File size: 4,459 Bytes
bc8bf33 |
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{{ "<!-- fediverse.html -->" | safeHTML }}
{{- $instance := .instance }}
{{- $user := .user }}
{{- $post := .post }}
{{- $tootContent := .tootContent }}
{{- $commentUrl := .commentUrl }}
<details id="comments" class="presentation" aria-label="{{ i18n "comments" }}" open>
<summary class="section-title" role="button" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="mastodon-comments-list">
<span>{{ i18n "comments" }}</span>
<code class="verbose" aria-hidden="true" hidden>
<div class="has-aria-label-top" aria-label="Source:">
<span>https://</span><span id="metadata-instance">{{ $instance }}</span>
<span>/@</span><span id="metadata-user">{{ $user }}</span>
<span>/</span><span id="metadata-post">{{ $post }}</span>
<div id="i18n--no-comment" class="has-aria-label-top" aria-label="[l10n] if no comment to display:">
{{- i18n "noComment" -}}
<div id="i18n--is-loading" class="has-aria-label-top loading" aria-label="[l10n] if comments is loading:">
{{- i18n "fediverseIsLoading" -}}
<div id="i18n--is-replies" class="has-aria-label-top" aria-label="[l10n] replies:">
{{- i18n "replies" }}
<div id="i18n--is-reblogs" class="has-aria-label-top" aria-label="[l10n] reblogs:">
{{- i18n "reblogs" }}
<div id="i18n--is-favourites" class="has-aria-label-top" aria-label="[l10n] favorites:">
{{- i18n "favourites" }}
<article id="discussion-starter">
<div data-pagefind-body>{{ $tootContent | safeHTML }}</div>
<a id="join-discussion" href="{{ $commentUrl }}" rel="nofollow" data-post-counter="">
<span>{{ i18n "ctaComments" }}</span>
<div id="mastodon-stats" class="stat" aria-live="polite"></div>
<div id="mastodon-comments-list" role="feed" aria-busy="true" aria-label="{{ i18n "comments" }}"></div>
<div id="comments-error" role="alert">{{ i18n "noScript" }} {{ i18n "noComment" }}</div>
{{ partialCached "partials/fediverse/js.html" . }}
{{/*-------------------- end of fediverse.html ---------------------*/}}
{{- define "partials/fediverse/js.html" -}}
{{ "<!-- fediverse/js.html -->" | safeHTML }}
<script src="" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"
integrity="sha512-uHOKtSfJWScGmyyFr2O2+efpDx2nhwHU2v7MVeptzZoiC7bdF6Ny/CmZhN2AwIK1oCFiVQQ5DA/L9FSzyPNu6Q==" crossorigin="anonymous" ></script>
{{- $fediverse := resources.Get "js/fediverse.js" | minify }}
{{- if eq hugo.Environment "development" }}
<script src="{{ $fediverse.Permalink }}" defer></script>
{{- else }}
{{- with $fediverse | fingerprint "sha384" }}
<script src="{{ $fediverse.Permalink }}"
integrity="{{ .Data.Integrity }}" crossorigin="anonymous"
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "partials/fediverse/instance.html" -}}
{{- $instance := or .Params.Fediverse.Host .Params.Fediverse.Instance site.Params.fediverse.instance }}
{{- $commentUrl := or .Params.toot .Params.comment }}
{{- if $commentUrl }}
{{- $toot := split (replaceRE "^https?://" "" .Params.toot) "/" }}
{{- $instance = index $toot 0 }}
{{- end }}
{{- return $instance }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "partials/fediverse/username.html" -}}
{{- $username := or .Params.Fediverse.User .Params.Fediverse.Username site.Params.fediverse.username site.Params.fediverse.user }}
{{- $commentUrl := or .Params.toot .Params.comment }}
{{- if $commentUrl }}
{{- $toot := split (replaceRE "^https?://" "" .Params.toot) "/" }}
{{- $username = trim (index $toot 1) "@" }}
{{- end }}
{{- return $username }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "partials/fediverse/post.html" -}}
{{- $post := or }}
{{- $commentUrl := or .Params.toot .Params.comment }}
{{- if $commentUrl }}
{{- $toot := split (replaceRE "^https?://" "" .Params.toot) "/" }}
{{- $post = index $toot 2 }}
{{- end }}
{{- return $post }}
{{- end }} |