## Base URL for the site | |
baseURL = '' | |
## Site title | |
title = 'Example' | |
## Use hugo-brewm theme | |
theme = 'hugo-brewm' | |
## Enable Git information for pages, (e.g. lastMod date information) | |
enableGitInfo = true | |
## Convert all URLs to absolute URLs | |
canonifyURLs = true | |
## Default language for content | |
defaultContentLanguage = 'en' | |
## Put default language in subdirectory | |
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true | |
## Show placeholder for missing translations | |
enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders = true | |
## Use sections for main menu | |
# sectionPagesMenu = 'main' | |
## Files to ignore when building site | |
ignoreFiles = [ '\.redacted', '\.old','\.bak', '\.tmp', '\.swp', '\.DS_Store'] | |
## Errors to ignore in logs | |
# ignoreLogs = ['err-youtube-remote'] | |
## Copyright notice | |
copyright = 'Copyright 2025 (c) Foxxi' | |
## Front matter field configurations | |
[frontmatter] | |
## Publication date fields | |
date = [':default'] | |
## Expiry date fields | |
expiryDate = ['expiryDate', 'unpublishdate', ':default'] | |
## Last modified date fields | |
lastmod = ['lastmod', ':default'] ## ":fileModTime" | |
## Markup configuration | |
[markup] | |
## Table of contents settings | |
[markup.tableOfContents] | |
## Minimum heading level to include | |
startLevel = 2 | |
## Maximum heading level to include | |
endLevel = 3 | |
## Use ordered list for TOC | |
ordered = false | |
## Code highlighting settings | |
[markup.highlight] | |
## Enable code fence highlighting | |
codeFences = true | |
## Lines to highlight | |
hl_Lines = "" | |
## Starting line number | |
lineNoStart = 1 | |
## Show line numbers | |
lineNos = false | |
## Put line numbers in table | |
lineNumbersInTable = true | |
## Use classes for styling | |
noClasses = false | |
## Width of tab character | |
tabWidth = 4 | |
## Goldmark markdown processor settings | |
[markup.goldmark] | |
[markup.goldmark.renderer] | |
## Allow HTML in markdown | |
unsafe = true | |
## Sitemap configuration | |
[sitemap] | |
## Change frequency setting (will affect posts listings layout): 'always', 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'never' | |
# changeFreq = 'monthly' | |
## Disable sitemap generation | |
# disable = false | |
## Output filename | |
# filename = 'sitemap.xml' | |
## Priority setting | |
# priority = -1 | |
## RSS configuration | |
[services.rss] | |
## Limit RSS item | |
limit = -1 | |
## Taxonomy configuration | |
[taxonomies] | |
## Category taxonomy | |
category = "categories" | |
## Tag taxonomy | |
tag = "tags" | |
## Series taxonomy | |
series = "series" | |
## Site parameters | |
[params] | |
## Site title | |
title = "Example" | |
## Site description | |
description = "An ExampleSite built with Hugo and Hugo-Brewm theme" | |
## Copyright notice | |
copyright = "Copyright 2025 (c) Foxxi" | |
## Enable extended metadata (social cards) | |
extMeta = true | |
## Enable coffee metric | |
coffeeStat = true | |
## Author information | |
[] | |
## site author's name | |
name = 'Author Name' | |
## Author's email (will be used for RSS feed) | |
email = '[email protected]' | |
## Co-authors information (optional) | |
coauthor = [ | |
{name = "A.N. Other", bio = "This quick paragraph is written in site configuration (hugo.toml). Therefore, no markdown support. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."} | |
] | |
## Comments configuration | |
[params.comments] | |
## Disable comments (disable fediverse comments) | |
disabled = false | |
## Comment platform selection, currently only 'fediverse' is supported, further options to be determined | |
# platform = 'fediverse' | |
## Fediverse integration settings | |
[params.fediverse] | |
## Fediverse instance URL | |
# instance = '' | |
## Fediverse username | |
# username = 'username' | |
## Logo configuration | |
[params.logo] | |
## Light mode logo mark | |
# logoMark = '' | |
## Dark mode logo mark | |
# logoMarkDark = '' | |
## Enable logo type | |
logoType = true | |
## Feed display settings | |
[params.feed] | |
## Enable flowlines | |
flowlines = true | |
## Limit number of flowlines | |
flowlinesLimit = 21 | |
## Home page display settings | |
[params.home] | |
## Enable slide carousel | |
disableSlide = false | |
## Enable taxonomy listing carousel | |
disableListing = false | |
## Post display settings | |
[params.posts] | |
## Enable text justification | |
justifying = false | |
## Disable paragraph indentation | |
noIndent = false | |
## Show colophon section (including QR code) | |
colophon = true | |
## disable redaction history | |
disableHistory = false | |
## SHow related content | |
related = true | |
## Show share buttons | |
share = true | |
## Search configuration | |
[] | |
## Enable search functionality, use duckduckgo (no javascript) | |
enable = true | |
## Use pagefind search when javascript enabled, currently only 'pagefind' is supported, further options to be determined | |
pagefind = true | |
## Typography settings | |
[params.typeface] | |
## Use web safe fonts (will overide font selection below) | |
webSafe = false | |
## Serif font selection | |
roman = 'crimson' | |
## Sans-serif font selection | |
sans = 'inter' | |
## use typeface stored in local server (pleaase download font's uri first) | |
localHost = false | |
## Extended Metadata and Social card configuration | |
[params.socialCard] | |
## Enable twitter and opengraph social cards (same .params.extMeta setting) | |
enable = true | |
## Default social card image | |
# image = "img/social-share.jpg" ## recommended resolution: 1200 x 630px | |
## Enable Twitter cards | |
# twitter = true | |
## Twitter creator handle | |
# twitterCreator = "@username" | |
## Twitter site handle | |
# twitterSite = "@username" | |
## Enable OpenGraph | |
# opengraph = true | |
## Facebook App ID | |
# facebookAppID = "123456789" | |
## Facebook Admin ID | |
# facebookAdmin = "USER_ID" | |
## (only meta, not fully supported) | |
# schema = true | |
## JsonLD (cannot validate permalink) | |
# jsonLD = true |