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# Please feel free to contribute to additional translation.
# Copy this file and rename it to your language code.
# Then translate the values.
other = "Page Not Found"
other = "This page intentionally redirect"
other = "back to homepage"
other = "Accessibility"
other = "This page is accessed on"
other = "All posts"
other = "Appearance"
one = "Article"
other = "Articles"
one = "Author"
other = "Authors"
other = "Go Back"
other = "Baseline Stretch"
other = "BionRead Mode"
other = "Breadcrumb"
other = "This page is built on"
other = "Bypass Navigation"
one = "Category"
other = "Categories"
other = "Close"
other = "Coffee Stat"
other = "Making this website has taken at least "
other = ", if not more."
other = "Colophon"
other = "Color Palette"
other = "Color Settings"
other = "Discussion"
other = "Contrast"
other = "Contribute"
other = "Enjoy this article?"
other = "Awesome!"
other = "You can also support me by making the following contributions:"
other = "Did you know that"
other = "helped me write this article?"
other = "Copy Url"
other = "Join Discussion"
one = "Cup of coffee"
other = "Cups of coffee"
other = "Dark"
other = "Dark Mode"
other = "January 2, 2006"
other = "Default"
other = "Default"
other = "Deuteranopia"
other = "Discover Topics"
other = "Edited By"
other = "Email"
other = "Featured image"
other = "Loading comments on Fediverse"
one = "Reply"
other = "Replies"
one = "Reblog"
other = "Reblogs"
one = "Favourites"
other = "Favourites"
other = "Follow with RSS"
other = "Font Size"
other = "home"
other = "in"
other = "in new tab"
other = "Let's keep in touch!"
other = "Low"
other = "Light"
other = "Main Menu"
other = "Additional Notes"
other = "Accessibility Menu Controls"
other = "Modified"
other = "Monochrome"
other = "More Menu"
other = "High"
other = "Next"
other = "Navigation"
other = "No articles to show."
other = "It appears that our author ran out of coffee... Keep calm, we'll brew one shortly!"
other = "No comments to display."
other = "Uh-oh... Javascript is disabled!"
other = "LocalStorage is not available in your browser. Settings won't be saved."
other = "Note"
other = "On"
other = "Use OpenDyslexic Font"
one = "Page"
other = "Pages"
other = "Pagination"
one = "Post"
other = "Posts"
other = "Post by"
other = "Posts on"
other = "Previous"
other = "Print"
other = "Protanopia"
other = "Published"
other = "Min read"
other = "Recent Posts"
other = "Redaction History"
other = "Some information might changes over time, we keep redaction up to date."
other = "You might also like"
other = "Reset"
other = "Reviewed By"
other = "Save"
other = "Search"
other = "See all"
other = "Explore more topics"
other = "Section"
other = "Language Selections"
other = "Series"
other = "Share"
other = "Share on"
other = "Switch Language to"
other = "Table of Contents"
one = "Tag"
other = "Tags"
other = "Skip to Main Content"
other = "To Content Top"
other = "Top Nav"
other = "Tritanopia"