bg)}body > aside.carousel{float: unset;margin: 0 1rem;padding: 1rem 0;width: unset}body > main#home{height: unset;overflow-y: unset}body > main#home > aside#list-tags{top: var(--vhead)}}@media only screen and (max-width: 640px){#main-footer > .pagewidth{padding: 0 calc(var(--void) / 2)}body > main#home > aside#list-tags{padding: unset;width: var(--canonic)}aside #list-posts .feed-item > section{flex-direction: row-reverse;aspect-ratio: 10/3}#home #list-posts{margin: var(--bigskip) auto;padding: unset;width: var(--canonic)}#list-posts .section-title{padding-left: unset}#duckduckgo,.pagefind-ui{margin-right: 1ex}}@media only screen and (max-width: 480px){aside #list-posts .feed-item > section{flex-direction: column;aspect-ratio: unset}} | |
</style> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end -}} | |
{{- define "aside" -}} | |
{{- $paginator := partial "partials/paginator.html" . }} | |
{{- $enableSlide := not site.Params.home.disableSlide }} | |
{{- if and .IsHome (not $paginator.HasPrev) $enableSlide}} | |
{{ partialCached "carousel.html" . }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end -}} | |
{{- define "top" -}} | |
{{- $paginator := partial "partials/paginator.html" . }} | |
{{- $enableListing := not site.Params.home.disableListing }} | |
{{- if not $paginator.HasPrev }} | |
{{- if .IsHome }} | |
{{- if $enableListing}} | |
{{- if and site.Taxonomies.series site.Taxonomies.categories }} | |
<div id="list-taxonomy" class="carousel"> | |
<div class="carousel__viewport"> | |
{{ partial "listing.html" (dict "entry" "series") }} | |
{{ partial "listing.html" (dict "entry" "categories") }} | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
{{- else }} | |
{{ partial "listing.html" (dict "entry" "series") }} | |
{{ partial "listing.html" (dict "entry" "categories") }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- with .Content }} | |
{{ partial "hero.html" $ }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- else }} | |
{{- if .IsSection }} | |
<div id="list-subsection" class="carousel"> | |
{{ partial "list/sections.html" (dict "class" "carousel__viewport" "cover" true "page" .) }} | |
</div> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- with .Content }} | |
{{ partial "hero.html" $ }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end -}} | |
{{- define "main" -}} | |
{{- $paginator := partial "partials/paginator.html" . }} | |
{{- $firstPage := not $paginator.HasPrev }} | |
{{- /* | |
frequency for content view style */}} | |
{{- $changeFreq := or .Params.Sitemap.ChangeFreq .Sitemap.ChangeFreq | lower }} | |
{{- $active := eq $changeFreq (or "always" "hourly" "daily" "weekly") }} | |
{{- $passive := ne $changeFreq (or "always" "hourly" "daily" "weekly") }} | |
{{- /* | |
main aside */}} | |
{{- if and site.Taxonomies.tags $firstPage (ne .Kind "term") }} | |
{{- if .IsHome }} | |
<aside id="list-tags"> | |
<header class="section-title"> | |
<strong>{{ i18n "discover" }}</strong> | |
</header> | |
{{ partial "taxonomies.html" (dict "taxonomy" "tags" "class" "rounded has-hash" "limit" 16) }} | |
<nav> | |
<a class="underline" href="{{ "/tags/" | relLangURL }}">{{- i18n "seeMore" }}</a> | |
</nav> | |
</aside> | |
{{- else if or (eq .Data.Singular "tag") .IsSection }} | |
<aside id="list-tags"> | |
<header class="section-title"> | |
<strong>{{ i18n "tags" }}</strong> | |
</header> | |
{{ partial "taxonomies.html" (dict "taxonomy" "tags" "class" "rounded has-hash") }} | |
</aside> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{/* | |
feed */}} | |
{{- if ne .Kind "taxonomy" }} | |
{{/* | |
if page don't have article */}} | |
{{- if eq (len $paginator.Pages) 0 }} | |
{{ template "no-content"}} | |
{{- else }} | |
<section id="list-posts" class="pagewidth"> | |
<header {{ with .Data.Singular }}id="{{ . }}"{{ end }} class="section-title"> | |
<strong> | |
{{- if .IsHome }} | |
{{- if $firstPage }} | |
{{ i18n "recent" $paginator.NumberOfElements }} | |
{{- else }} | |
{{ i18n "postsOn" $paginator.NumberOfElements }} {{ .Site.Title }} | |
{{ printf "- %s %d" (i18n "pages" 1) $paginator.PageNumber }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- else }} | |
{{- $title := .LinkTitle }} | |
{{- if eq (lower $title) (lower (i18n "posts" 1)) }} | |
{{- i18n "allPosts" }} | |
{{- if not $firstPage }} | |
{{- printf "- %s %d" (i18n "pages" 1) $paginator.PageNumber }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- else if eq (lower $title) (lower (i18n "articles" 1)) }} | |
{{- i18n "articles" }} | |
{{- else if eq .Data.Singular "author" }} | |
{{- i18n "postsBy" }}: {{- $title }} | |
{{- else }} | |
{{- i18n "postsOn" }}: <span class="{{ .Data.Singular }}">{{ $title }}</span> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
</strong> | |
</header> | |
{{- /* | |
list post */}} | |
{{- $liViewCondition := or (and $active (not .IsHome)) (and (eq .Kind "term") (eq .Data.Plural "series") ) }} | |
{{- if $liViewCondition }} | |
{{ template "li" . }} | |
{{- else }} | |
<div role="feed" aria-busy="false"> | |
{{- range $index, $page := $paginator.Pages }} | |
{{- $counter := add $index 1 }} | |
{{- $author := default }} | |
{{- $authors := .GetTerms "author" }} | |
{{- $categories := .GetTerms "categories" }} | |
{{- $desc := or .Params.Subtitle .Params.Description .Description .Summary }} | |
{{- $hasCover := partial "partials/page/cover.html" (dict "page" .) }} | |
{{- $alt := or .Params.Alt .Params.coverAlt .Params.imagesAlt }} | |
{{- if $index }}<hr class="ldots" role="presentation" aria-hidden="true">{{- end }} | |
{{ template "card" (dict "page" $page "paginator" $paginator "counter" $counter "desc" $desc "hasCover" $hasCover "alt" $alt "author" $author "authors" $authors) }} | |
{{- end }} | |
</div> | |
{{/* | |
paginator navigation */}} | |
{{- if or .Paginator.HasPrev .Paginator.HasNext }} | |
<hr class="hide"> | |
{{- partial "nav.html" (dict "navID" "pagination" "page" .) }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
</section> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- else }} | |
{{- if eq (index site.Taxonomies .Data.Plural | len) 0 }} | |
{{ template "no-content"}} | |
{{- else }} | |
{{- /* | |
taxonomy listing */}} | |
<section class="pagewidth"> | |
{{- if eq .Data.Singular "tag" }} | |
{{ partial "listing.html" (dict "entry" "series") }} | |
{{ partial "listing.html" (dict "entry" "categories") }} | |
{{- else if eq .Data.Singular "category" }} | |
{{ partial "listing.html" (dict "entry" "categories") }} | |
{{- else if eq .Data.Singular "series" }} | |
{{ partial "listing.html" (dict "entry" "series") }} | |
{{- else if eq .Data.Singular "author" }} | |
{{ partial "listing.html" (dict "entry" "author") }} | |
{{- end }} | |
</section> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end -}} | |
{{- define "li" -}} | |
{{- $descending := and (eq $.Kind "term") (eq $.Data.Plural "series")}} | |
{{- $yearGroup := .Data.Pages.GroupByDate "2006" }} | |
{{- if $descending }} | |
{{- $yearGroup = $yearGroup.Reverse }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- range $yearGroup }} | |
{{- $year := .Key }} | |
<div class="list-year {{ if $descending }}textwidth{{ end }}" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="{{ .Key }}"> | |
<strong id="{{ $year }}" class="section-title" role="heading" aria-level="1">{{ $year }}</strong> | |
<div role="list" aria-label="{{ $year }}"> | |
{{- $monthGroup := .Pages.GroupByDate "January" }} | |
{{- if $descending }} | |
{{ $monthGroup = $monthGroup.Reverse }} | |
{{ end }} | |
{{- range $monthGroup }} | |
{{- $month := .Key }} | |
{{- $postCounter := printf "(%d %s)" (len .Pages) (i18n "posts" (len .Pages)) }} | |
<div role="listitem" aria-labelledby="{{ print "y" $year "-" $month }}"> | |
<details aria-expanded="true" class="list-month" open> | |
<summary class="has-post section-title" id="{{ print "y" $year "-" $month }}" | |
role="heading" aria-level="2" aria-description="{{ $postCounter }}"> | |
{{- $month }} | |
</summary> | |
{{- $pageGroup := .Pages }} | |
{{- if $descending }} | |
{{- $pageGroup = $pageGroup.Reverse }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- with $pageGroup }} | |
<ul class="list-day" role="presentation"> | |
{{- range . }} | |
{{- $date := .Date.Format "2 Jan " }} | |
<li> | |
<a class="has-pre" href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" aria-description="{{ $date }}"> | |
<span>{{.Title}}</span> | |
</a> | |
</li> | |
{{- end }} | |
</ul> | |
{{- end }} | |
</details> | |
</div> | |
{{- end }} | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end -}} | |
{{- define "card" -}} | |
<article class="feed-item" | |
aria-posinset="{{ .counter }}" | |
aria-setsize="{{ .paginator.NumberOfElements }}" | |
aria-labelledby="{{ printf "title-%d" .counter }}" | |
aria-describedby="{{ printf "desc-%d" .counter }}"> | |
<hgroup> | |
<div> | |
<span> | |
{{- if .authors }} | |
{{- if eq (len .authors) 1 }} | |
{{- range .authors }} | |
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a> | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- else }} | |
{{ partial "terms.html" (dict "taxonomy" "author" "class" "delimiter" "page" .page) }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- else }} | |
{{- with .author }}<span>{{ . }}</span>{{ end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- if .page.Params.categories }} | |
<span>{{ i18n "in" | lower }}</span> | |
{{- if eq (len .page.Params.categories) 1 }} | |
{{ partial "terms.html" (dict "taxonomy" "categories" "class" "inline" "page" .page ) }} | |
{{ else }} | |
{{ partial "terms.html" (dict "taxonomy" "categories" "class" "delimiter" "page" .page ) }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
</span> | |
<!-- hfill --> | |
{{ partial "page/timestamp.html" .page }} | |
</div> | |
<h1 id="{{ printf "title-%d" .counter }}">{{ .page.Title }}</h1> | |
</hgroup> | |
<a class="underline" href="{{ .page.RelPermalink }}" aria-label="{{ .page.Title }}"></a> | |
{{ $useFlowlines := site.Params.Feed.Flowlines }} | |
<section {{ if or .hasCover $useFlowlines }}class="has-cover"{{ end }}> | |
{{- if .hasCover }} | |
<img src={{ .hasCover }} alt="{{ if .alt }}{{ . }}{{ else }}{{ i18n "featuredImg"}}: .page.Title{{ end }}" loading="lazy"> | |
{{- else if $useFlowlines }} | |
{{- $src := partial "partials/flowlines.html" . }} | |
{{- $pseudoRandomPos := printf "object-position: %d%% %d%%" (index (seq 81 | shuffle) 11) (index (seq 80 | shuffle) 12) }} | |
<img class="flowlines" src="{{ $src }}" alt="" style="{{ $pseudoRandomPos }}" loading="lazy"> | |
{{- end }} | |
<div class="par" id="{{ printf "desc-%d" .counter }}"> | |
{{- plainify .desc }} | |
</div> | |
</section> | |
<footer> | |
<span class="readingTime"> | |
{{- printf "%d %s" .page.ReadingTime (i18n "readingTime" .page.ReadingTime | lower ) }} | |
</span> | |
<!-- hfill --> | |
{{- if .page.Params.tags }} | |
{{ partial "terms.html" (dict "taxonomy" "tags" "class" "rounded invert ldots" "page" .page) }} | |
{{- else }} | |
<div class="baselineskip" role="presentation"></div> | |
{{- end }} | |
</footer> | |
</article> | |
{{- end -}} | |
{{- define "no-content" -}} | |
<div style="display: flex; height: var(--vbody);"> | |
<div class="hero" style="margin: auto; width: var(--canonic);"> | |
<div class="hero__image"> | |
<img src="" alt="Not today, maybe tomorow..." decoding="async"> | |
</div> | |
<div class="hero__content"> | |
<h1 style="font-style: normal;">{{ i18n "noArticle" }}</h1> | |
<p>{{ i18n "noArticlePost" }}</p> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
{{- end -}} |