# Please feel free to contribute to additional translation. | |
# Copy this file and rename it to your language code. | |
# Then translate the values. | |
[404PageNotFound] | |
other = "Page Not Found" | |
[404Alert] | |
other = "This page intentionally redirect" | |
[404ReturnHome] | |
other = "back to homepage" | |
[accessibility] | |
other = "Accessibility" | |
[accessTime] | |
other = "This page is accessed on" | |
[allPosts] | |
other = "All posts" | |
[appearance] | |
other = "Appearance" | |
[articles] | |
one = "Article" | |
other = "Articles" | |
[author] | |
one = "Author" | |
other = "Authors" | |
[back] | |
other = "Go Back" | |
[baselineStretch] | |
other = "Baseline Stretch" | |
[bionRead] | |
other = "BionRead Mode" | |
[breadcrumb] | |
other = "Breadcrumb" | |
[buildTime] | |
other = "This page is built on" | |
[bypass] | |
other = "Bypass Navigation" | |
[categories] | |
one = "Category" | |
other = "Categories" | |
[close] | |
other = "Close" | |
[coffeeStat] | |
other = "Coffee Stat" | |
[coffeeCount] | |
other = "Making this website has taken at least " | |
[coffeeCountPost] | |
other = ", if not more." | |
[colophon] | |
other = "Colophon" | |
[colorPalette] | |
other = "Color Palette" | |
[colorSettings] | |
other = "Color Settings" | |
[comments] | |
other = "Discussion" | |
[contrast] | |
other = "Contrast" | |
[contrib] | |
other = "Contribute" | |
[contribAskReader] | |
other = "Enjoy this article?" | |
[contribAskReaderResponse] | |
other = "Awesome!" | |
[contribAskReaderToContribute] | |
other = "You can also support me by making the following contributions:" | |
[contribCoffeeStat] | |
other = "Did you know that" | |
[contribCoffeeStatPost] | |
other = "helped me write this article?" | |
[copy] | |
other = "Copy Url" | |
[ctaComments] | |
other = "Join Discussion" | |
[cup] | |
one = "Cup of coffee" | |
other = "Cups of coffee" | |
[dark] | |
other = "Dark" | |
[darkMode] | |
other = "Dark Mode" | |
[date_long] | |
other = "January 2, 2006" | |
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other = "Default" | |
[defaultContrast] | |
other = "Default" | |
[deuteranopia] | |
other = "Deuteranopia" | |
[discover] | |
other = "Discover Topics" | |
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other = "Edited By" | |
[email] | |
other = "Email" | |
[featuredImg] | |
other = "Featured image" | |
[fediverseIsLoading] | |
other = "Loading comments on Fediverse" | |
[FediverseReplies] | |
one = "Reply" | |
other = "Replies" | |
[FediverseReblogs] | |
one = "Reblog" | |
other = "Reblogs" | |
[FediverseFavourites] | |
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other = "Favourites" | |
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other = "Follow with RSS" | |
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other = "Font Size" | |
[home] | |
other = "home" | |
[in] | |
other = "in" | |
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other = "in new tab" | |
[keepInTouch] | |
other = "Let's keep in touch!" | |
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other = "Low" | |
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other = "Light" | |
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other = "Main Menu" | |
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other = "Additional Notes" | |
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other = "Modified" | |
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other = "Monochrome" | |
[more] | |
other = "More Menu" | |
[moreContrast] | |
other = "High" | |
[next] | |
other = "Next" | |
[nav] | |
other = "Navigation" | |
[noArticle] | |
other = "No articles to show." | |
[noArticlePost] | |
other = "It appears that our author ran out of coffee... Keep calm, we'll brew one shortly!" | |
[noComment] | |
other = "No comments to display." | |
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other = "Uh-oh... Javascript is disabled!" | |
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other = "LocalStorage is not available in your browser. Settings won't be saved." | |
[note] | |
other = "Note" | |
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other = "On" | |
[OpenDyslexic] | |
other = "Use OpenDyslexic Font" | |
[pages] | |
one = "Page" | |
other = "Pages" | |
[pagination] | |
other = "Pagination" | |
[posts] | |
one = "Post" | |
other = "Posts" | |
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other = "Post by" | |
[postsOn] | |
other = "Posts on" | |
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other = "Previous" | |
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other = "Print" | |
[protanopia] | |
other = "Protanopia" | |
[published] | |
other = "Published" | |
[readingTime] | |
other = "Min read" | |
[recent] | |
other = "Recent Posts" | |
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other = "Redaction History" | |
[redactionNotes] | |
other = "Some information might changes over time, we keep redaction up to date." | |
[related] | |
other = "You might also like" | |
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other = "Reset" | |
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other = "Reviewed By" | |
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other = "Save" | |
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other = "Search" | |
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other = "See all" | |
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other = "Explore more topics" | |
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other = "Section" | |
[selectLang] | |
other = "Language Selections" | |
[series] | |
other = "Series" | |
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other = "Share" | |
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other = "Share on" | |
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other = "Switch Language to" | |
[TableOfContents] | |
other = "Table of Contents" | |
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one = "Tag" | |
other = "Tags" | |
[toContent] | |
other = "Skip to Main Content" | |
[toTop] | |
other = "To Content Top" | |
[top-nav] | |
other = "Top Nav" | |
[tritanopia] | |
other = "Tritanopia" |