dev / assets /js /bionread.js
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// make sure the switch unchecked on reload
getElement('useBionRead').className = '';
bionReadSwitch.checked = false;
// define the function
function bionRead() {
// define capture and restore environment variable
const bionReadMainContent = getElement('content');
const bionReadSnapshot = getElement('bionReadSnapshot');
if (!bionReadMainContent || !bionReadSnapshot) {
console.error('Required elements not found');
// switch conditioning
if (bionReadSwitch.checked) {
// capture snapshot
bionReadSnapshot.innerHTML = bionReadMainContent.innerHTML;
// split words into 'anchored' and 'floated' part
const safeElements = getElements('[data-bionRead-safe]');
safeElements.forEach(element => {
const targetElements = element.querySelectorAll('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, p, a, li, blockquote');
targetElements.forEach(el => {
const words = el.innerText.split(' ');
const processedWords = => {
const length = word.length;
if (length === 1) return `<b class=k>${word}</b>`;
const midPoint = Math.ceil(length / 2);
return word
.map((char, index) => index < midPoint ? `<b k>${char}</b>` : char)
el.innerHTML = processedWords.join(' ');
// make 'floated' text slices less contrast
htmlSty.setProperty('--fg', lightSwitch.checked ? '#333' : '#ccc');
// make 'anchored' text slices a bit weighted
htmlSty.setProperty('--bion', '0.028em');
} else {
// restore snapshot
bionReadMainContent.innerHTML = bionReadSnapshot.innerHTML;
// purge snapshot
bionReadSnapshot.innerHTML = '';
// restore style
// reset color settings