import streamlit as st from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu from pymongo import MongoClient import os from home import dashboard if 'user' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['user'] = "Guest" # Connecting to MongoDB uri = os.environ["MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING"] client = MongoClient(uri, tlsCertificateKeyFile="database/cert.pem") db = client["myapp"] col = db["users"] # Checking connectiong to database try: client.admin.command('ping') print("Connection Established Successfully!") except Exception as e: print(f"Not Connected: {e}") def Signup(): username = st.text_input("Username") password = st.text_input("Password", type="password") confpass = st.text_input("Confirm Password", type="password") newuser = { "username": username,"password": password } if st.button("Signup"): if password == confpass: col.insert_one({"username": username, "password": password}) st.write("You are Registered Sucessfully") else: "Password do not match" def Login(): username = st.text_input("username") password = st.text_input("Password") if st.button("Login"): allusers = list(col.find()) for anyuser in allusers: if username == anyuser["username"] and password == anyuser["password"]: st.success("You are logged in") st.session_state["user"] = "isuser" st.experimental_rerun() else: st.error("Your username or password do not match") def main(): if st.session_state["user"] == "Guest": with st.sidebar: selected = option_menu("Menu", ["Login", "Signup"], icons = ["house", "person"]) if selected == "Login": Login() elif selected == "Signup": Signup() elif st.session_state["user"] == "isuser": dashboard() main()